Noting that it was brought to staff attention that DoctorAbyss (account age 571 days, site membership 569 days) recently coldposted the following page, which has some indicators of AI-generation:
**Item #:** SCP-8103
**Object Class:** Euclid
**Access Level:** 4
**Special Containment Procedures:**
SCP-8103 is to be contained within a 12 mile radius, consisting of multiple electric steel fences. Since SCP-8103s volume can increase and decrease at random times, researchers of nearby Site [REDACTED] chose to pick a containment area at least twice its max size that’s been recorded so far. No unauthorized personnel is to enter SCP-8103s containment area. The entering of the objects area of effect is to be monitored with great care. The monitoring team needs to consist of at least two mentally hardened and well trained Mobile Task Force Units watching over the containment area from within either the first or the second steel fence level, depending on the current measurements of SCP-8103s scale. All unauthorized personnel as well as Class D test subjects being exposed to SCP-8103s effects are to be contained and observed within Site [REDACTED] for the duration of exactly one week. No matter the outcome of said observation, the beforementioned test subject/unauthorized personnel is to be eliminated due to permanent neurological and physical alterations.
SCP-8103 is an approximately 5-6 cubic miles radius near the city of Asyma, Russia. The area of interest has been discovered by two nearby living farmers around 4 years ago. The farmers, Andrej (26) and Nikolai [REDACTED] (24) were interrogated on their experiences and emotional as well as physical well being. After approximately 5 days, both needed to be terminated when SCP-8103 induced physical alterations reached their peak stadium.
The objects area of effect does not spread far enough yet to reach any populated areas or areas of value like distribution boxes, farmland or power poles.
Recent scans of SCP-8103s activity spectrum resulted in the assumption that its range may increase and decrease seemingly at random. Scientists of nearby Site [REDACTED] haven’t been able to find a pattern between the objects varying activity and area of effect.
Effects of SCP-8103 shall be thoroughly observed and classified into 4 different stages, based on the progress of the effects, by authorized Site [REDACTED] personnel only.
Stage 1 consists of slight changes to internal characteristics of organic and inorganic matter. The objects effects are varying based on each case of alteration. They may show by slightly adjusting edges and curves of stones, leaves and even bones and nerve and neural pathways. Due to the difficulty of examining such minor impacts on the human body, our scientists usually start noticing the objects’ effects during stage 2. Researchers noticed a sudden shift into stage 2 when passing the 36 to 48 hour mark after being exposed to SCP-8103. More drastic changes are beginning to materialize on the observation subjects body and mind. Certain kinds of habits and neurotic behaviors are beginning to form while contained in their cell. This may range from avoiding joints between floor tiles while walking, to walking through their containment cell by only using pathways emitting certain shapes or letters. In rare cases, test subjects shall also receive objects inside their cells to investigate the behavioral range. Objects already tested were: Wooden bricks, glass shards, hand gun (charged with blank shots), board games (at least for two players) and colorful chalk. While mental alterations may be more dominant in stage 2, there are also physical changes test subjects go through.
Possible physical transformations are deformations to the subjects iris and hair. Close analysis of test subjects hair reveals recursive microscopic structures. Starting at the scale of keratin fibres which are interlinking with each other in abnormally recurring ways and leading into molecular restructuring of the protein molecules. Electron microscopic investigations of the protein structures proofed an alteration of the keratin alpha helix structure into the beta structure, leading to sudden hair loss and fracturing of the test subjects hair after minimal contact.
Stage 3 starts once the test subject starts showing serious signs of physical and mental impairment. Loss of eye-sight, parts of the peripheral nervous system shutting down one by one, preventing execution of simple tasks like walking and grabbing, as well as permanent recursive behaviour intensifying to such an extent that subjects will begin breaking their own fingers to prevent themselves from drawing spirals on the walls, playing the same board game round over and over again, having the same conversations with oneself over and over again by using their hands as puppets, etc.
Test subjects show strong signs of awareness over the situation they’re in. Isolated cases are reporting over subjects seemingly willingly ripping out their own tongues to forcefully restricting themselves from talking.
After about 5 to 6 days, stage 4 will begin to gradually set in. There have been reported cases of test subjects using their own fecal matter and blood to draw different kinds of recursive structures on walls, floor and in some cases their own body.
After thorough investigation researchers confirmed those fractals to continue from macroscopic levels, visible with the bare eye, into the microscopic and molecular plane by imposing recursive deformities onto cells and their structures, protein fibres and molecule formations. Such anomalies being applied to test subjects’ bodies leads to severe impairment of human base functionalities. Suspects will not be able to breathe without being connected to ventilators, as well as digest food or drinks and absorb nutrients provided by foundation staff.
