Noting that new site member MuhaSaresa (account age and site membership 1 day) recently coldposted the following page, which contains several hallmarks of AI-generation:
[[module Rate]]
**SCP-8811: Illuminating Mantle**
**Item #:** SCP-8811
**Object Class:** Euclid
**Special Containment Procedures:**
SCP-8811 is to be stored in a secured containment unit measuring 400mm on each side, lined with 10mm of lead for radiation shielding. SCP-8811-1 is to be contained separately in an identical lead-lined safe. Both safes are to be locked and kept within a standard containment chamber at Site-17.
Due to potential memetic properties, SCP-8811-1 and associated fuel must be secured in mylar-lined safes to prevent the volatile compound's scent from diffusing into the environment. The synthesis of SCP-8811-2 should only be conducted by personnel with Level 2 biohazard certification in a negative-pressure laboratory, wearing appropriate protective gear. Fuel synthesis must occur in batches no larger than 500ml and stored in sealed, polyethylene containers within the containment chamber.
For testing, a 1km reinforced concrete tunnel equipped with a rail system leads from the containment chamber to a designated site within an abandoned town. Access requires authorization from Level 3 researchers with approval from the project director, Dr. Buck.
SCP-8811 is a brass gas mantle, 330mm in height and weighing 2.12kg. The lamp features a tapered cylindrical base, a 10mm fill port for combustible liquids, and a screw cap. A control knob, insulated with a Bakelite cap, regulates gas flow. The base supports a hand-blown, soda-lime glass globe (210mm tall, 120mm in diameter) containing a wick and thorium oxide-infused mesh. The globe is encased by two brass handles connecting to a top cap with ventilation holes.
Constructed in the late 1800s, SCP-8811 exhibits signs of age, including a patina and yellowed glass. Non-anomalous gas mantles from this era, also containing thorium oxide, emit approximately 5 microseiverts per hour. However, SCP-8811’s radiation levels are anomalously high, emitting beta and gamma radiation at 1200 times the expected rate. The emission spectrum is inconsistent with thorium or known elements, posing a hazardous, though not immediately lethal, risk.
SCP-8811-1 is a small tin pitcher (55mm diameter, 100mm height), containing 75ml of SCP-8811-2—a fuel mixture (90% kerosene, 5% ethanol, 4% benzene, 0.6% strontium chloride, and 0.4% previously unidentified aromatic compound). SCP-8811-2 emits a scent that varies per individual, often triggering an emotionally resonant response and compulsion to use the lamp. The extent of memetic influence remains under investigation.
SCP-8811 can only be lit using SCP-8811-2 or synthetically replicated fuel. The lamp burns with a red flame, producing an off-white light. Attempts to use other fuels have failed; when added during operation, the flame is extinguished. Correctly matched synthesized fuel extends the burning period. Once SCP-8811-2 is depleted, SCP-8811-1 refills through unknown means.
**Anomalous Properties:**
When lit between two- and three-hours post-sunset, SCP-8811 triggers its primary anomalous effects. Users must remain in contact with SCP-8811 and walk in a familiar environment. Ambient lighting ceases to function, and celestial bodies become invisible; the lamp provides the only illumination. Human presence also appears absent.
After 20 minutes, users encounter an area, designated SCP-8811-3, that does not match known geographic maps or prior environmental layouts. Entering SCP-8811-3 transitions them to a Victorian-style street with closed shops labelled in an unidentified language. Approximately 10 minutes into SCP-8811-3, a humanoid entity, designated SCP-8811-4, appears.
SCP-8811-4 is a humanoid figure standing 1.82m tall, garbed in red robes with intricate gold patterns. The entity has pale skin, appears male, aged around 60 years, and has long fingers with eyes tinted a noticeable red.
SCP-8811-4 engages the user, asking, "What information do you seek?" Users can ask questions, incurring a delayed "price" proportional to the significance of the knowledge requested. Prices range from minor memory loss or physical changes to severe psychological impacts or even death. The cost is revealed upon leaving SCP-8811-3, with no prior indication of severity.
If the fuel depletes before the user exits SCP-8811-3, SCP-8811 extinguishes, plunging the user into total darkness. Failure to navigate back can result in death due to dehydration or other factors, after which SCP-8811 rematerializes at its initial lighting location. Testing with extended fuel reserves has allowed further exploration and mapping of SCP-8811-3.
