It was brought to staff attention that NoahCoy (account age 4 days, site membership 1 day) posted the article:, which contained multiple indicators of AI-generation.
**Item #:** SCP-8162
Object Class: Euclid
**Special Containment Procedures:**
SCP-8162 is to be contained within a standard secure containment room at Site-17. The object is to remain mounted on the eastern wall of the room, with no reflective surfaces allowed within 5 meters. Access to SCP-8162 requires Level 3 clearance and is limited to approved testing or research purposes only.
Personnel entering SCP-8162’s containment chamber must be monitored via closed-circuit cameras and equipped with cognitive resistance training. All personnel must submit a written account of what they observed within SCP-8162 within 30 minutes of exiting the containment room.
Under no circumstances should SCP-8162 be transported outside of Site-17 without O5 Council authorization.
SCP-8162 is an oil painting measuring 80 cm by 120 cm. It is framed in an ornate, gilded wooden frame of indeterminate origin. Despite extensive analysis, neither the canvas nor the paint can be matched to any known materials, and the frame does not exhibit signs of aging or wear.
The image displayed within SCP-8162 is variable and appears to shift based on the desires or subconscious thoughts of its current viewer. Observers report seeing scenes ranging from serene landscapes, loved ones, or cherished memories to abstract representations of ambition, fear, or even cosmic phenomena. These visions are vivid and highly detailed, described as more "real" than traditional paintings or digital imagery.
When viewed by multiple individuals simultaneously, SCP-8162 appears to show a composite image that reflects elements from the desires of all observers. If conflicting desires are present, the resulting image can appear chaotic or incoherent. Observations by cognitively trained personnel suggest that SCP-8162 accesses a viewer's subconscious but does not manipulate it.
**Anomalous Properties:**
SCP-8162 does not exhibit any visible change to its canvas under technological observation (e.g., photography, videography, or spectrographic analysis). When captured digitally, the painting appears as a blank canvas.
Prolonged exposure to SCP-8162 (greater than 60 minutes) has led to mild to severe cognitive dissonance in test subjects. Affected individuals may experience difficulty distinguishing memories from reality or develop a dependence on viewing SCP-8162.
Testing has shown that SCP-8162 can affect individuals remotely through reflective surfaces. In one incident, researchers observed SCP-8162's effects in a stainless-steel panel reflecting the painting, prompting an update to containment protocols.
SCP-8162 was recovered from a private estate in Cornwall, England, after reports of multiple individuals in the household suffering from hallucinations and cognitive disorders. Foundation operatives embedded in local law enforcement identified SCP-8162 as the source. During retrieval, SCP-8162 displayed an image of the deceased owner of the estate smiling warmly at the operatives.
**Addendum 8162-1: Test Log**
**Test 8162-01:** Subject D-129 viewed SCP-8162 for 10 minutes. Reported seeing an idyllic beach scene reminiscent of their childhood vacations. Psychological evaluation revealed the memory was accurate.
**Test 8162-06:** Subject D-435, convicted of violent crimes, viewed SCP-8162. Reported seeing a barren wasteland with a storm in the distance. Subject became agitated and refused further testing.
**Test 8162-15:** Group of three researchers viewed SCP-8162 simultaneously. Reported seeing a chaotic blend of elements, including a laboratory, a dense forest, and an unidentified celestial body.
**Addendum 8162-2: Incident 8162-A**
On ██/██/20██, during routine testing, SCP-8162 produced a stark black void when viewed by a staff member recently diagnosed with terminal illness. The subject later reported feelings of profound peace but suffered a mental breakdown shortly after. Following the incident, staff involved in testing SCP-8162 are required to undergo mandatory psychological evaluation.
SCP-8162 remains a valuable but dangerous anomaly. Research continues to determine the limits of its capabilities and whether its effects can be harnessed for therapeutic or diagnostic purposes. Until more is understood, its use remains strictly controlled.
Further testing is proposed to explore SCP-8162’s response to individuals with shared subconscious connections, such as twins or long-term partners.
