Noting that 4n_ton does not match any existing user name (account now deleted) recently coldposted the following page, which contains several common hallmarks of AI-generation:
[[module Rate]]
[[include :scp-wiki:theme:basalt themesetting|darkmode=a]]
[[include :scp-wiki:component:anomaly-class-bar-source
|item-number= 8206
|clearance= 3
|container-class= euclid
|secondary-class= none
|disruption-class= vlam
|risk-class= warning
[[include component:image-block
| caption=SCP-8206 at time of discovery.
| width=400px
| align=right]]
**Item #:** 8206
**Object Class:** Euclid
**Special Containment Procedures:** SCP-8206 is housed in a standard anomalous item containment locker within Site-██. Access is restricted to personnel with Level 3 clearance or higher, and all interaction must be logged and approved by at least one Level 4 personnel. Direct contact with SCP-8206 is strictly prohibited unless approved for testing.
During testing, the containment chamber must be monitored via closed-circuit cameras, and no fewer than two armed guards are to be stationed outside the chamber. Any signs of abnormal auditory phenomena coming from SCP-8206 are to be reported to Site Command immediately. Under no circumstances are personnel to repeat or mimic sounds made by SCP-8206.
**Description:** SCP-8206 is a small, antique brass gramophone, measuring approximately 35 cm in height and 28 cm in width. Despite its age, SCP-8206 is in pristine condition, with no visible signs of wear or damage. The object lacks a visible power source but functions autonomously when a record is placed on its turntable.
SCP-8206's anomalous properties manifest when it is played. Upon activation, SCP-8206 emits a sound that resembles a low, resonant hum. Subjects within a 10 meter radius report experiencing vivid auditory hallucinations, often described as layered voices speaking in unison. These voices vary in tone, language, and content, with no clear pattern or source.
Prolonged exposure to SCP-8206's audio effects (>five minutes) results in increased psychological stress and erratic behavior. Subjects often begin mimicking the sounds emitted by SCP-8206, with increasing accuracy over time. This mimicry invariably escalates into uncontrollable vocalizations, during which subjects repeat fragments of phrases heard within the auditory hallucinations. These phrases are frequently unintelligible or in languages unknown to the subject.
Continued exposure results in a final stage of SCP-8206's anomalous effect, wherein the subject becomes incapable of independent speech, instead serving as a "conduit" for the voices produced by SCP-8206. Attempts to communicate with subjects in this state have yielded limited results, as responses are often incoherent or unrelated to the questions asked. Recovery from this state is currently considered impossible.
[[collapsible show="+ Discovery Log" hide="- Discovery Log"]]
> **Discovery Log**
> SCP-8206 was discovered in a rural estate in ██████, England, following reports of unexplained disappearances and unusual sounds coming from the property. Foundation agents recovered SCP-8206 from the attic, surrounded by a circle of discarded phonograph records and human skeletal remains.
> Testing of the recovered records revealed no anomalous properties, suggesting that the phenomena are unique to SCP-8206 itself. Interviews with local residents indicate that the property's previous occupants were reclusive collectors of antiquities, though records show no indication of their acquisition of SCP-8206.
[[collapsible show="+ Experiment Log 8206-07" hide="- Experiment Log 8206-07"]]
> **Experiment Log 8206-07**
> D-9921 was instructed to activate SCP-8206 and describe any auditory phenomena. Testing duration: 10 minutes.
> * 00:01: SCP-8206 emits a low hum. D-9921 reports hearing faint whispers.
> * 00:03: Whispers intensify, forming distinct words in what D-9921 identifies as Latin.
> * 00:06: Subject begins repeating words in Latin, despite no prior knowledge of the language.
> * 00:08: Vocalizations become erratic. D-9921 appears distressed, stating: "They are inside my head."
> * 00:10: Testing terminated. D-9921 exhibits an inability to speak independently, repeating fragments of Latin phrases constantly.
[[collapsible show="+ Incident Report 8206-02" hide="- Incident Report 8206-02"]]
> **Incident Report 8206-02**
> On ██/██/20██, Researcher ███████ violated testing protocols by activating SCP-8206 without authorization. Surveillance footage shows the researcher placing a blank record on SCP-8206's turntable, prompting the device to emit a high-pitched tone followed by sustained silence.
> Approximately 15 seconds later, Researcher ███████ began to vocalize an unknown chant, causing all personnel within a 50-meter radius to experience dizziness and auditory disorientation. MTF Eta-11 was deployed to contain the situation.
> Upon recovery, Researcher ███████ was found unresponsive, exhibiting the same symptoms as previous test subjects. No blank records are to be introduced to SCP-8206 under any circumstances.
[[collapsible show="+ Theories and Ongoing Research" hide="- Theories and Ongoing Research"]]
> **Theories and Ongoing Research**
> Research into SCP-8206's origin is ongoing. Analysis of its construction indicates it predates modern gramophone designs, with materials that do not match any known manufacturing methods. Hypotheses suggest SCP-8206 may function as a form of dimensional or temporal bridge, allowing communication with entities beyond normal perception. Further testing is pending approval.
[[include :scp-wiki:component:license-box]]
> **Filename:**
> **Name:** Antique HMV gramophone- phonograph- record player
> **Author:** Amitbalani
> **License:** CC0
> **Source Link:**
[[include :scp-wiki:component:license-box-end]]
Excerpts of note:
Description: SCP-8206 is a small, antique brass gramophone, measuring approximately 35 cm in height and 28 cm in width. Despite its age, SCP-8206 is in pristine condition, with no visible signs of wear or damage. The object lacks a visible power source but functions autonomously when a record is placed on its turntable.
Theories and Ongoing Research
Research into SCP-8206's origin is ongoing. Analysis of its construction indicates it predates modern gramophone designs, with materials that do not match any known manufacturing methods. Hypotheses suggest SCP-8206 may function as a form of dimensional or temporal bridge, allowing communication with entities beyond normal perception. Further testing is pending approval.
Upon the discussion receiving comments that the page was clearly AI-generated, the user deleted their account.