Special Containment Procedures:
SCP-8157 is contained within a 5m x 5m x 5m light-isolated chamber lined with high-intensity, motion-activated LED panels, maintaining a constant minimum intensity of 10,000 lumens. These lights must remain continuously active to ensure SCP-8157 remains visible. The chamber is outfitted with dual power sources, including a backup generator, to prevent any interruptions to illumination. In the event of a lighting failure, site-wide lockdown protocols are immediately initiated until full containment is reestablished.
SCP-8157's containment chamber is monitored daily for any changes in its position or behavior. All surfaces affected by SCP-8157's anomalous properties, where biological material has been converted into two-dimensional shadows (designated SCP-8157-1), must be cataloged and quarantined. Routine maintenance includes inspection and cleaning of chamber surfaces to prevent further formation of SCP-8157-1 instances. Any cracks or openings in the chamber walls or floor that exceed 1 cm in width are immediately sealed, as SCP-8157 can phase through any space larger than this dimension when unilluminated.
Personnel with Level-3 clearance or higher may access SCP-8157’s chamber, with only two personnel allowed inside at a time. They must wear protective light-reactive suits and carry emergency signal devices. Unauthorized access is strictly prohibited.
SCP-8157 is a humanoid entity exhibiting sapience and predatory tendencies, theorized to be composed of dark matter or exist as a higher-dimensional shadow entity. SCP-8157’s form is visible only when exposed to continuous, high-intensity light (minimum 10,000 lumens), appearing as a tall, shifting silhouette with indistinct contours. In total darkness, SCP-8157 becomes undetectable by visual or electronic means, seemingly phasing into surrounding shadows.
When SCP-8157 is exposed to light, it assumes a physical form, rendering it tangible and unable to pass through solid matter. However, in the absence of light, SCP-8157’s form appears to lose physical integrity, allowing it to seamlessly phase through any crack or opening exceeding 1 cm in width. This property poses a significant risk during containment breaches, as SCP-8157 can utilize unilluminated gaps in the containment structure to move undetected beyond its chamber.
Upon contact with biological matter, SCP-8157 triggers a rapid transformation, converting the affected material into a permanent two-dimensional "shadow" (designated SCP-8157-1) that adheres to the nearest surface. Once formed, SCP-8157-1 entities are non-removable and exhibit no detectable biological material or DNA, indicating molecular destabilization. These shadows persist indefinitely and cannot be disturbed. This process can also not occur if there is sufficient light concentrated on SCP-8157 or the biological matter it would transform.
SCP-8157 displays signs of intelligence, frequently seeking to exploit unlit areas or weak points in lighting to attempt containment breaches. It actively adapts to personnel movement and containment protocols, suggesting a heightened understanding of its surroundings. Although SCP-8157 cannot vocalize, it has demonstrated physical behaviors resembling frustration when its movements are restricted by containment measures.
Addendum 8157-01: Incident Report - ██/██/20██
On ██/██/20██, SCP-8157 triggered a containment breach after a brief power fluctuation led to a momentary drop in light intensity within its chamber. During this period, SCP-8157 was observed exploiting its phasing ability by slipping through a hairline crack in the chamber floor that exceeded the 1 cm threshold. Security personnel immediately initiated lockdown protocols, sealing all site exits and deploying portable light generators to prevent further movement.
As SCP-8157 moved into a nearby hallway, a containment response team managed to surround it with high-intensity lights after it had transformed an estimated 17 D Class Personnel, forcing SCP-8157 to manifest physically. Once illuminated, SCP-8157 lost its phasing ability, halting its progress. Visual monitoring showed SCP-8157 expressing apparent agitation, with erratic movements suggesting an awareness of containment efforts. Personnel were able to guide SCP-8157 back to its chamber, restoring containment once lighting levels were stabilized.
Subsequent examination of the containment chamber identified several surface cracks and other potential vulnerabilities. Maintenance has since reinforced all surfaces with seamless, reinforced materials to prevent any future breaches. Since this incident, all lighting equipment in SCP-8157’s containment chamber is subject to daily inspection to detect any malfunctions or reductions in light output.
Addendum 8157-02: Behavioral Note - ██/██/20██
Since an upgrade to containment protocols on ██/██/20██, SCP-8157 has shown a tendency to position itself near specific light sources, possibly attempting to influence or distort local light intensities. This behavior suggests a growing understanding of containment mechanics. Accordingly, all lighting equipment in SCP-8157's containment chamber undergoes daily inspection for wear or changes in light output. Personnel are reminded that any new SCP-8157-1 formations must be cataloged immediately.