Noting that
Slay Bells (account age 709 days, site membership 707 days) recently coldposted the following page, which has multiple indicators of AI-generation:
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|item-number= 8150
|clearance= 4
|container-class= esoteric
|secondary-class= tiamat
|disruption-class= ekhi
|risk-class= critical
**Item #:** SCP-8121
**Object Class:** Tiamat
**Special Containment Procedures:** Infected individuals (designated as SCP-8121-1) are to be contained in individual, non-reflective containment cells located at Site-102. These cells must be devoid of any reflective surfaces, including mirrors, glass, polished metals, and any other materials capable of producing a reflection.
Containment cells are to be equipped with the following:
Surveillance cameras with anti-reflective lenses to prevent accidental transmission.
Humidity control to prevent condensation, which could create reflective surfaces.
Minimal furnishings to reduce the risk of creating unintended reflective surfaces.
Personnel interacting with SCP-8121-1 instances must wear non-reflective protective gear and are to avoid direct eye contact with the infected individuals. Psychological support is to be provided to all infected individuals to help manage the stress and fear induced by SCP-8121.
In the event of a containment breach, Mobile Task Force Psi-8 ("Speculum Enforcers") is to be deployed to re-establish containment. Any reflective surfaces in areas frequented by SCP-8121-1 instances are to be immediately neutralized or removed.
**Description:** SCP-8121, designated "Mirror Madness," is a memetic anomaly affecting individuals through a specific series of nightmares. The phenomenon begins with victims dreaming they are trapped in their own homes at night. In these dreams, all doors and windows are missing, along with any furniture and technology except for lights, leaving only the largest mirror in the house.
The mirror, devoid of the victim's reflection, displays a field of bodies and an indistinct, moving entity. Over successive nights, the victim notices an unfamiliar, attractive woman hiding in the corner of the mirror's reflection. After approximately one month, the woman starts moving closer, ceasing to hide and instead smiling and attempting to pull the victim into the mirror to be devoured.
The infection can transfer to the last person who shared a reflective surface with the previous host. Multiple individuals can be infected simultaneously. If only one person is infected and there is no one else for the anomaly to jump to, SCP-8121 prolongs the host's life, increasing the intensity of the nightmares. If the host is killed, the infection reverts to the last mirror the infected individual contacted; if that mirror is broken, it moves to the next available mirror, and so on.
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**Date:** 22/5/23
**Interviewed:** [REDACTED]
**Interviewer:** Dr. Greene
**Foreword:** Prior to this interview, Dr. Greene noticed [REDACTED] acting more disturbed than usual with significantly more erratic behaviour.
**<Begin Log>**
**Dr. Greene:** Can you describe the nightmares you've been having?
**[REDACTED]:** (Visibly shaken) They started a month ago. I'm trapped in my house, but it isn't right. No doors, no windows, just lights and... that damned mirror.
**Dr. Greene:** The mirror. What do you see in it?
**[REDACTED]:** At first, just bodies. Piles of them. And something moving, lurking. But I can't see myself, not my reflection.
**Dr. Greene:** And this figure you mentioned, can you describe it?
**[REDACTED]:** A woman. Beautiful, but in a way that chills you to the bone. At first, she hid, watching. Now, she's coming closer. Smiling. Reaching for me. (Shudders) I know she's going to take me.
**Dr. Greene:** How do you feel now?
**[REDACTED]:** Terrified, but... resigned. I can't escape her. The dreams... they keep getting worse. But now, at least, finally I can rest. (Eyes flutter shut, and subject expires suddenly)
**<End Log>**
**Addendum 2: Followup Discoveries:**
Shortly after this interview, Dr. Samuel Greene exhibited symptoms consistent with SCP-8121 infection, despite no direct contact with reflective surfaces. It was later determined that SCP-8121 can also transmit through the reflection in an infected person's eyes.
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Excerpts of note:
Containment cells are to be equipped with the following:
Surveillance cameras with anti-reflective lenses to prevent accidental transmission.
Humidity control to prevent condensation, which could create reflective surfaces.
Minimal furnishings to reduce the risk of creating unintended reflective surfaces.
Personnel interacting with SCP-8121-1 instances must wear non-reflective protective gear and are to avoid direct eye contact with the infected individuals. Psychological support is to be provided to all infected individuals to help manage the stress and fear induced by SCP-8121.
Addendum 2: Followup Discoveries:
Shortly after this interview, Dr. Samuel Greene exhibited symptoms consistent with SCP-8121 infection, despite no direct contact with reflective surfaces. It was later determined that SCP-8121 can also transmit through the reflection in an infected person's eyes.
Also, note mismatch of US/UK spelling, "neutralized" vs. "behaviour".
The user's only page edits are formatting changes (mostly struggling with divs); their last sandbox edit was in January 2023. They have no recent forum posts; their only forum activity was a single thread in 2022 that did not follow guidelines, twice:
Membership revoked, PM sent.