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So, a couple questions. What makes this tank an anomaly? How did it get its anomalous powers? If you’re going to put an idea into the Ideas Forum so that you can get it Greenlit and put on a page of the Wiki SCP Articles, at least give everyone more information about the anomaly so that they can help you with fixing your idea in certain places.
Also, a little bit of advice from me that I learned from personal experience. Think about your idea and the description of it before you post it on a thread in here. If you need to, type it out on a Google Doc or write it out on a piece of paper.
That’s all!
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So, small question here. What makes this different from SCP-079? This seems very similar to SCP-079 (“The Old AI”).
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Hello! Civiliangineer450 here!
So, this one caught my eye when scrolling through the Ideas page. This seems like a pretty good idea. However, this also seems similar to SCP-1032 (“The Prediction Clock”). Nonetheless, this is a very good idea.
Even though I can’t give Greenlights, I approve this idea! (note, the apostrophe correction seems to have misunderstood the author's intent, based on the author's reply)
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So, this one is… interesting. It… really is. I think that it has potential to become an SCP in these files. It does have a few grammatical and/or word errors here and there, but I’m not going to waste time pointing them out. Nice work! I may come back to help with things later though. For now, that’s all!
So, I don’t know how the pitch is confusing to me… but it seems confusing. However, I’m not focused on that. I more or less saw a bunch of errors in your writing and my brain went into correction mode. I’m only going to point out a few, as if I were to point out all of them, we’d be here forever. So, here they are.
In the elevator pitch, line 1 after “is”, put “a”.
In line 18 of the Central Narrative, make “Petersen’s” singular, since you already have a plural connecting the two.
Those are all that I’m going to list for now. Perhaps use a grammar or spell checker before making your thing official. Good grammar, punctuation, and spelling helps a long way in stories. That’s all!
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So I looked through this pretty quickly, but I have things to say about this.
I’ll start with the good things.
[had a collapsible here]
First, I like how it takes place in space. There aren’t many entities that live and/or take place in space.
Second, I like the layout of the page.
Third, I like the sentence that you put at the top of the post.
That’s all of the good things. Now it’s time for the bad things.
First, the pitch is confusing. I don’t know how it’s confusing to me, but it is.
Second, the central narrative is pretty lengthy. It would probably take me around 10 minutes to read it and an extra 5 minutes to get the main idea of it.
Third, Zoobeeny is right. You’re missing the actual action portion of the entire thing. The main conflict or climax of any kind of story is what really draws the reader’s attention.
That’s all!
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After lightly grazing over this, it reminds me of SCP-610 “The Flesh that Hates.” Honestly, I think that this idea has potential. It seems pretty interesting. I was also thinking that you could do a cross-test with SCP-049, and interview him while during the cross-test. That’s all!