**Item #:** SCP-8063
**Object Class:** Euclid
**Special Containment Procedures:**
SCP-8063 is to be contained in a specialized containment chamber measuring 10m x 10m x 10m, located at Site-██. The chamber must be equipped with a simulated mountainous environment, including artificial terrain such as small rocks, boulders, and a modest landscape replicating a mountainous ecosystem. SCP-8063 is to be observed at all times by surveillance cameras, with a maximum of two researchers allowed to interact with the object under controlled conditions.
SCP-8063 is to be kept in a dormant state when not undergoing testing. This is achieved by ensuring minimal environmental stimuli within its chamber. Any fluctuations in temperature, humidity, or atmospheric pressure should be carefully monitored to ensure SCP-8063 remains in a state of low activity. Access to SCP-8063 is strictly forbidden without the approval of Level 3 or higher personnel, and any unauthorized testing or interaction will result in immediate disciplinary action.
Personnel handling SCP-8063 should be equipped with protective gear, including reinforced boots and gloves, in case of sudden shifts in terrain or unexpected environmental hazards created by SCP-8063's activities.
SCP-8063 is a small, autonomous robot that resembles a miniature version of a mountain range, measuring approximately 30 cm in height and 50 cm in width. Its structure appears to be composed of multiple layers of hard, stone-like materials, although these materials have been found to be artificially constructed using advanced robotics and unknown alloy composites. SCP-8063 is designed with the appearance of rugged mountainous terrain, complete with small crags, cliffs, and simulated rock formations, though these elements are all part of the robot's exterior.
Internally, SCP-8063 houses a complex series of motors, hydraulic systems, and sensors, all designed to simulate the characteristics of a mountain ecosystem. SCP-8063's functionality includes the ability to "reshape" its outer surface, manipulating small, embedded rock-like pieces, to create various topographical features at will. It can shift its mass, form steep slopes, or even construct small caves and rock shelters. This transformation occurs at a slow, mechanical pace, but it is precise and deliberate.
SCP-8063's behavior is highly dependent on environmental conditions. When placed in a controlled mountainous or rocky environment, it actively manipulates its surroundings, using its transformation abilities to create terrain that resembles natural mountain features. It has shown no desire to move beyond its containment area but seems to thrive when its environment is adjusted to replicate mountainous conditions.
In addition to reshaping its exterior, SCP-8063 can produce small seismic tremors or vibrations within its vicinity by manipulating internal machinery. This ability has led researchers to believe that SCP-8063 could theoretically cause larger-scale seismic effects if allowed to operate without constraints, though such tests have been prohibited due to the potential for widespread environmental damage.
SCP-8063 is powered by an unknown energy source that allows it to remain operational indefinitely, requiring no external fuel or recharging. While its internal energy matrix has yet to be fully understood, it is speculated that SCP-8063 could draw power from the energy within the earth or manipulate magnetic fields, though no conclusive evidence has been gathered to support these theories.
**Addendum 8063-A - Discovery Log:**
SCP-8063 was discovered on [REDACTED], during a Foundation expedition in [REDACTED], a remote mountainous region. Local reports indicated strange seismic activity in the area, as well as unexplainable terrain shifts that seemed to occur with little natural cause. Upon investigation, the object was found buried within a rockslide, with only a portion of its rocky exterior exposed.
After a brief period of excavation, SCP-8063 was recovered and transported to Site-██ for further analysis. It was during the initial examination that the object's ability to manipulate its exterior was discovered. SCP-8063 exhibited no signs of aggression, but researchers noted that it responded to environmental stimuli, particularly vibrations and changes in its terrain, by altering its internal structure.
**Addendum 8063-B - Experiment Log 8063-01:**
Test Subject: SCP-8063
Procedure: SCP-8063 was placed in a simulated mountainous environment with varying degrees of pressure and humidity, designed to mimic conditions found in real-world mountainous regions. The goal was to observe its reaction to environmental stimuli and determine its limits in reshaping terrain.
SCP-8063 exhibited immediate activity upon introduction of external stimuli, with the robot reconfiguring its structure to match the surrounding topography.
The robot created small rock formations, simulated cliff faces, and even a small cave within the first hour of exposure.
No signs of stress or malfunction were observed. SCP-8063's behavior seemed to stabilize when left in these conditions for an extended period.
Note: SCP-8063 appears to require minimal external interaction to remain functional, as it actively seeks out and alters the terrain within its reach to suit its internal programming.
**Addendum 8063-C - Incident Report 8063-02:**
During a routine test, SCP-8063 was exposed to a sudden increase in pressure within its containment chamber, simulating a rapid shift in atmospheric conditions. This was done in an attempt to assess how it would react to environmental instability.
**Containment Breach:**
The test inadvertently caused SCP-8063 to enter an accelerated transformation state, leading it to rapidly reshape its environment into a series of unstable, jagged formations.
The resulting shifts caused a moderate seismic event within Site-██'s containment area, leading to a temporary evacuation of nearby rooms.
SCP-8063 displayed no immediate hostile intent but began to produce powerful seismic tremors, which triggered an automatic lockdown procedure.
Response: SCP-8063 was immediately deactivated and re-contained. No personnel were harmed, though there was significant property damage.
Note: Further exposure to extreme environmental stimuli must be limited to carefully controlled conditions to avoid unintended consequences.
**Addendum 8063-D - Behavioural Log 8063-03:**
SCP-8063 has shown some signs of attachment to its environment. During extended observation, researchers noted that the object would often spend hours reconfiguring the terrain, creating increasingly complex landscapes. Additionally, SCP-8063 has been observed to demonstrate behaviours akin to those of an animal in a habitat—showing interest in specific features, such as steep cliffs, water sources (if introduced), and even small artificial structures that resemble human-made mountain shelters.
**Notable Observations:**
SCP-8063 will occasionally stop its terrain-manipulating behaviour when it is not being actively observed. It remains motionless for long periods, as though "resting" or "contemplating" its surroundings.
SCP-8063 responds to simulated weather conditions, such as wind and precipitation, by adjusting its shape or modifying its internal architecture to accommodate the changes.
Note: SCP-8063 seems to exhibit an adaptive nature when placed in environments designed to mimic those found in natural mountainous regions. Further tests will attempt to understand the extent of its cognitive capabilities.
**Addendum 8063-E - Power Source Investigation:**
SCP-8063’s ability to operate indefinitely without the need for external power has intrigued researchers. Initial analysis of its internal energy source has revealed complex electromagnetic fields and an unknown energy matrix. Further research is underway to determine whether the object draws energy from the environment (e.g., geomagnetic fields, seismic activity) or if it has an internal, self-sustaining energy source of anomalous origin.
**end of file.**