Noting that new site member GrimpleWinter (account age and site membership 1 day) recently coldposted the following page, which contains several hallmarks of AI-generation:
**SCP-8987:** The Gallery
**Object Class:** Keter
**Special Containment Procedures:**
SCP-8987 is to be contained within a specialized gallery at Site-██, accessible only to Level 4 personnel and above. The exhibit must be maintained under constant surveillance, which includes infrared and thermal imaging to detect hidden entities or abnormal activities, with two armed guards stationed at all entry points. No more than two personnel are permitted in the gallery at any time to reduce psychological strain and potential integration risk. No personnel are permitted to enter the gallery without prior psychological evaluation and mandatory non-reflective containment gear designed to counteract SCP-8987's effects.
Note: All paintings within SCP-8987 are to be treated as potentially hazardous. Any observer who exhibits signs of obsession or distress after viewing the paintings must be immediately removed from the area and subjected to psychological evaluation. Instances of SCP-DORIANS (individuals trapped within the paintings) are to be monitored remotely, and efforts to rescue them are prohibited without O5 Council approval.
SCP-8987 is an art exhibit consisting of a collection of paintings created by an unknown artist, each depicting vivid and surreal images that evoke strong emotional responses in viewers. Each painting is believed to harbor a supernatural entity, possibly drawing their power from alternate realities or pocket dimensions, that exerts a malevolent influence over observers. Research is ongoing to identify the unknown artist, ‘curator’, or collector behind SCP-8987, as their identity may hold crucial insights into the origins and purpose of the paintings.
When a subject views a painting from SCP-8987, they experience an overwhelming compulsion to engage with the artwork. This can manifest as prolonged staring, physical touch, or attempts to enter the frame. Subjects exposed to SCP-8987 often report a wide range of emotional reactions, including initial euphoria followed by intense anxiety and despair. Long-term exposure may lead to chronic psychological effects. After an undetermined period, the subject is integrated into the painting, resulting in the emergence of SCP-DORIAN instances. These instances appear as incongruent figures, or abstract or surrealist distortions of the original observer, trapped within the artwork and exhibiting signs of psychological or physiological torment. Interestingly, trace DNA from the trapped viewers has been found within the physical composition of the canvas and paint, suggesting that their essence contributes to the evolving nature of the artwork and possibly fuels the entities within.
Paintings are marked to elicit varying effects and threat levels as outlined in the sub-object classes below. SCP-8987 is classified as Keter due to its unpredictable and insidious nature and effects, which include the capacity to ensnare individuals regardless of their psychological resilience. The potential for widespread psychological harm, the risk of loss of personnel, and the unknown extent of SCP-8987's influence necessitate stringent containment measures to prevent its effects from manifesting outside the controlled environment of Site-██.
Psychological evaluations of personnel who have interacted with SCP-8987 reveal a range of outcomes, from increased anxiety disorders to heightened artistic inspiration. Detailed profiles are maintained for each individual, tracking emotional responses and any lasting psychological changes post-exposure. Speculations suggest that SCP-8987 may exhibit temporal anomalies, with certain paintings reflecting real-time changes in the gallery and possibly influencing past and present events. Subjects and personnel have corroborated instances of temporal shifts, where time seems to slow down or stop altogether after certain exposure limits have been reached. Observations have raised questions about the potential sentience of the entities within the artworks, or an ‘overall sentience,’ as well as the possibility that SCP-8987 may connect to other SCPs or events and even play a role in their creation. This interconnectivity highlights the need for ongoing research to fully understand the broader implications and effects of SCP-8987 on the world and its environment.
SCP-8987 was first identified following a series of reports concerning anomalous paintings found in various locations across ████████. The initial discovery occurred on ██/██/20██, when a local art dealer reported a collection of strikingly surreal paintings acquired from an unmarked estate sale. Subsequent investigations revealed that similar artworks had been turning up in abandoned buildings, remote galleries, and even private collections.
Foundation agents were alerted after several individuals exposed to the paintings began exhibiting erratic behavior and reported experiencing intense emotional disturbances. In one notable incident, a small group of viewers was found missing after a private exhibition, leading to an urgent Foundation response.
Upon containment of the paintings, psychological evaluations of affected individuals indicated severe mental distress, with reports of compulsive engagement with the artworks or in extreme cases, permanent psychosis or disappearance. Analysis confirmed that trace DNA from the missing individuals and an ongoing database of unmatched DNA was embedded within the artworks.
Ongoing research is aimed at uncovering the identity of the unknown artist(s) or curator(s) and the implications of the entity or entities believed to reside within the paintings. All documentation related to SCP-8987 and the circumstances surrounding its discovery has been heavily redacted to ensure confidentiality and prevent public awareness and hysteria based on the ongoing investigation. Further details remain classified.
**SCP-DORIAN Instances:**
The trapped souls within SCP-8987 display a range of behaviors, including:
* Attempting to communicate through muted sounds or gestures
* Expressing emotions reflective of their final moments before integration
* Exhibiting changes in the visual representation of the painting, often becoming more chaotic, obscured, or dark
* Manifesting a deep, unsettling awareness of their entrapment, occasionally reaching out as if to grasp at passing viewers over time, causing intense feelings of dread in those who witness it.
* Exhibiting signs of decay or disintegration, with parts of their forms blending into the paint, suggesting a slow and painful melding into the artwork or canvas.
* Some instances have been observed to scream silently, their mouths opening impossibly wide in eternal cries.
