Noting that the user edited their page to insert a new (still AI-generated) article into the same slot: This was done while the user was not a site member (due to how wikidot permissions are set up, page authors can edit pages they've created, even if they're not a member of the site).
# SCP-8253 - The Mirror Emissary
**Object Class:** Euclid
***Special Containment Procedures:**
- SCP-8253 is to be contained in a specially designed (10m x 10m x 4m) containment chamber located at Site-███, constructed entirely of **two-way mirrors** to prevent direct line-of-sight with the anomaly.
- Access to SCP-8253's chamber is restricted to Level 4 personnel and above, and all interactions must be conducted remotely via closed-circuit cameras.
- Any communication with SCP-8253 is strictly forbidden.
- In the event of a containment breach, Mobile Task Force Delta-9 ("Reflections") is to be deployed to re-establish containment using sound-dampening equipment and mirror manipulation devices.
SCP-8253 is a humanoid entity approximately **1.8 meters** tall, with a slender, elongated figure. Its skin appears to be a reflective surface resembling polished glass, and it lacks distinct facial features, making it difficult to discern its expressions. SCP-8253 has the ability to manipulate whatever or whoever it reflects, allowing it to appear as any individual or item it has seen, including those who have interacted with it.
SCP-8253 exhibits a few anomalous properties including:
- **Reflection Manipulation** SCP-8253 can alter its appearance to mimic any individual, provided it has had visual contact with them This ability extends to replicating physical characteristic, clothing, and even voices, although the latter is not always accurate.
- **Psychological influence:** Individuals who make eye contact with SCP-8253 report experiencing feelings of extreme dread and paranoia, prolonged observation (Over **5 minutes**) can lead to severe psychological effects, including hallucinations of the entity in reflective surfaces.
- **Reality Distortion** SCP-8253 has demonstrated the ability to manipulate its surroundings within a **10 meter** radius, causing reflections to behave unpredictably and appear as alternate realities, which can confuse and disorient those within the entities vicinity.
**Addendum 8122-A: Testing Log**
**Test Subject:** D-███
**Test Date:** ████/██/██
**Procedure** D-███ was instructed to enter SCP-8253's containment chamber and interact with the entity.
1. **██:██** - D-███ enters the chamber, equipped with sound proof headphones.
2. **██:██** Initial observation shows SCP-8253 mimicking D-███'s appearance accurately.
3. **██:██** D-███ begins to exhibits signs of distress, claiming to see "other versions" of themselves in the entities reflective surface.
4. **██:██** - D-███ attempts to leave the chamber but becomes entranced by SCP-8253's reflection, leading to a panic attack.
5. **██:██** - Remote operatives terminate the test and extract D-███ from the chamber, Subject is placed under psychological evaluation.
SCP-8253 represents a significant risk to personnel due to its ability to manipulate perception and reality. Continued research is required to understand the full extent of its capabilities and develop effective countermeasures against is psychological influence
Excerpts of note:
SCP-8253 exhibits a few anomalous properties including:
- Reflection Manipulation SCP-8253 can alter its appearance to mimic any individual, provided it has had visual contact with them This ability extends to replicating physical characteristic, clothing, and even voices, although the latter is not always accurate.
- Psychological influence: Individuals who make eye contact with SCP-8253 report experiencing feelings of extreme dread and paranoia, prolonged observation (Over 5 minutes) can lead to severe psychological effects, including hallucinations of the entity in reflective surfaces.
- Reality Distortion SCP-8253 has demonstrated the ability to manipulate its surroundings within a 10 meter radius, causing reflections to behave unpredictably and appear as alternate realities, which can confuse and disorient those within the entities vicinity.
SCP-8253 represents a significant risk to personnel due to its ability to manipulate perception and reality. Continued research is required to understand the full extent of its capabilities and develop effective countermeasures against is psychological influence
User is a member of the sandbox, has no sandbox edits, and has no forum posts. The edits made to the initial page after their revocation include:
- Revision 4, edit comment "used to be known as "The Oracle of Echoes" however due to foundation personnel issues, the entry was changed"
- replaced old AI-generated page with new AI-generated page
- Revision 5, no edit comment
- corrected all instances of "scp-8253" to proper capitalization (of note, missing period at end of article/last sentence was not corrected)
- Revision 6, no edit comment
- changed object class from Safe to Euclid
Screenshots available to staff upon request. Due to the user editing the page to attempt to cover up the previous material, and their repeated lying about AI usage, I have enacted an emergency ban. Queerious supporting. PM has been sent; user may appeal if inclined.