Noting that new site member
Opportunity1333 (account age 21 days) was issued a membership revoke, after posting the following page that contains multiple indicators of AI-generation:
**Description**: 05-A is a Foundation agent with Level 5 clearance. He is an administrator of the Foundation and holds the same level of importance as the members of the O5 Council, though some believe he is even more significant. His nickname is "All-Rounder" due to his extensive contributions to the Foundation. He conducts tests, administers the Foundation, monitors all activities to prevent issues, makes crucial decisions, directs Site-33, and occasionally participates in missions with the Mobile Task Force.
He is highly intelligent, with an IQ of 140, and possesses exceptional skills. Unlike the O5 Council members, he frequently appears in person, especially at Site-33, and is a normal human with no anomalous properties. He is very young and has recently earned his title. When he makes an appearance, he always wears the same attire: a black elegant double-breasted suit. On the back of his double-breasted suit, "05-A" is written, and the Foundation logo is present on the shoulders. Nobody knows his name, surname, or other personal details. All this information was written on the application document and some other documents, but all of it "disappeared" for unknown reasons. Some believe that he destroyed the documents, but nobody actually knows.
**Qualities**: He has a perfect memory; in fact, he knows everything about the Foundation, and if someone hides something from him, he will know it in no time. He also knows everything about the identity of every Foundation employee, including the O5 Council members. Nobody knows how he can remember all these details or how he knows theidentities of the O5 Council members.
**Story**: Before joining the Foundation, 05-A was a soldier in the American army. He was one of the best soldiers in the army, and when the Foundation heard about him, they immediately asked if he wanted to join. After joining the Foundation, he demonstrated exceptional abilities and a keen intellect. He joined as MTF E-11 and underwent one of the hardest training programs. His rigorous training included advanced studies in various scientific disciplines, tactical combat training, and extensive fieldwork. This comprehensive education allowed him to excel rapidly within the Foundation, earning the trust and respect of his peers and superiors. After this training, he also showed strong leadership qualities and eventually became one of the administrators of the Foundation and later the director of Site-33 with Level 5 clearance. Finally, he became 05-A and continues to participate in missions with the MTF while directing Site-33.
**Notable Missions**: Throughout his career, 05-A has undertaken numerous critical missions that have showcased his versatility and strategic acumen. One such mission involved the containment of SCP- (DATA RETRACTED), a significant threat to global security. 05-A's leadership and quick thinking were instrumental in containing the entity with minimal casualties.
Role in the Foundation: Beyond his field missions, 05-A plays a crucial role in the strategic planning and administration of the Foundation. His insights are highly valued during high-level meetings, where he contributes to policy development and the implementation of new containment procedures. His ability to balance administrative duties with on-the-ground operations makes him an invaluable asset to the Foundation.
**Personality and Traits**: He is known for his calm demeanor and analytical mind, approaching every task with meticulous attention to detail. His colleagues often describe him as a dedicated, enterprising man, and very loyal to the Foundation.
Excerpts of note:
Notable Missions: Throughout his career, 05-A has undertaken numerous critical missions that have showcased his versatility and strategic acumen. One such mission involved the containment of SCP- (DATA RETRACTED), a significant threat to global security. 05-A's leadership and quick thinking were instrumental in containing the entity with minimal casualties.
Role in the Foundation: Beyond his field missions, 05-A plays a crucial role in the strategic planning and administration of the Foundation. His insights are highly valued during high-level meetings, where he contributes to policy development and the implementation of new containment procedures. His ability to balance administrative duties with on-the-ground operations makes him an invaluable asset to the Foundation.
User has no comment history, and only mainsite edits are creation of the page and editing the series list last month. They have two sandboxes:
Description: SCP-XXXX is apparently a normal small cubic eraser of unknow origins, also made of the same materials as other erasers, but is able to erase any material by destroying its atoms.
It was found in an abandoned place by chance by an agent of the foundation.
The erased part are cancelled forever with no way to get them back.
Evrey test with scp-XXXX have to be accepted by the site director and must be supervised by at least one security guard.
Afto, Kufat, Zoobeeny supporting revoke, nico removed, Kufat sent PM.