**Addendum: Test Logs**
> **Test 001**
> *Date/Time:* [REDACTED]
> *Conducted by:* Dr. Amelia Buck, Dr. Gustav Jones
> *Subject:* D-3042
> *Summary:* D-3042, instructed to light SCP-8811 and traverse the designated path, reported the scent reminiscent of a personal memory. The subject described non-functional streetlights and a dark sky. Upon discovery of SCP-8811-3, D-3042 exhibited a compulsion to proceed, corroborating potential memetic influence. Ordered to stop, the subject complied. Lamp extinguishing returned conditions to normal.
> **Observations:** D-3042 demonstrated emotional susceptibility to SCP-8811’s scent and a compulsion influenced by SCP-8811-3's environment. The anomalous zone interfered with GPS, highlighting the need for enhanced tracking measures.
> **Test 002**
> *Date/Time:* [REDACTED]
> *Conducted by:* Dr. Amelia Buck, Dr. Gustav Jones
> *Subject:* MTF Agent Calloway
> *Summary:* Agent Calloway was equipped with SCP-8811, SCP-8811-2 fuel, and a custom-built wired transceiver to establish audio-visual (AV) communications between the main street and SCP-8811-3. The objective was to assess signal integrity and gather real-time data from within SCP-8811-3. Agent Calloway was instructed to retreat upon encountering SCP-8811-4 to enable subsequent D-Class testing.
> *Log Begins:*
> **Dr. Buck:** Agent Calloway, you are clear to proceed. Confirm AV feed status.
> **Agent Calloway:** Copy, Dr. Buck. AV transmission is active and stable.
> *Agent Calloway ignites SCP-8811, noting a musky scent. He steps into the designated path and begins his walk, reporting observations.*
> **Agent Calloway:** Streets are dark, as expected. No ambient light from streetlamps or the sky. The lamp is providing the only illumination. Area appears abandoned, and it’s eerily silent.
> *The AV feed confirms the environment as described: dark and devoid of movement. After approximately 20 minutes, Agent Calloway halts, narrowing his gaze at a narrow alleyway to his right.*
> **Agent Calloway:** Hold on. There’s an alley here—not listed on any map I reviewed. I feel... drawn to it.
> **Dr. Buck:** Understood. Proceed cautiously, but do not engage if you encounter any entities. Deploy the transceiver as you enter.
> **Agent Calloway:** Copy. Transceiver is active. Entering SCP-8811-3 now.
> *The feed shifts as Agent Calloway steps into SCP-8811-3. The scene changes to cobbled streets and Victorian-style storefronts, their signs bearing indecipherable text. The lamp's light casts sharp, flickering shadows.*
> **Agent Calloway:** The architecture is... old-world Victorian. Wood-panelled storefronts. All appear closed. It's unsettlingly quiet, no movement at all.
> *He advances deeper into SCP-8811-3 for 10 minutes before stopping suddenly.*
> **Agent Calloway:** Visual on an unknown entity. Humanoid, approximately 1.8 meters tall. Wearing red robes with intricate gold patterning. Bald, pale skin, looks to be an older male—maybe in his 60s. Unusually long fingers, eyes with a reddish hue.
> **Dr. Buck:** Noted. Do not approach. Begin your retreat immediately.
> **Agent Calloway:** Understood. Turning back.
> *Agent Calloway starts his retreat, and the AV feed captures his steady pace as he moves toward the exit. SCP-8811-3 gradually fades into darkness. When he reaches a point about 10 meters from the exit, SCP-8811 suddenly extinguishes.*
> **Agent Calloway:** (voice tenses) The lamp just went out. Total darkness. I can’t see a thing. Hold on… steadying myself.
> *The AV feed cuts to static, indicating the loss of signal. Agent Calloway’s voice is heard over the radio.*
> **Agent Calloway:** Navigating by memory. Two meters right... a few steps forward... nearly there.
> *After a momentary pause, the video feed resumes, showing Agent Calloway emerging onto the main street as the streetlights flicker back on. He exhales audibly.*
> **Dr. Buck:** Well done, Agent Calloway. Test complete.
> **Observations:**
> Agent Calloway’s excursion confirmed that AV communications can be maintained within SCP-8811-3 while SCP-8811 remains active. However, upon his exit, the wired transceiver was found severed, with the cable terminating at a brick wall that had existed before the test. This indicated that the alleyway where SCP-8811-3 manifested was only accessible while SCP-8811 was lit and actively connected to the anomalous zone. Once the lamp was extinguished, SCP-8811-3 disappeared, effectively cutting the physical link established by the transceiver.