* In extreme cases, SCP-DORIANS instances have been noted to influence nearby paintings, causing them to shift in tone or subject matter, reflecting the trapped souls' torment and amplifying the malevolent energy of SCP-8987.
* Different paintings seem to produce SCP-DORIANS instances that vary in emotional expressions and manifestations, indicating a unique connection between the observer’s psyche and the artwork. [Some instances manifest as distorted caricatures of their former selves, while others appear as abstract shapes or objects, fluctuating in color and form. This variation suggests a strong link between the observer's psyche and the characteristics of their SCP-DORIANS manifestation.]
**The mandatory containment gear for SCP-8987 includes the following components:**
**Weighted Visors:** Darkened visors with varying degrees of light compensations that limit visual exposure to the paintings, reducing the risk of becoming entranced or overwhelmed by their imagery.
**Noise-canceling Headphones:** These block out/mitigate any auditory hallucinations emanating from the paintings, helping to maintain focus and reduce anxiety.
**Thermal Insulation Suits:** Providing a barrier against the cold, oppressive atmosphere often reported in the presence of SCP-8987, these suits are designed to minimize physical discomfort.
**Emotional Stabilizers:** Wrist-mounted devices that emit low-frequency sound waves, designed to counteract feelings of dread or despair, promoting psychological resilience.
**Rebreather Masks:** Equipped with filters to purify the air, these masks prevent the inhalation of any anomalous mists that may arise from the paintings. Each mask also features a fail-safe mechanism that administers a sedative gas if it detects extreme distress or signs of succumbing to the paintings' influence.
**Biofeedback Monitors:** Wearable devices that continuously track personnel’s emotional states, heart rate, and other physiological responses. These monitors provide real-time data to the control team, allowing for immediate intervention if a subject exhibits signs of distress or abnormal reactions.
Note: This comprehensive gear is mandatory for all personnel entering the containment area to ensure their safety and mental stability.
**Emergency Protocols for SCP-8987:**
**Immediate Evacuation Protocol:**
Upon detection of psychological distress in personnel within the gallery, initiate immediate evacuation procedures. Use of loud alarms to signal personnel outside the gallery to evacuate affected individuals without entering the gallery themselves.
**Containment Breach Response:**
If SCP-8987 or its effects are suspected to breach containment, lockdown the entire Site-██.
Activate automated surveillance systems to monitor gallery entrances and exits.
Deploy a specialized Mobile Task Force (MTF) unit codenamed ‘M.E.D.U.S.A’ (**M**obile **E**xtraction and **D**isruption **U**nit for **S**ecuring **A**nomalies) equipped with psychological and tactical countermeasures to secure the area, supported by remote-operated drones and rovers guided by the control team.
**Remote-Operated Drone and Rover Deployment:**
* Utilize remote-operated drones to conduct initial surveillance of SCP-8987 and detect anomalous activity from a safe distance.
* Deploy rovers equipped with cameras and communication systems to facilitate remote monitoring and data collection within the gallery without risking personnel exposure.
* Ensure drones and rovers are equipped with noise-canceling visual obscuration technology to mitigate psychological influences during operations.
**Psychological Emergency Response:**
* Establish a rapid-response psychological team available on-site at all times.
* Conduct immediate psychological evaluations for any personnel exhibiting signs of obsession, distress, or trance-like states after exposure to SCP-8987.
* Administer sedative gas from Rebreather Masks if personnel show extreme distress during evaluations.
**Communications Protocol:**
* All personnel entering the gallery must maintain constant radio communication with the control team.
* In the event of distress or unusual activity, personnel must report immediately and follow directives from the control team.
**Protocol for SCP-DORIAN Instances:**
Should SCP-DORIAN instances manifest, do not attempt to interact or communicate with them.
Document visual changes and behaviors of SCP-DORIAN instances remotely using drones.
Initiate containment procedures to prevent SCP-DORIAN instances from influencing other artworks or entities.
**[Automated] Visual Obscuration Procedure:**
In the event of a containment breach or significant psychological disturbance among personnel, cover all paintings within SCP-8987 with heavy, opaque drapes to obscure their visual influence.
Ensure the coverings are secured and monitored to prevent any accidental exposure during lockdown. Maintain constant surveillance of the covered paintings to detect any unusual activity or changes. [Unless marked, paintings are to remain unobscured to monitor physical changes or other anomalous activity.]
**Research Containment Protocol:**
Prior to any research involving SCP-8987, all involved personnel must undergo comprehensive psychological screening and be trained in emergency protocols. Limit exposure duration to no more than five minutes for initial assessments, with mandatory breaks and psychological evaluations following each session.
**Security Protocols:**
Maintain a minimum of two armed guards at all entry points to SCP-8987 at all times, equipped with noise-canceling headphones and biofeedback monitors. Implement biometric access controls for gallery entry, allowing only Level 4 personnel and above.
**Incident Reporting:**
All incidents involving SCP-8987 must be documented and reported to the Site Director within 24 hours.
Maintain logs of psychological evaluations and responses to exposure for further analysis and protocol updates.
**Training Drills:**
Conduct regular training drills simulating SCP-8987 exposure and containment breaches to ensure personnel readiness.
Review and update emergency protocols based on findings from drills and incident reports.
**Containment Review:**
Schedule weekly reviews of containment procedures and psychological impacts of SCP-8987 to assess effectiveness and make necessary adjustments.