Exploration of whether SCP-8162 can replicate non-visual sensory experiences (e.g., sound or touch) is pending approval.
Notes: No substantial Revision History. User has a sandbox here: of a different draft entirely which is also likely AI-generated.
**Item #:** SCP-8162
**Object Class:** Keter
**Special Containment Procedures:** SCP-8162 instances are to be identified, monitored, and contained within reinforced isolation cells at Site-██. Direct visual contact with SCP-8162 is to be limited to verified D-Class personnel. All Foundation personnel exposed to SCP-8162 or suspected SCP-8162 instances must undergo immediate psychological evaluation and, if necessary, amnestic treatment.
Each affected area, hereby referred to as a “Mandela Zone,” is to remain under 24-hour surveillance, and all civilian access is prohibited under the cover of a public health emergency. In cases of widespread outbreak, a regional lockdown may be enacted in cooperation with local governments under Foundation control.
**Description:** SCP-8162 refers to a class of humanoid entities known as “Doppelgängers” that exhibit highly deceptive and predatory behavior. These entities appear to manifest within areas with high levels of isolation or social instability and target individuals with weak social support. SCP-8162 instances are capable of perfectly imitating their victims, down to facial expressions, voice, and behavioral quirks. However, while mimicking, SCP-8162 exhibits slight discrepancies—such as inappropriate emotional responses, unusual vocal distortions, and a delay in reaction time.
**Discovery:** SCP-8162 was first reported in [REDACTED] County, USA, where reports of individuals claiming to see themselves or close acquaintances acting “off” began circulating. Several reports described prolonged staring, non-verbal “smiling” at inappropriate times, and apparent disappearances of local residents. Foundation agents embedded in regional law enforcement isolated the phenomenon, determining it was tied to the appearance of SCP-8162 instances.
**Behavior and Abilities:** SCP-8162 instances exhibit a highly sophisticated form of psychological mimicry designed to exploit and manipulate their targets. Once SCP-8162 has assumed the appearance of an individual, it will attempt to erode the victim’s trust in their own memory and surroundings, often leading to heightened paranoia, anxiety, and self-isolation. Prolonged exposure to SCP-8162 has been linked to severe psychological distress and, in some cases, complete mental breakdown of the affected individual.
If SCP-8162 is confronted or “discovered” by its target, it will either (1) flee the area, causing immediate disorientation and short-term amnesia in the target, or (2) engage in physical confrontation. SCP-8162 is believed to have enhanced strength compared to baseline humans and is able to survive injuries that would be lethal to regular humans.
**Addendum SCP-8162-A - Audio/Visual Anomaly:** Surveillance footage of SCP-8162 instances contains significant video degradation, with frequent distortion, audio cutouts, and visual “flickering.” Attempts to observe SCP-8162 through live feed cameras result in extensive technological interference, and in certain cases, equipment failure. The phenomenon has been described by personnel as an “anomalous signal interference,” with multiple technical specialists observing that SCP-8162’s presence appears to emit an electromagnetic field that disrupts electronics within a 20-meter radius.
**Interview Log SCP-8162-3:**
**Interviewer:** Dr. █████ Subject: D-Class Personnel D-4532 (recovered survivor of SCP-8162 encounter)
**Dr. █████:** Describe what you remember about the incident.
**D-4532:** I... I remember seeing myself, but it wasn’t me. It was smiling, like, with these dead eyes. And... I was staring at it, and it just—it just copied everything I did, every single twitch. Like it was mocking me.
**Dr. █████:** Did it communicate verbally?
**D-4532:** No, no words. Just that smile. It felt like... I don’t know, like I wasn’t supposed to be there. Like it was replacing me. And the longer I looked, the more I felt... I felt like I wasn’t real.
**Containment Note:** Due to the unpredictable nature of SCP-8162 and the psychological damage it causes to all individuals who encounter it, psychological screenings are to be conducted regularly on all staff assigned to SCP-8162 containment.
Disc Team, please weigh in.