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Boomonyt (account age 88 days, site membership 6 days) recently coldposted an article with multiple common hallmarks of AI-generation, including an obviously AI-generated image (inconsistent textures, nonsensical lighting) in the wrong location:
[[Module rate]]
**ITEM:** **SCP-8919 - “The Architect’s Ledger”**
Object Class: **Euclid**
**Special Containment Procedures:**
SCP-8919 is to be kept in a standard anomalous item containment locker at Site-47. Access to SCP-8919 is restricted to Level 3 personnel or higher. Interaction with SCP-8919 is only permitted during authorized testing sessions with at least one researcher and one guard present. Any personnel handling SCP-8919 must wear gloves to prevent accidental activation of its anomalous properties.
Testing with SCP-8919 requires written permission from Dr. Elara Voss and is strictly prohibited near sites with structural abnormalities or historical architecture.
SCP-8919 is an ornate leather-bound ledger with an indeterminate number of pages. Its cover is embossed with intricate designs of buildings, some of which do not correspond to any known architecture on Earth. When opened, the ledger’s pages appear blank until a person holding SCP-8919 visualizes or speaks aloud the name of a specific structure. Upon activation, a detailed architectural sketch of the structure appears on the next blank page, often accompanied by annotations detailing construction materials, architectural weaknesses, and, in certain cases, structural changes that have not yet occurred.
**Anomalous Effects:**
After a structure is recorded in SCP-8919, any future alterations to the original building are automatically added to the ledger. Notably, SCP-8919 has demonstrated an ability to “predict” structural alterations or collapses up to five years in advance. These predicted changes are consistently accurate and, in most cases, appear beyond the realm of routine wear and tear, hinting at some form of intelligent influence over these buildings.
During tests, it was discovered that repeated readings of a structure's entry allow for minor “suggestions” to be written into the annotations. These “suggestions” manifest in reality within a few months, subtly altering the building. For example, in one test with an abandoned theater, Foundation researchers suggested the addition of a new wing. Within three months, construction crews, seemingly unaware of the source of their directive, began refurbishing the area, precisely matching the specifications within the ledger.
**Addendum 8919-A:**
On 08/12/2023, the Foundation recorded an entry in SCP-8919 for [REDACTED] Cathedral. Annotations in the ledger indicated a “destabilizing presence” within the building’s foundations, set to collapse in 2031. Foundation personnel embedded within the city’s municipal government were instructed to survey the site. Structural engineers detected no immediate concerns; however, ongoing surveillance was approved.
SCP-8919 came to the Foundation’s attention when a series of collapses across Europe in 19██ matched near-exact descriptions found within the journal of an amateur architect, Alaric Dunn. The journal described Dunn’s “visions” of structures failing and provided intricate sketches of architectural defects. The Foundation retrieved the journal posthumously, discovering the sketches matched those produced by SCP-8919. Historical analysis revealed no record of SCP-8919’s creation, though architectural iconography on its cover suggests connections to an unknown culture.
**Analysis and Theories:**
SCP-8919 raises questions about its influence over architecture and what entities or mechanisms cause its annotations to manifest in reality. Some researchers posit that SCP-8919 is a remnant of an ancient society with advanced architectural knowledge. Others suggest it might be a device used to enforce “design corrections” on buildings deemed “unworthy” or “incorrect” according to some unknown standard. Further analysis is ongoing to determine if SCP-8919 can be used to prevent structural disasters or if its power should remain dormant.
**Researcher Note:**
> “SCP-8919 raises the possibility that architecture itself may be vulnerable to influence on a level we don’t yet understand. It’s not just predicting changes—it’s causing them. If someone wanted to reshape the world’s architecture, they’d only need SCP-8919 and a pen. The question is...who is the Architect?”
Excerpts of note:
SCP-8919 is to be kept in a standard anomalous item containment locker at Site-47. Access to SCP-8919 is restricted to Level 3 personnel or higher. Interaction with SCP-8919 is only permitted during authorized testing sessions with at least one researcher and one guard present. Any personnel handling SCP-8919 must wear gloves to prevent accidental activation of its anomalous properties.
Anomalous Effects:
After a structure is recorded in SCP-8919, any future alterations to the original building are automatically added to the ledger. Notably, SCP-8919 has demonstrated an ability to “predict” structural alterations or collapses up to five years in advance. These predicted changes are consistently accurate and, in most cases, appear beyond the realm of routine wear and tear, hinting at some form of intelligent influence over these buildings.
Analysis and Theories:
SCP-8919 raises questions about its influence over architecture and what entities or mechanisms cause its annotations to manifest in reality. Some researchers posit that SCP-8919 is a remnant of an ancient society with advanced architectural knowledge. Others suggest it might be a device used to enforce “design corrections” on buildings deemed “unworthy” or “incorrect” according to some unknown standard. Further analysis is ongoing to determine if SCP-8919 can be used to prevent structural disasters or if its power should remain dormant.
Of note, the image's initial url was (note the htmlgpt) and the user changed it to
User's only edits are formatting (bolding text) and image code edits. No forum or sandbox history.
Membership revoked, PM sent.