Note: When personnel interact with SCP-8987, emotional biometrics are continuously monitored by the control team through wearable devices that track key indicators such as heart rate, galvanic skin response, and overall emotional state. Typical baseline readings show stable heart rates ranging from 60-80 beats per minute and low levels of anxiety, reflected in minimal fluctuations in skin conductance. However, thresholds for alerts are established at specific markers: heart rates exceeding 100 beats per minute, significant increases in galvanic skin response indicative of heightened stress, or any sustained emotional distress readings (scoring 7 or higher on a 10-point anxiety scale) elicit immediate alerts to the control team. Personnel who surpass these thresholds are swiftly evacuated from the gallery and subjected to psychological evaluation and intervention to mitigate the risk of SCP-8987's insidious effects.
This list summarizes common reactions observed during testing with various paintings in SCP-8987, highlighting the emotional correlations and findings that inform ongoing containment and psychological evaluation protocols.
**Painting ID:**
**Common Reactions:**
Overwhelming euphoria followed by despair
**Emotional Correlations:**
Initial excitement followed by increased anxiety and dread
**Testing Summary:**
Subjects displayed a pattern of rapid emotional shifts, indicating a strong pull towards the painting's emotional content.
**Painting ID:**
**Common Reactions:**
Compulsive urge to touch or approach the canvas
**Emotional Correlations:**
Heightened levels of curiosity paired with fear of the unknown
**Testing Summary:**
Participants often reported feeling a deep connection to the painting, leading to eventual duress or episodes of psychosis. One report detailed how a subject observed themselves reaching out toward SCP-8987-23 from the perspective of the painting itself.
**Painting ID:**
**Common Reactions:**
Prolonged staring and trance-like state
**Emotional Correlations:**
Increased susceptibility to negative emotions
**Testing Summary:**
Observations indicated that extended exposure correlated with a sharp decline in psychological resilience.
**Painting ID:**
**Common Reaction:**
Visual hallucinations of ‘shadowy’ figures
**Emotional Correlations:**
Heightened anxiety and paranoia
**Testing Summary:**
Subjects experiencing visual distortions reported feelings of being watched or followed, intensifying their fear and anxiety levels.
**Painting ID:**
**Common Reactions:**
Despair and hopelessness after initial fascination
**Emotional Correlations:**
Strong feelings of existential dread
**Testing Summary:**
Integration as SCP-DORIANS was common among subjects who felt a profound sense of loss or entrapment.
**Painting ID:**
**Common Reactions:**
Feelings of alienation and disconnection from reality/time
**Emotional Correlations:**
Elevated levels of sadness and loneliness
**Testing Summary:**
Emotional feedback suggested that this painting amplifies feelings of isolation, correlating with longer recovery times post-exposure.
Note: Given the vast unpredictability and unknown nature of the paintings within SCP-8987, it has become increasingly clear that a distinct sub-object class system is essential for each painting.
This classification not only facilitates a deeper understanding of their specific effects on observers but also acknowledges the potential correspondence or connections these artworks may have with other SCPs. Each painting's unique properties can manifest in unpredictable ways, leading to varying psychological and temporal disturbances. By establishing separate object classes, the Foundation aims to enhance containment strategies, improve risk assessments, and foster ongoing research into the complex interplay between these entities. Additionally, this new classification system will promote targeted research and experimentation, allowing researchers to study how the effects of specific paintings may be amplified when in proximity to one another, revealing deeper insights into their collective impact and potential for anomalous interactions.
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**SCP-8987 Sub-Object Classes**
**Level 1: EROS**
**Effect:** Induces intoxicating euphoria and obsessive infatuation, often leading to self-destructive behavior if obsessions are not realized.
**Description:** Observers experience ecstasy followed by a crushing descent into despair.
**Threat Level:** //Moderate// – Manageable but requires careful monitoring.
**Protocol:** Codenamed “//Lovesick//” — Mandatory psychological evaluations or removal after exposure to prevent compulsive attachment.
**Level 2: PHOBOS**
**Effect:** Elicits paralyzing fear and unrelenting paranoia.
**Description:** Subjects feel an omnipresent gaze upon them, haunted by incongruent figures lurking in the periphery even hours after initial contact.
**Threat Level:** //High// – Highly unpredictable and requires immediate intervention.
**Protocol:** Codenamed “//Wraith//” — Introduce noise-canceling technology to reduce auditory disturbances during assessments.
**Level 3: THANATOS**
**Effect:** Instills a pervasive dread of mortality and ‘the void.’
**Description:** Viewers are consumed by hopelessness, haunted by visions of their own demise.
**Threat Level:** //High// – Significant psychological risk necessitating close supervision.
**Protocol:** Codenamed “//Death Dealer//” — Enforce immediate debriefing sessions to address existential crises post-exposure.
**Level 4: CHRONOS**
**Effect:** Disrupts temporal perception, ensnaring individuals in disorienting loops of time.
**Description:** Individuals lose their grip on reality, feeling as though they are trapped in an infinite cycle of torment.
**Threat Level:** //High// – Unstable and requires stringent temporal monitoring.
**Protocol:** Codenamed “//Timekeeper//” — Limit exposure time to five minutes and implement mandatory breaks and monitoring.
**Level 6: MUSES**
**Effect:** Sparks dark and grotesque creativity, often compelling subjects to create horrific works of art that exploit their own bodily fluids or self-mutilation.
