Going to keep it real…
Articles like this are, in my humble opinion, the main reason why the wiki should have stopped accepting SCP-001 entries several years ago. Lock the door; bolt the damn thing shut. Each time a new proposal rears its head, the importance of the designation is further diluted, ran into the ground, effectively dragging every other proposal further from what they originally represented.
Proposals need to set themselves apart from everything else on the wiki, thematically. After I read one, I should to have my outlook on the Foundation, humanity, or the world challenged or changed in some manner, but this one ain't doing it for me.
Heck, even if this wasn't trying to be a proposal, there's a lot of problems with this page from the get go.
Description: This document was developed by Me, Myself, and I
You mean to tell me that the document was writen by the person who is writing it? Wowsers, what mind-blowing information!
and is currently considered the most effective form of relevant risk mitigation. SCP-001 happened again.
Risk mitigation for what? And just so you know, the special containment procedures go above the description. No, this SCP isn't so special that it deserves to violate the established document format without proper explanation. What's even worse is that this "description" doesn't even describe the anomaly, it's describing the document. The only info we get is that SCP-001 "happened", but this still doesn't tell us about 001. Such vague posturing is nothing more than an attempt to seem mysterious without using splotches of blacked out text and "data expunged".
> Special Containment Procedures: Cross-analyze. Again, again, again.
With such detailed special containment procedures, I'm sure researchers working on this project will be fully equipped to deal with the hazards of the job and not get brutally murdered by the anomaly.
Next we have the "Subseme" tabs. Okay, first of all, what does subseme mean? It's not in the dictionary. When I Google the word, THIS PAGE shows up as one of the top results, which means it's probably not a real word. Are we just inventing new words for no reason? Then again, I suppose calling the tabs something like Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 wouldn't be mysterious enough, and we've gotta make this article seem more special than it really is! Why try to come up with something that has actual meaning when we can conjure up gibberish?!
The prose is alright enough… for a tale, and the story would work much better as one. Unfortunately, I cannot suspend my disbelief enough to believe that the Foundation, strict as they are, is going to allow this document to be published on their database in its current state.
What information within these tabs is supposed to help scientists contain a keter excuse me, an "ideate" object? By golly, no wonder the world's ended, no one wrote shit down!
Lastly, I'm not getting what the allusions to the big bad wolf are supposed to mean. I wish I could say "I'm sure it means something", but, based on what I've seen, I can't. And for me to want to put the work into understanding what's going on, I would need to already be invested in the characters, plot, action, etc.