It was brought to staff attention that Ken Mercury (account age 2 days, site membership 21 hours) posted the articles: and, both of which are identical and contained multiple indicators of AI-generation.
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caption= Niguel Thomson [The Gentlemen's Clutches].
SCP 7517|
**Item #**: SCP-7517
**Object Class:** Keter
**Special Containment Procedures:** SCP-7517 is to be contained in a high-security humanoid containment chamber at Site-███. SCP-7517 is to be monitored continuously for changes in behavior, speech, and cognition. Unauthorized personnel are prohibited from interacting with SCP-7517 outside of approved experimentation. Any knowledge SCP-7517 gains regarding internal Foundation protocols, personnel details, or containment systems must be immediately reported to site command.
**Description:** SCP-7517, known as "The Gentlemen's Clutches" (The Flawless Detective), is a human male named Niguel Thomson, a detective of exceptional and inexplicable skill. SCP-7517 possesses comprehensive knowledge in fields of criminal investigation, forensic science, psychology, and numerous other subjects essential for solving complex crimes. Despite lacking any documented history of formal training, SCP-7517's capabilities surpass those of the most seasoned detectives, seemingly enabling it to deduce or uncover any hidden or unknown information. SCP-7517's skills are only compounded by a profound intelligence that appears to grow over time, adapting to new information and challenges presented within containment.
SCP-7517 carries an ordinary-looking walking stick, designated SCP-7517-A. SCP-7517-A conceals a high-caliber firearm mechanism, accessible only to SCP-7517 through methods not fully understood by Foundation researchers. This device has been observed to be a secondary tool in SCP-7517's investigative process, often used in cases where individuals attempt to flee or hinder SCP-7517's work.
**Background and Discovery:** SCP-7517’s anomalous properties were first discovered in ██/██/20██, following a series of unsolved murder cases attributed to various uncontainable entities across multiple SCP sites. The Foundation observed that SCP-7517 systematically solved cases deemed unsolvable by conventional or anomalous methods, often without being granted access to critical evidence. His involvement suggested a supernatural proficiency. The SCP Foundation contained SCP-7517 after a covert operation during which it had independently breached the containment of SCP-████ to “interrogate” it as part of an ongoing case.
Upon containment, SCP-7517 revealed portions of its past that suggest a traumatic childhood event involving the loss of its family to an armed robbery. SCP-7517 claims to have been taken under the care of an influential detective in the aftermath, leading to an extensive career in law enforcement. SCP-7517 appears religiously motivated, expressing belief in a "moral obligation to justice" that drives it to seek and solve crimes deemed impossible. SCP-7517 once remarked, “The world doesn’t know you exist till you do something bad, illegal, something wrong, and that is what I did, and now they know the GENTLEMEN.”
**Addendum 7517-1:** Incident Log – ██████ Case
During a containment breach at Site-███, SCP-7517 assisted personnel in tracking down an escaped SCP entity. SCP-7517 deduced the exact location and containment breach strategy of the SCP within minutes, demonstrating unparalleled deductive reasoning and an almost preternatural understanding of Foundation containment protocols. Afterward, SCP-7517's cognitive capabilities appeared to improve, incorporating even more of the Foundation’s security protocols and weaknesses into its knowledge base.
**Interview Log 7517-Alpha**
Interviewer: Dr. █████
Subject: SCP-7517
Dr. █████: "You once said the world doesn’t know you until you do something wrong. Care to elaborate?"
SCP-7517: "We are all ghosts, doctor, until our actions carve us into the history books. My actions are a gentle reminder—a sign of order in a chaotic world. You keep anomalies behind bars, but I see them as puzzles. The Gentlemen keeps the world in balance, even if it means bending your rules now and again."
**Research Notes:** Due to SCP-7517’s increasing cognitive and investigative capabilities, all interactions are now strictly monitored. It has been proposed that SCP-7517 may have a growing familiarity with the Foundation’s containment and interrogation tactics, raising concerns over the security of sensitive information. Further study is ongoing to determine whether SCP-7517’s intelligence growth poses a containment risk.
**O5 Memorandum:** While SCP-7517 offers potential insight into high-priority cases, personnel are reminded that interactions with the entity are a calculated risk. SCP-7517’s statements and actions must be taken with caution, as it may use Foundation resources for undisclosed motives aligning with its anomalous obsession with justice.
Notes: No substantial Revision History. Sandbox draft here: Image included appears to be AI.
Disc Team, please weigh in.