**Description:** Observers are consumed by frenzied inspiration, producing nightmarish creations that blend artistry with visceral horror. Their works reflect deep psychological torment, blurring the line between creator and creation. The aftermath reveals chilling art alongside the physical and emotional scars borne by the subjects, as they often become the ‘artwork’ themselves.
**Threat Level:** //Moderate// – Manageable, but the risk of self-harm and psychological degradation is significant.
**Protocol:** Codenamed “//Sirens//” — Enforce a strict no-creation policy for all personnel exposed to Level 6 objects exhibiting problematic behavior. Psychological evaluations and containment are mandatory before and after exposure to ensure emotional stability, and individuals exhibiting urges to create must be removed immediately for further assessment. Continuous monitoring is required to prevent any manifestations of self-harm or disturbing artistic expression.
**Level 7: NYX**
**Effect:** Envelops individuals in profound isolation and existential despair.
**Description:** Subjects feel an unbearable detachment from reality, sinking into an abyss of loneliness as the boundaries of self-identity erode.
**Threat Level:** //High// – Requires vigilant monitoring to prevent severe, lasting psychological impact.
**Protocol:** Codenamed “//Bulwark//” — Enforce group evaluations to counteract feelings of isolation after exposure.
**Level 8: DEIMOS**
**Effect:** Amplifies violent rage and unbridled aggression.
**Description:** Viewers are driven to uncontrollable outbursts, their actions fueled by the painting’s malevolent influence, becoming highly unpredictable and dangerous.
**Threat Level:** //Severe// – Highly volatile; requires immediate containment protocols.
**Protocol:** Codenamed “//Romero//” — Implement an on-site response team trained to handle aggressive behavior among exposed personnel. All individuals interacting with Level 8 designated objects must undergo immediate psychological evaluation following exposure. Continuous monitoring for signs of escalating anger is required, and if any observer begins to exhibit aggressive tendencies, the response team will be called in to de-escalate the situation safely. Regular training sessions will be conducted for the team to ensure effective intervention strategies and maintain a secure environment for all personnel.
**Level 10: MORPHEUS**
**Effect:** Induces haunting hallucinations and nightmarish visions, blurring the line between reality and nightmare.
**Description:** Subjects become ensnared in a web of delusion, struggling to discern between tangible experiences and phantoms of their mind. Subjects and viewers exposed to Level 10 designated objects have reported out-of-body experiences, loss of identity, and agency.
**Threat Level:** //High// – Requires stringent monitoring to ensure reality stabilization.
**Protocol:** Codenamed “//Sandman//” — Implement guided reorientation sessions designed to ground or remove individuals after exposure.
**Level 11: KHAOS**
**Effect:** Causes total psychological fragmentation, leading to the creation of SCP-DORIAN instances.
**Description:** Individuals consumed by the artwork lose all sense of self, merging into the canvas as distorted, tormented forms. Most, if not all, paintings exhibit some form of this object level's effects to varying degrees.
**Threat Level:** //Critical// – Unmanageable due to the nature of the SCP-DORIAN instances; immediate containment necessary.
**Protocol:** Codenamed “//Giger//” — Ongoing monitoring and documentation of SCP-DORIAN instances are essential. As these entities cannot be contained or retrieved, research efforts will focus on studying their behavior and any interactions with the artwork. Regular assessments should be made to determine if any changes in the paintings correlate with the manifestations of SCP-DORIAN instances. All personnel must be trained to recognize signs of absorption and report immediately. Preventative measures should include strict access controls to viewing areas and the implementation of psychological support for those who have interacted with the paintings to mitigate the risk of absorption. Immediate containment measures to isolate affected individuals from others.
**Level 12: RAVENOR**
**Effect:** ███████████ ████████████ ██████ ███████████.
**Description:** ██████████████ ███████████ ██████████ ██████████ ████████████ ████████ ████████████.
**Threat Level:** //Critical// – Unmanageable, unmonitorable, and highly dangerous; direct containment needed. (Restive threat to destabilize the mental fabric of those in proximity.)
**Protocol:** Codenamed “//Ragnarok//” — Establish a no-contact and engagement policy for personnel entering this level to prevent catastrophic effects. In the event of exposure to RAVENOR, immediate lockdown of the affected area is mandated. Personnel must activate distress signals and retreat to secure locations. All individuals showing signs of psychological breakdown will be evaluated and quarantined to prevent contagion of despair. The monitoring team will document the psychological and physical manifestations of despair as they unfold, focusing on the potential for reality distortion. Field teams equipped with advanced psychological countermeasures will be deployed to gather data from within the contaminated zone. Should SCP-DORIAN instances manifest during exposure, all efforts will focus on remote observation, as direct interaction poses an existential threat to personnel. In extreme cases, where the intensity of RAVENOR escalates, contingency plans for mass evacuation of nearby personnel/sites must be enacted.
**[RAVENOR] [Implications of Exposure]:** Should RAVENOR-level objects become uncontained or exposed to the general public, the consequences could be catastrophic and unconscionable. Widespread psychological disintegration would likely ensue, leading to mass hysteria and societal collapse. The sheer despair generated by RAVENOR could result in an epidemic of suicides, mass murders, violent outbursts, and a total breakdown of social and cultural norms as individuals succumb to the overwhelming nihilism it instills. Additionally, if SCP-DORIAN instances proliferate unchecked, they could fundamentally alter the landscape of reality, creating zones of despair that warp perception and threaten to merge with our world, manifesting a new realm of existence where hope is extinguished. The Foundation recognizes the urgent need for rigorous containment measures and strategies to prevent such a scenario from occurring, as the ramifications would extend far beyond the immediate vicinity, impacting global stability and the very essence of life.
