Date: November 5th, 2024
Type of Fiat: Red Tape
Context: Operational Staff member psychicprogrammer noticed a policy contradiction between Tech Policy and the Translation Policy paradoxically requiring the creation of non-traditional categories for translations, which is forbidden by tech policy.
Description: The translation policy at will be edited from
Exceptions to this rule will be permitted at the discretion of site staff, to cover situations in which two original articles on two different wikis share the same unix URL, making it impossible for both to share the same unix URL when translated onto the same wiki.
Exceptions to this rule will be permitted at the discretion of site staff, to cover situations in which two original articles on two different wikis share the same unix URL, making it impossible for both to share the same unix URL when translated onto the same wiki or if the URL is disallowed by technical policy.
Reasoning: It is illogical for contradictory policy to exist, in this situation there was a clear preference, and going through week long discussions and/or votes would be unnecessary time wastage.
Supporters: Prismal,
Uncle Nicolini,