Noting that it was brought to attention that new site member
BOBDaLoGS (account age 533 days, site membership 1 day) recently coldposted the following page, which contains several obvious hallmarks of AI-generation:
**Item #:** SCP-8151
**Object Class:** Keter
**Special Containment Procedures:** SCP-8151 must be monitored during the time of December 12th to December 25th by Mobile Task Force Yankee-1 through 7 (“Santa’s Little Helpers”) at nearby sites near major population centers, With constant help from any agent’s embedded in local police forces. There shall be a minimum of four undercover agents in the outskirts of major population centers. There shall also be audio-visual surveillance and environmental sensors to detect any anomalous activity that correlates with SCP-8151 activity. If SCP-8151 is spotted in a sector all possible entrances shall be blocked to prevent any civilian casualties, harm or disappearance.
Any instances of SCP-8151-A (Elves) are to be subdued and detained for questioning or [REDACTED].
A yearly “Global Cheer Directive” must be implemented, utilizing standard broadcast equipment to play Christmas music such as “Mira Carry All I want for Christmas is you” or alternatively classics such as “Jingle Bells”. Other options for broadcasting is various Christmas advertisements and Christmas related events across the Northern Hemisphere. In the event of a SCP-8151 appearance any non-combat personnel must evacuate the effected sector and any combat personnel must arm themselves with night vision and artic gear so they do not freeze to death and utilize any weaponry necessary and useable in the artic weather.
**Description:** SCP-8151, commonly known as “Krampus” is a bipedal humanoid entity with distinctive horns and a large sack. Standing between 2 and 3 meters in height, SCP-8151 is associated originating from Central and eastern European folklore, traditionally linked to punishing misbehaving children during the Christmas season. SCP-8151 exhibits heightened physical capabilities, such as enhanced speed, enhanced agility, significant strength and [REDACTED].
SCP-8151 manifests anomalously during times of decreased Joy and Love during the period of December 12th to December 25th. Reports indicate that upon manifesting, the surrounding area up to 605.3 mi² undergoes a phenomenon named “Krampusnacht” which consists of a whiteout or blizzard with lightning and the storm typically has enough snow to lower visibility to around three feet and most individuals in the affected area are trapped there also no noise comes out of the affected area once the storm manifests.
**SCP-8151’s Effects:**
-**Fear And Despair Manipulation:** SCP-8151 is capable of inducing fear and despair in nearby subjects, drawn from their emotional responses to it’s prescience. This often leads to victims engage in panic induced behaviors allowing SCP-8151 to terminate or capture them.
-**Control over the environment:** SCP-8151 effectively alters weather patterns, specifically causing localized blizzards or whiteouts with lightning silencing the target area. SCP-8151 can retreat and remerge confounding attempts to neutralize or capture it.
-**SCP-8151-A Instances:** SCP-8151 commands a small group of entities referred to SCP-8151-A. These entities resemble diminutive humanoid figures resembling traditional depictions of elves and perform tasks related to the capture of individuals during SCP-8151's manifestation.
**Discovery:** SCP-8151 was first encountered on December 22, 2023, after numerous reports from civilians surrounding Sector 23, Berlin concerning eerie silence followed by severe snowstorms and disappearances of individuals during the Christmas season. Mobile Task Force Beta-5 was dispatched to assess and contain the anomaly.
**Incident Report 8151-01:** During an initial engagement, Mobile Task Force Beta-5 experienced a direct encounter with SCP-8151. Reports from the site indicate an intense battle, where a member of Mobile Task Force Beta-5 utilized an array of festive and chaotic sounds in an attempt to neutralize SCP-8151's influence. The operation revealed that SCP-8151 was unaffected by high decibel levels associated with traditional festive music and celebrations.
The aftermath has prompted further investigation into SCP-8151’s lore, considering its ties to both human folklore and global cultural practices surrounding the holiday season. Continued research into how SCP-8151 interacts with tangible human emotions, especially joy and fear, is ongoing.
**Addendum 8151-A:** Due to SCP-8151's seasonal nature, all Foundation personnel are advised to participate in the "Global Cheer Directive" to ensure community morale remains high and to aid in the prevention of SCP-8151 manifestations. Failure to engage in these activities may lead to an increased risk of SCP-8151 reemergence and potential breaches. As of now no plans of containment or termination has worked and SCP-8151 is still active and uncontained.
Excerpts of note:
SCP-8151’s Effects:
-Fear And Despair Manipulation: SCP-8151 is capable of inducing fear and despair in nearby subjects, drawn from their emotional responses to it’s prescience. This often leads to victims engage in panic induced behaviors allowing SCP-8151 to terminate or capture them.
-Control over the environment: SCP-8151 effectively alters weather patterns, specifically causing localized blizzards or whiteouts with lightning silencing the target area. SCP-8151 can retreat and remerge confounding attempts to neutralize or capture it.
-SCP-8151-A Instances: SCP-8151 commands a small group of entities referred to SCP-8151-A. These entities resemble diminutive humanoid figures resembling traditional depictions of elves and perform tasks related to the capture of individuals during SCP-8151's manifestation.
The aftermath has prompted further investigation into SCP-8151’s lore, considering its ties to both human folklore and global cultural practices surrounding the holiday season. Continued research into how SCP-8151 interacts with tangible human emotions, especially joy and fear, is ongoing.
User has no forum posts, and their only edits are on the mainsite, and attempts to (incorrectly) change the name of the page. Also, their typing style in the official Discord is extremely different (improper capitalization, unusual idiomatic phrasing) from the material in the coldpost.
Membership revoked, PM sent. Kufat and afto agreeing.