As the Foundation delves deeper into the complexities of SCP-8987, particular attention has been drawn to SCP-8987-07, a painting that exemplifies the unpredictable and malevolent nature of this anomalous collection. Unlike its counterparts, SCP-8987-07 exhibits unique properties that intertwine elements of the previously established sub-object levels, amplifying their effects in unforeseen ways. The haunting imagery within SCP-8987-07 not only distorts perceptions of reality but also elicits profound psychological disturbances that challenge containment protocols. Its significance necessitates specialized research to unravel the depths of its influence and any potential external connections.
**Painting ID:** SCP-8987-07
**Codename:** "//The Endless//"
SCP-8987-07 is a painting housed within a highly secure and undisclosed section of Site-██, designated "The Curation." Access to this section is restricted to personnel with Level 5 security clearance or higher. The painting is known to cause significant psychological disturbances, and even descriptions of SCP-8987-07 have been linked to manifest lasting psychological deviancies in individuals who engage with them.
When an individual gazes at SCP-8987-07, they are quickly drawn into a trance-like state, losing all sense of time and reality. Brain scans of affected individuals reveal that they exhibit a permanent neural pattern consistent with being trapped in a time loop or a comatose or dream-like state, suggesting that while their physical bodies remain in the gallery, their consciousness is entrapped in a repeating cycle of events projected within the painting. Observers report a variety of experiences, often echoing moments from their past or future interspersed with surreal imagery, creating an overwhelming sense of déjà vu and erosion of one’s self-identity and perception.
Despite attempts to rescue individuals entranced by SCP-8987-07, all interventions have failed, with subjects unable to perceive their surroundings or respond to external stimuli. The psychological evaluation of individuals exposed to SCP-8987-07 reveals that they exhibit signs of extreme emotional distress upon attempts to bring them back to reality, with some even expressing a non-verbal longing to remain with the painting.
**Containment Procedures:**
The containment protocols for SCP-8987-07 mirror those for SCP-8987, with additional measures due to the unique risks posed by its temporal anomalies.
This includes:
* Enhanced Surveillance: In addition to standard infrared and thermal imaging, the gallery housing SCP-8987-07 is equipped with advanced temporal monitoring devices to detect any fluctuations in time perception.
* Temporal Isolation Units (TIUs): Personnel entering the gallery are equipped with specialized temporal stabilizers designed to anchor their perception of time, minimizing the risk of being drawn into SCP-8987-07’s influence.
**Emergency Protocols for SCP-8987-07:**
Should personnel show signs of being entranced by SCP-8987-07, they must be evacuated immediately using a rapid-response team. Additionally, the gallery may be placed under a "Temporal Lockdown," where all access points are sealed until the situation is deemed stable.
**Containment Breach Response:**
Deployment of specialized Mobile Task Force unit codenamed ‘M.E.D.U.S.A’ (**M**obile **E**xtraction and **D**isruption **U**nit for **S**ecuring **A**nomalies) equipped with psychological, tactical, and temporal countermeasures to secure the area, supported by remote-operated drones and rovers.
**Incident Reports:**
Reports have documented instances where personnel have temporarily vanished for varying periods upon exposure to SCP-8987-7. Upon re-emergence, these individuals exhibit severe disorientation and a sense of time loss, often struggling to reconcile or divorce their experiences within the painting with reality.
Research is ongoing to explore the potential connections between SCP-8987-7 and other anomalous entities, as well as to uncover the identity of the unknown artist behind the entire SCP-8987 collection. Further studies aim to understand the underlying mechanics of the temporal anomalies and how they interact with the observer's psyche and how they might be used to the Foundation’s benefit.
**Addendum 8987-A: Incident Report**
On ██/██/20██, a test subject (D-1938) was instructed to view SCP-8987-05, a painting titled "[REDACTED]" which depicts a dark, swirling abyss that draws the viewer's eye into its depths. The composition features a jagged cliff that descends steeply into an infinite void, obscuring what lies below. Shadows and mist swirl around the edge, limiting visibility and creating an unsettling atmosphere. The painting absorbs light, rendering any illumination ineffective, as the dark hues deepen with closer inspection, evoking an overwhelming sense of dread and the unknown. Each detail seems to beckon the viewer further into the darkness, reminiscent of an endless staircase-like descent into despair.
Subject D-1938 reported feelings of dread and fascination but continued to engage with the painting despite warnings. After approximately seven minutes, the subject disappeared, and reappeared in the painting as a distorted figure, mirroring the subject's final expression.
Following D-1938’s integration, attempts were made to communicate with the new SCP-DORIAN instance. Although no direct communication was made, visual responses indicated a dichotomous state of intrigue and confusion, emphasizing the unexplainable nature of their entrapment.
**Addendum 8987-B: Experiment Log - Continued Human Testing**
**Experiment 8987-01:**
**Objective:** To assess the psychological effects of SCP-8987 on D-Class personnel.
**Procedure:** Three D-Class personnel were instructed to view SCP-8987-15, a painting known as "[REDACTED]" for a duration of ten minutes.
