On 3 DEC 2024, user laxt_z (discord ID 889171310855462964, wikidot DrSpear) was banned for posting a racist idea pitch. Due to the nature of this ban and for future reference, the pitch in question has been logged below.
Witnessed by Fly, Anky, Aster, Nico, Queer.
This was a non-standard escalation that was signed off on by AstersQuill, observing Discord Crit captain in Pedagon's absence.
Seeking Greenlights: Yes
Page Type: SCP Article
Elevator Pitch: The Balkans is an anomalous area of land that causes the inhabitants to grow violent tendencies and change them to only seek out destruction and death
Central Narrative: The area known as the Balkans or formally Yugoslavia is an anomalous area of land that inhabitants have been changed by the anomalous Land causing them to differ from regular humans to becoming violent death seeking versions. That's main goal is to spread the influence and the land around them till everyone is part of the Balkans currently they are fighting within and with each other causing the spread to be minimal to none but but special containers procedures are to take any person that leaves the Balkan area and try to convert them into normal human tendencies. Anyone is to enter then try to leave at Time no matter how long they have been in the area are to be killed on site bodies then loaded up on and rocket then launched into the Sun
Additional Notes I typed this out on mobile. So sorry if there's any grammar or spelling errors and remember do not visit the BALKANS