Noting that new site member Dr Slonker (account age 4 days, site membership 2 days) recently coldposted the following page, which contains multiple indicators of AI-generation:
[[Module rate]]
Item #: SCP-4876
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures:
SCP-4876 is to be contained within a standard 5m x 5m x 5m climate-controlled chamber at Site-19. The chamber must be maintained at exactly 22°C (71.6°F) with 45% relative humidity. The walls, floor, and ceiling are to be lined with sound-dampening material rated for frequencies between 20Hz and 40kHz.
A minimum of two (2) Level 2 researchers must be present during any testing or observation of SCP-4876. All personnel entering the containment chamber must wear Foundation-issued noise-canceling headphones calibrated to filter out frequencies between 440Hz and 880Hz. Following Incident 4876-1, no testing session may exceed 30 minutes, and subjects must be monitored for signs of cognitive strain.
SCP-4876 appears to be a standard upright piano manufactured by Steinway & Sons (circa 1922), with all original parts intact except for the manufacturer's plate, which has been removed. The object's anomalous properties manifest when any key on the piano is struck.
When a key is played, SCP-4876 produces the correct musical note, but simultaneously generates a secondary tone exactly one octave higher than the played note. This secondary tone does not originate from the piano itself, but rather manifests at a point approximately 2.3 meters above the piano. More notably, this tone affects the emotional state of any human subjects within hearing range (approximately 15 meters) in the following ways:
- Notes in the key of C major induce intense nostalgia for memories that the subject has never actually experienced
- Notes in minor keys cause subjects to experience detailed visual hallucinations of Victorian-era London
- Chromatic scales trigger temporary synesthesia, with subjects reporting the ability to "taste" colors
- Sustained chords lasting longer than 3 seconds result in subjects experiencing temporary glossolalia
The effects persist for 2-8 minutes after exposure, with duration correlating to length of exposure. Subjects report no long-term negative effects under standard testing conditions, though 73% of test subjects have reported an increased appreciation for classical music following exposure.
Extended exposure to SCP-4876's effects can result in severe psychological trauma and potential physical harm. See Incident Report 4876-1 for details.
## Addendum 4876-1: Discovery
SCP-4876 was discovered in the basement of an abandoned music conservatory in ██████, Massachusetts, following reports of local residents experiencing shared hallucinations of "horse-drawn carriages and gas lamps" whenever passing near the building. Foundation agents intercepted and contained the object after a local news station began investigating the phenomena.
Addendum 4876-2: Notable Test Results
**Test 4876-A:**
- Subject: D-2891
- Procedure: Subject was instructed to play "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star"
- Result: Subject began speaking in fluent Latin (previously unknown to subject) and described vivid memories of attending a dinner party at Buckingham Palace in 1873. Subject had no recollection of these experiences after effects wore off.
**Test 4876-B:**
- Subject: Dr. ██████
- Procedure: Subject played Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata, 1st movement
- Result: All personnel within range simultaneously reported tasting the color blue, describing it as "mint chocolate with undertones of ozone." Security footage shows all affected personnel maintaining perfect British accents for 47 minutes following exposure.
Incident Report 4876-1:
During extended testing on ██/██/20██, D-3157 was instructed to perform a complete rendition of Ravel's "Gaspard de la Nuit." After 45 minutes of continuous play, subject began to exhibit severe symptoms including:
- Uncontrollable weeping while describing memories from multiple historical periods simultaneously
- Severe nosebleeds and auditory hallucinations
- Convulsions triggered by synesthetic overload
- Complete dissociation from present reality
The subject was immediately removed from the testing chamber but continued to experience overlapping memories and sensory phenomena for 72 hours. Medical examination revealed minor hemorrhaging in the temporal lobe and elevated levels of stress hormones. Subject recovered but retained fragmentary memories from various historical periods, leading to periodic episodes of identity confusion.
Addendum 4876-3: Medical Advisory
Following Incident 4876-1, medical staff have identified the following risk factors:
1. Extended exposure (>30 minutes) may cause neurological damage
2. Rapid switching between major and minor keys can trigger seizures in susceptible individuals
3. Playing multiple octaves simultaneously can cause sensory overload and temporary catatonia
4. Subjects with pre-existing mental health conditions are at higher risk for permanent memory contamination
Testing protocols have been updated to reflect these findings. All personnel are reminded that SCP-4876's seemingly benign effects can become severely hazardous under prolonged exposure.
Research into potential therapeutic applications is ongoing, with particular interest in treating memory-related disorders. Proposal to test effects on subjects with advanced Alzheimer's disease is pending O5 approval, with additional safety protocols being developed based on findings from Incident 4876-1.
Excerpts of note:
SCP-4876 appears to be a standard upright piano manufactured by Steinway & Sons (circa 1922), with all original parts intact except for the manufacturer's plate, which has been removed. The object's anomalous properties manifest when any key on the piano is struck.
Addendum 4876-3: Medical Advisory
Following Incident 4876-1, medical staff have identified the following risk factors:
1. Extended exposure (>30 minutes) may cause neurological damage
2. Rapid switching between major and minor keys can trigger seizures in susceptible individuals
3. Playing multiple octaves simultaneously can cause sensory overload and temporary catatonia
4. Subjects with pre-existing mental health conditions are at higher risk for permanent memory contamination
Testing protocols have been updated to reflect these findings. All personnel are reminded that SCP-4876's seemingly benign effects can become severely hazardous under prolonged exposure.
Research into potential therapeutic applications is ongoing, with particular interest in treating memory-related disorders. Proposal to test effects on subjects with advanced Alzheimer's disease is pending O5 approval, with additional safety protocols being developed based on findings from Incident 4876-1.
User has no forum history, no sandbox history, and only one non-creation edit, renaming the page from the correct format to "SCP-4876 "The Echoing Silence"". Of note, the 4876 slot is already taken.
Membership revoked, PM sent. Kufat supporting revoke.