All subjects reported feelings of euphoria initially, followed by escalating anxiety. After eight minutes, all subjects were observed to enter a trance-like state, and one subject (D-2234) integrated into the painting as an SCP-DORIAN instance. The other two subjects exhibited severe emotional distress, leading to their immediate removal and psychological intervention.
**Experiment 8987-02:**
**Objective:** To investigate the potential of SCP-8987 to influence artistic creation.
**Procedure:** An artist (Dr. ██████) was allowed to paint within the SCP-8987 gallery under supervision.
Dr. ██████ reported a strong inspiration and overwhelming urge to continue painting. Upon completion, the new painting, a still life featuring a pair of golden tweezers, an old film camera, loose, red piano keys, and a green book, exhibited the same anomalous properties as SCP-8987 paintings. Following the incident, Dr. ██████ was integrated into the new painting as an SCP-DORIANS instance.
SCP-8987 represents a significant threat due to its ability to ensnare souls through artistic expression. The psychological and existential implications of its effects necessitate stringent containment measures. Research into the identity of the original artist and the nature of the entities linked to the paintings is ongoing. Further testing is to be approved only under controlled conditions with full psychological evaluation and support for participants.
**Experiment 8987-03:**
Objective: To assess the effects of industrial solvents and white paint on SCP-8987 paintings in an attempt to negate their anomalous properties.
A team of researchers, including one Level 3 researcher (Dr. ██████) and two D-Class personnel (D-4532 and D-6781), was assigned to experiment with SCP-8987-04, a painting titled "[REDACTED]" known for its complex layering and unsettling imagery. The team applied industrial solvents to the surface in an effort to dissolve the paint layers, followed by a coating of white paint to obscure the original artwork and sever its anomalous connection.
Despite the application of the industrial solvents, there was no noticeable change to the painting. The solvents failed to affect the paint’s integrity, and the vivid imagery remained intact. Following this, the team applied the white paint, but again, it did not alter the painting in any significant way. The surface remained as it was, with the colors and textures untouched by the experiment.
In an attempt to further strip the paint, the team considered alternative methods. Subsequent attempts to burn the painting and submerge it in water also proved ineffective. The flames merely flickered and died against the canvas, while the water seemed to slide off as if repelled by an unseen force. Various chemicals and corrosives were also tested on the painting with the same result. Throughout these attempts, the painting exuded a persistent coldness, and observers reported an escalating sense of unease or dread.
After several hours, the painting remained unchanged, undeterred by the attempts to alter its form. D-4532 and D-6781 began to exhibit signs of psychological distress, experiencing vivid auditory hallucinations and visual hallucinations emerging from the canvas, despite the physical integrity of the painting being unaffected.
The experiment confirmed that SCP-8987 paintings possess an inherent resistance to external attempts at alteration, whether through solvents, paint, fire, or water. Attempts to strip or destroy the painting resulted in no observable changes, reinforcing the idea that SCP-8987 is not only anomalous but also deeply resilient to conventional methods of manipulation. The findings indicate that further efforts to negate its effects could potentially exacerbate the psychological impact on observers rather than mitigate it.
**Follow-Up Actions:**
All personnel involved in the experiment underwent immediate psychological evaluation, and the Site Director recommended a suspension of all physical alteration attempts on SCP-8987 pending a thorough review by the O5 Council. Further research will focus on understanding the painting's properties and exploring non-invasive methods of study and containment.
**[Combined Experiment Log]: SCP-8987 Reflective Interaction**
**Date:** ██/██/20██
**Researcher:** Dr. ████████
**Subjects:** SCP-8987-03 (Specific painting within SCP-8987)
**Procedure:** A mirror was placed directly in front of SCP-8987-03 to investigate interactions and potential absorption effects stemming from the painting's anomalous properties.
**Initial Setup:**
D-Class personnel [D-8987-02] was selected for the experiment and instructed to maintain gaze upon SCP-8987-3 while facing the mirror. The mirror was designed to reflect the entirety of the painting and subject.
**Initial Reaction:**
Upon exposure, D-8987-02 exhibited an immediate sense of unease, reporting that the painting seemed to ‘breathe’ and the reflection in the mirror was ‘not entirely their own’ and that the figure in the mirror had notably sunken eyes and mottled skin. Still, the subject expressed a strong compulsion to interact with the reflection.
**Reflection Dynamics:**
As the subject stared into the mirror, the reflection began to show not only D-8987-02 but also distinct elements from SCP-8987-03. The colors and imagery of the painting appeared to seep into the mirror, creating an unsettling effect where the boundaries between the reflection and the original subject began to permanently coalesce.
**Absorption Phenomenon:**
After approximately [REDACTED] minutes, the mirror exhibited a notable change: it began to absorb the subject matter from SCP-8987-03, effectively transforming into a conduit for the painting. The imagery reflected in the mirror shifted to mirror the chaotic and disturbing scenes depicted in SCP-8987-03, creating a new and warped version of the original artwork.
**Psychological Effects:**
D-8987-02 began to show signs of dissociation, unable to distinguish between their own identity and that of the distorted reflection. The subject reported feelings of being drawn into the mirror, as though it were a gateway.
**Termination of Experiment:**
At the five-minute mark, the subject exhibited signs of severe psychological distress and was removed from the experimental area.
**Conduit Creation:**
Analysis revealed that the mirror had effectively become a clone or conduit of SCP-8987-03, capable of projecting and manipulating its effects independently. This raises concerns about the potential for multiple instances of the same painting to exist simultaneously, each with its own potentially unique or combined influence on observers. Further research and investigation is required.