There have been singular cases of test subjects actively trying to escape their containment area to get into SCP-8103s area of effect again. Observations of test subjects being released into SCP-8103 have been proven to extend the objects range for an approximate duration of 4-6 hours. Experiments of recording changes in SCP-8103s reach by releasing multiple test subjects at once into its zone haven’t been performed yet. Stage 4 will end once the test subject either reached their destination within SCP-8103s center or after ripping open their own extremities to use veins and nerve fibres for producing self proclaimed “artworks” like the outlines of the Mandelbrot set. Every attempt to prevent test subjects from doing so, lead to physical altercations between foundation staff. Neutralization proofed easy concerning the test subjects’ incapacitation status at this stage of SCP-8103s effectual progress.
Stated times and durations may vary based on exposure duration and distance towards the objects center region.
**Addendum 1:**
//Daily therapy audio recording of Dr. Wolf and D-Class 3425//
<Begin Tape>
**Subject Interview:**
Dr. Wolf: It’s been… 56 hours now. Are we feeling’ any different today?
D-Class 3425: …
Dr. Wolf: I see you broke a few of your fingers, how did that happen?
D-Class 3425: …they wouldn’t stop drawing.
Dr. Wolf: What do you mean?
D-Class 3425: I told them to STOP…. but they wouldn’t listen.
Dr. Wolf: Do you still talk to your fingers?
D-Class 3425: …of course not, I broke them.
Dr. Wolf: Right…
D-Class 3425: Did you know earth is a spiral?
Dr. Wolf: Earth is a spiral? Elaborate.
D-Class 3425: Well, I can’t. It’s not knowledge I can elaborate on. It’s a feeling of an innate truth.
Dr. Wolf: How do you experience this feeling?
D-Class 3425: It’s like seeing a car crash. You know you shouldn’t give your attention to it… but it’s so hard not to… so so hard…
Dr. Wolf: What else comes with this feeling? Just earth being a spiral?
D-Class 3425: Earth isn’t really a spiral, of course…
Dr. Wolf: From your view, what is it then?
D-Class 3425: It’s not ours.
Dr. Wolf: Excuse me?
D-Class 3425: It used to belong to whatever created this plane. Now it belongs to this thing and whatever will come off of it.
Dr. Wolf: I don’t think I understand what you’re trying to tell me here.
D-Class 3425: Wh… *coughs* what you need to understand is the following. It needs to feed to spread its chaos.
Dr. Wolf: Are you saying the object is conscious and trying to spread?
D-Class 3425: Yes.
Dr. Wolf: Grabs recorder “Suspect claims the object is conscious and trying to increase its area of effect”
D-Class 3425: …
Dr. Wolf: You sound very certain in your claims. Why is that?
D-Class 3425: I don’t know.
Dr. Wolf: It’s not knowledge you can elaborate on, hm?
D-Class 3425: Exactly, it’s just a feeling that seems like it’s always been there.
Dr. Wolf: A feeling like anger? Love? Fear?
D-Class 3425: A feeling like… being able to see. It’s just always been there, even before I knew the words to describe and name it. A feeling that is just as innate to my existence as the feeling of knowing that I will wake up again after falling asleep for the night. Every morning, when I leave my bed, I know I will step onto solid, flat ground. I know I will open the window, look up and see the sky. And every night, for the past few days, I have experienced a similar feeling. A totally different feeling that doesn’t seem to make sense yet but will make sense in the future…
Dr. Wolf: I see. That’s a lot to work with for now. I am very thankful for your cooperation and looking forward to our session tomorrow.
At the moment, we have not yet been able to figure out the reason for the existence of SCP-8103 or why it appeared where it chose to appear. However, after our latest interview with test subject 3425, we were able to piece together a lot of the collected evidence more effectively.
Our observations conclude that there may have already been a similar interaction/event already. An unknown amount of aeons in the past, there probably has been a similar entity that has transformed the very fabric of reality around it and laid down the rules of the universe as we know them today. This happened in spite of the existence of matter aligned in a way completely different from the way the rules of chemistry and physics align matter and energy in our current version of reality. Our research therefore suggests that SCP-8103 may very well be the start of a new list of rules that will shape the next generation of our universe to come.
Excerpt of note:
At the moment, we have not yet been able to figure out the reason for the existence of SCP-8103 or why it appeared where it chose to appear. However, after our latest interview with test subject 3425, we were able to piece together a lot of the collected evidence more effectively.
Our observations conclude that there may have already been a similar interaction/event already. An unknown amount of aeons in the past, there probably has been a similar entity that has transformed the very fabric of reality around it and laid down the rules of the universe as we know them today. This happened in spite of the existence of matter aligned in a way completely different from the way the rules of chemistry and physics align matter and energy in our current version of reality. Our research therefore suggests that SCP-8103 may very well be the start of a new list of rules that will shape the next generation of our universe to come.
As the majority of the page contains simple errors, and seems more like a machine translation rather than outright generation, no action will be taken as of now.
User has no forum history, no sandbox history, and no edits beyond page creation and adding the tags, "chemistry", "euclid", "existentialism", and "fractals".