New site member shivam pandit (account age 14 days, site membership 13 days) recently coldposted a page with obvious indicators of AI-generation:
**Item #: SCP-8158**
**Object Class:** Euclid
**Special Containment Procedures:**
SCP-8158 is to be stored in a standard containment locker within a 7m x 9m reinforced room at Site-██. Access to the containment area is restricted to personnel with Level 3 clearance or higher. The object must be handled with insulated tools to prevent accidental activation. Any experimentation requires written approval from the Site Director.
Surveillance cameras monitor the containment room at all times. Testing of SCP-8158 is limited to D-Class personnel under direct supervision. All test subjects must undergo psychological evaluation after exposure to SCP-8158.
SCP-8158, colloquially referred to as "The Charm Stone," is an oval-shaped, polished black stone measuring approximately 7cm in diameter. SCP-8158 exhibits an anomalous ability to cause an intense emotional attachment in any human who views it in the possession of another individual (designated SCP-8158-A).
When SCP-8158 is within the line of sight of a human subject, the subject (designated SCP-8158-B) develops an immediate, irrational love and devotion towards SCP-8158-A. SCP-8158-B becomes highly compliant, adhering to commands issued by SCP-8158-A without hesitation. This effect persists for approximately 24 hours, after which the subject gradually regains autonomy. SCP-8158 cannot affect a new target until a cooldown period of seven days has elapsed.
The emotional attachment induced by SCP-8158 is extremely potent, leading SCP-8158-B to act against their moral code or self-interest if instructed. Termination of SCP-8158-B under its effects has been observed, further emphasizing the intensity of its influence.
**Addendum 8158-1: Initial Discovery**
SCP-8158 was discovered in a rural town in ██████████ after reports of multiple individuals displaying uncharacteristic behavior. Foundation agents intercepted SCP-8158 during a local law enforcement investigation. Interviews with affected individuals confirmed the stone's anomalous properties.
**Test Logs:**
**Test 8158-T1**
**Subject:** D-4418 (designated SCP-8158-A during testing)
**Procedure:** D-4418 instructed to hold SCP-8158 and enter the observation chamber containing D-9927.
**Result:** Upon visual contact, D-9927 immediately expressed admiration for D-4418, referred to them as a "savior," and obeyed a command to self-restrain using nearby handcuffs. Post-test analysis revealed no memory of the events beyond their attraction to D-4418.
**Test 8158-T3**
**Subject:** D-5172 (SCP-8158-A) commanding D-7843 (SCP-8158-B)
**Procedure:** D-5172 instructed SCP-8158-B to write detailed classified information they had no access to.
**Result:** SCP-8158-B showed increased cognitive recall, accessing previously hidden memories to comply. After the effects wore off, SCP-8158-B expressed confusion but retained knowledge of the command they fulfilled.
**Warning:** Direct prolonged exposure may lead to ethical violations due to SCP-8158's coercive capabilities. Testing involving high-level personnel or sensitive information is strictly prohibited.
**Addendum 8158-2: Incident Report**
On ██/██/████, during unauthorized testing, SCP-8158 was removed from its containment by Level 2 personnel. The resulting activation caused widespread disruption among staff, leading to a site-wide lockdown. SCP-8158 was recovered, and implicated personnel were subjected to disciplinary action. Enhanced containment protocols were implemented following this event.
**Research Notes:**
SCP-8158 exhibits no physical damage or wear despite prolonged use. Investigation into the stone’s origin is ongoing. Researchers hypothesize a connection to similar artifacts with manipulative properties recovered from anomalous excavation sites.
Further studies aim to determine if SCP-8158’s effects can be mitigated or neutralized to prevent misuse.
Excerpts of note:
Surveillance cameras monitor the containment room at all times. Testing of SCP-8158 is limited to D-Class personnel under direct supervision. All test subjects must undergo psychological evaluation after exposure to SCP-8158.
Addendum 8158-1: Initial Discovery
SCP-8158 was discovered in a rural town in ██████████ after reports of multiple individuals displaying uncharacteristic behavior. Foundation agents intercepted SCP-8158 during a local law enforcement investigation. Interviews with affected individuals confirmed the stone's anomalous properties.
Warning: Direct prolonged exposure may lead to ethical violations due to SCP-8158's coercive capabilities. Testing involving high-level personnel or sensitive information is strictly prohibited.
Research Notes:
SCP-8158 exhibits no physical damage or wear despite prolonged use. Investigation into the stone’s origin is ongoing. Researchers hypothesize a connection to similar artifacts with manipulative properties recovered from anomalous excavation sites.
Further studies aim to determine if SCP-8158’s effects can be mitigated or neutralized to prevent misuse.
User has no forum history, and their only non-page-creation edit is to (incorrectly) change the page name.
Membership revoked, PM sent.