**Potential for SCP-DORIAN Manifestation:**
Further examination suggested that the mirror could serve as a new medium for SCP-DORIAN instances, absorbing aspects of the observer's psyche and potentially transforming them into novel entities.
The experiment demonstrated that mirrors positioned in front of SCP-8987 paintings can absorb the subject matter, creating dangerous conduits for the artworks' effects. The implications of this phenomenon necessitate immediate terminatory action.
Recreation of this experiment is strictly prohibited due to the disturbing nature of the findings and the potential for uncontrolled replication of SCP-8987 instances. All related research and documentation must be classified and securely archived to prevent unauthorized experimentation. Further studies into the nature of mirrors and other reflective surfaces and their interaction with SCP-8987 are required to fully understand the risks involved.
**Addendum 8987-C: Documentary Log - Discovery of Additional Paintings**
**Date:** ██/██/20██
**Location:** Site-██
**Subject:** Recent discovery of a trove of anomalous paintings related to SCP-8987
**Documentary Log Overview:**
During a routine search of an archived storage area at Site-██, a team of researchers uncovered a collection of paintings aboard an adrift freight liner in the Pacific Ocean, designated SCP-8987-α. Initial examinations indicate that these works share similar anomalous properties with SCP-8987, including the ability to ensnare observers and provoke intense emotional responses.
**Notable Discoveries:**
**"The Gallery Itself" (SCP-8987-α-01):**
This particular painting depicts the very gallery housing SCP-8987, capturing its architectural details and even featuring the containment measures in place. Strikingly, the painting seems to shift and evolve, reflecting changes in the actual gallery environment over time. Observers report a disorienting sense of déjà vu when viewing it, suggesting possible temporal anomalies or events linked to the artwork.
**Other Paintings (SCP-8987-α-02 to SCP-8987-α-10):**
These works encompass various surreal landscapes and abstract representations of emotions and fears. Preliminary analysis indicates that they also contain an anomalous presence or entities similar to those found within SCP-8987, potentially suggesting a shared origin, connectivity, or purpose among the artworks.
**Significance and Speculations:**
The discovery of SCP-8987-α raises significant questions about the nature of SCP-8987 and its connection to other anomalous objects.
**The following hypotheses have been proposed:**
**Temporal Anomalies:**
The painting "The Gallery Itself" may indicate a temporal connection between SCP-8987 and its surrounding environment. The ability of the painting to reflect real-time changes within the gallery suggests that it could serve as a conduit for temporal distortions, possibly allowing the artwork to influence past and present events within the site and externally.
**Interconnected Anomalies:**
The shared properties of the SCP-8987-α paintings may suggest a broader network of anomalous art that extends beyond SCP-8987. Researchers have begun to investigate potential connections between these paintings and other SCPs that deal with psychological manipulation, artistic expression, or dimensional anomalies, such as SCP-███ (a known reality-bending artwork) and SCP-████ (a collection of cursed artifacts and sculptures).
**Potential for Discovery:**
The presence of these additional artworks opens up the possibility of uncovering more anomalous pieces that could provide insights into the nature of SCP-8987 and its entities. This may lead to the identification of further SCPs linked to the same artist or a similar thematic origin, suggesting a complex web of artistic anomalies that warrant exploration.
**Art as Genesis:**
It is posited that the artworks within SCP-8987 and the newly discovered SCP-8987-α may not only reflect existing SCPs but could also depict entities that have yet to be created and may be created by various or undetermined mediums. This raises the intriguing possibility that these paintings serve as a form of conceptual genesis, where the act of creation within the artistic realm directly influences the manifestation of SCPs in the physical world. If true, this could mean that the existence of these artworks is intrinsically tied to the ongoing evolution of anomalous entities, suggesting that the paintings themselves may play a crucial role in shaping the nature and emergence of past, present, and future SCPs. This potential interdependence warrants further investigation, as it could redefine our understanding of how anomalies originate and exist within the world.
**Risk of Mental Assimilation:**
It is theorized that the paintings within SCP-8987 not only physically assimilate individuals but also mentally absorb their thoughts and memories. This assimilation could allow the paintings to weaponize these extracted experiences, potentially manipulating their observers to extract confidential or relevant information, thereby broadening their scope of malevolence. The advent of "The Gallery Itself” raises troubling questions about whether the inception of these artworks was influenced by the absorption of high-level personnel, whose knowledge and secrets may now reside or reflect within the canvases. Given these implications, further research is urgently needed to investigate the extent of this mental assimilation and its potential consequences for personnel, the Foundation, and the world.
**Follow-Up Actions:**
Further examination of SCP-8987-α will proceed under strict containment protocols, with an emphasis on psychological evaluations for all personnel involved. A dedicated research team will investigate the implications of the temporal anomalies and seek to establish a connection with other SCPs that exhibit similar properties. Collaboration with the O5 Council will be necessary to prioritize this research given the indication of a deeper connection between SCP-8987 and its observers, raising critical questions about the nature of the artwork and its implications in the realm of anomalous entities.
**Future Research Directive:**
Further investigation into the possibility of creating protective artistic works designed to counteract SCP-8987’s effects must be made. There is also a need to explore whether additional anomalous artworks may exist that could influence the entities within SCP-8987, potentially opening avenues for understanding how artistic expression shapes reality. This interconnectedness highlights the need for ongoing research to fully understand the broader implications and effects of SCP-8987 on the world and its environment.
**Addendum 8987-D: Experiment Log - Interaction with Malevolent Anomalous Entity**
**Experiment ID:** [REDACTED]
**Subject:** SCP-████ [REDACTED]
**Date:** ██/██/20██
**Procedure Overview:**
In a highly controlled and classified experiment, a malevolent SCP entity known as SCP-████, characterized by its resistance to conventional destruction, was retrieved and temporarily confined. The entity was placed within a secured chamber containing SCP-8987-6, a selected painting from the exhibit, to observe potential interactions.
**Containment and Setup:**
SCP-████ was transported to Site-██ under maximum security measures and confined in a chamber designed to withstand its anomalous effects. SCP-8987-6 was positioned directly adjacent to the containment unit. Monitoring equipment was set up to capture all interactions remotely.
Initial observations revealed SCP-████ exhibiting heightened agitation and never-before documented duress upon exposure to SCP-8987-6. Disturbing vocalizations were recorded, suggesting an immediate response to the painting's influence.
Approximately [REDACTED] minutes into the exposure, SCP-████ began to exhibit marked changes in behavior, characterized by [REDACTED]. Researchers noted a gradual shift in the entity's form, with visual distortions becoming increasingly pronounced.
**Absorption Phenomenon:**
At approximately [REDACTED] minutes, SCP-████ was observed to [REDACTED], seemingly succumbing to the effects of SCP-8987-6. The entity appeared to become displaced and later [REDACTED].
Surveillance footage captured SCP-████'s final assimilation, during which it emitted [REDACTED] before vanishing entirely from the containment chamber. The painting's surface displayed [REDACTED], indicating a profound change in its characteristics post-experiment.
The experiment demonstrated that SCP-8987 can exert a powerful influence over even the most resilient anomalous entities. SCP-████ was not only absorbed into SCP-8987-6 but seemed to contribute to a remarkable change in the painting's overall aesthetic and emotional resonance. It remains unclear whether the influence of the painting became more or less palpable following this incident, as subsequent analysis revealed [REDACTED].
The ramifications of this interaction necessitate further investigation, particularly concerning the potential for SCP-8987 to assimilate and transform other SCP entities. All related documentation is to be classified and reviewed by the O5 Council for further directives.
**Audio Log 8987-[REDACTED]-Discovery**
**Date:** ██/██/20██
**//Click. Recording starts.//**
**Researcher ██████:**
This is Audio Log 8987-[REDACTED], documenting the discovery of an unmarked trove of paintings within [REDACTED]. Our initial scans indicated significant energy readings from one particular piece.
On approach, we noted a heavy black drape bound around it, seemingly designed to obscure or discern the canvas from the others. The object exhibited a cold aura, prompting immediate caution...
//Pause. Sounds of papers rustling.//
We initiated the unveiling protocol, and upon removal of the drape, the painting revealed... //pause//
...a figure unlike any we’ve encountered. It was pale and emaciated, comprised of grotesque anatomy, and with almost //short pause// translucent skin stretched taut over its skeletal frame.
The figure was facing away, covering its face as if weeping...the image was chilling. Its spine protruded through the skin, forming sharp ridges that disrupted the surface. The emotions it evoked are palpable, and a tangible dread still claws at the edges of my mind even hours after viewing the painting.
//Sound of paper shuffling, a deep breath.//
There’s something about the way it seemed to ‘reach for us’... almost as if the figure in the painting itself was living and could feel our //presence//. I felt an overwhelming urge to draw my hand out towards the painting and touch it.
//Long pause.//
We must secure this piece immediately—away from the others. It’s stronger, darker, more primal. If SCP-8987 has taught us anything, it’s that art can trap more than just souls. It can harbor unimaginable horrors—it can bind torment itself—and if we’re not careful, it will be unleashed upon the world.
//**Click. Recording ends.**//
Excerpts of note (as well as all the extraneous subheadings, such as "Potential for Discovery", "Art as Genesis", "Risk of Mental Assimilation", etc.):
No more than two personnel are permitted in the gallery at any time to reduce psychological strain and potential integration risk. No personnel are permitted to enter the gallery without prior psychological evaluation and mandatory non-reflective containment gear designed to counteract SCP-8987's effects.
Research is ongoing to identify the unknown artist, ‘curator’, or collector behind SCP-8987, as their identity may hold crucial insights into the origins and purpose of the paintings.
The potential for widespread psychological harm, the risk of loss of personnel, and the unknown extent of SCP-8987's influence necessitate stringent containment measures to prevent its effects from manifesting outside the controlled environment of Site-██.
This interconnectivity highlights the need for ongoing research to fully understand the broader implications and effects of SCP-8987 on the world and its environment.
The user has no forum comments beyond a thread created after they blanked the coldpost page: and no edits beyond formatting changes and blanking the page (the initial version was posted without any text formatting). The critique thread also contains hallmarks of AI:
Central Narrative section:
The narrative follows the advent of SCP-XXXX, world-building surrounding its existence and subsequent findings, as well as the exploration into the implications of its unknown nature and capabilities.
Hook section:
Symbolic of the SCP Wiki itself, SCP-XXXX ("The Gallery") explores the concept of a shared origin between SCPs, as well as several sub-themes such as identity loss and existential dread.
Membership revoked, PM sent. Zoobeeny and Kufat agreeing with AI-generation.