> Additionally, the street on which SCP-8811-3 manifested for Agent Calloway differed from the location encountered by D-3042 in Test 001, suggesting that the entrance to SCP-8811-3 is variable and may change depending on the individual user. The unexpected extinguishing of SCP-8811 underscored the risks associated with fuel depletion, highlighting the need for longer-lasting fuel reserves. Agent Calloway’s ability to navigate out by memory emphasized the importance of familiarity with SCP-8811-3 for successful egress. The AV signal blackout when SCP-8811 was no longer active further supports the hypothesis that SCP-8811's properties disrupt electromagnetic transmissions. Future tests should incorporate enhanced navigational aids and detailed monitoring protocols for interactions with SCP-8811-4.
> **Test 003**
> *Date/Time:* [REDACTED]
> *Conducted by:* Dr. Amelia Buck, Dr. Gustav Jones
> *Subject:* D-4531
> *Summary:* D-4531 was instructed to light SCP-8811, set up the wired transceiver, and enter SCP-8811-3. She carried an additional 100ml of synthetic SCP-8811-2 fuel to extend operational time if needed. Dr. Buck directed D-4531 to engage SCP-8811-4 politely and follow specific instructions during the interaction.
> *Log Begins:*
> **Dr. Buck:** D-4531, confirm that SCP-8811 is lit and the transceiver is operational.
> **D-4531:** Confirmed, Dr. Buck. Lamp is lit, and transceiver is set up. Signal is strong.
> **Dr. Buck:** Good. Proceed into SCP-8811-3 and continue reporting your observations.
> *D-4531 steps into SCP-8811-3, noting the cobbled streets and Victorian-era storefronts consistent with previous test reports. The AV feed displays the same architectural details, with signs in an unidentifiable language.*
> **D-4531:** I’m inside, Dr. Buck. It looks old—like a Victorian town. Wooden storefronts, all closed, no movement.
> *D-4531 advances for 10 minutes before encountering SCP-8811-4.*
> **D-4531:** There’s someone here. Tall, in red robes with gold patterns. Pale skin, older, maybe in his 60s. Long fingers, eyes look... red.
> **Dr. Buck:** Understood. Approach them and interact politely. Wait for its question.
> *SCP-8811-4 turns its gaze to D-4531 as she approaches.*
> **SCP-8811-4:** What information do you seek?
> **D-4531:** (pauses) I have been asked to inquire about the number my supervisor will generate in one minute.
> *SCP-8811-4 maintains eye contact with D-4531, its expression neutral.*
> **SCP-8811-4:** You will be given what you seek.
> *Dr. Buck initiates a 60-second countdown and randomly generates a number on her computer. The number appears as "7381."*
> **Dr. Buck:** (over transceiver) The number is generated. D-4531, confirm SCP-8811-4’s response.
> **D-4531:** (slightly hesitant) The entity just said, “7381,” Dr. Buck.
> *There is a brief pause as Dr. Buck cross-checks the result.*
> **Dr. Buck:** Confirmed match. Excellent. D-4531, thank SCP-8811-4 and leave SCP-8811-3 the way you came.
> **D-4531:** Thank you for the information.
> *SCP-8811-4 nods once and turns away. D-4531 begins her retreat, pausing momentarily to top up the lamp with the additional 100ml of fuel she brought. The operation proceeds without incident, and she exits SCP-8811-3. The AV feed confirms her emergence onto the main street, where ambient lighting resumes.*
> **Dr. Buck:** Well done, D-4531. How do you feel? Do you have anything further to report?
> **D-4531:** I’m fine, Dr. Buck. Just a mild headache, but nothing else to report.
> *D-4531 was seen by Foundation medical staff after reporting a mild headache lasting approximately 2 hours. No further symptoms were observed, and she was cleared after a thorough examination.*
> **Observations:**
> This test confirmed SCP-8811-4’s capability to provide specific, real-time information with a high degree of accuracy, as demonstrated by the matching number generated during the test. The interaction between D-4531 and SCP-8811-4 was polite and unremarkable, suggesting that the entity responds neutrally when engaged respectfully. The additional fuel top-up proceeded without anomalous interference, confirming the practicality of using synthetic SCP-8811-2 for extended excursions.
> D-4531’s report of a mild headache post-test and its subsequent resolution imply a potential, albeit minor, cognitive or physical cost even for seemingly trivial information requests. Future studies should monitor subjects for longer durations post-interaction to identify any delayed effects.
> **Test 004**
> *Date/Time:* [REDACTED]
> *Conducted by:* Dr. Amelia Buck, Dr. Gustav Jones
> *Subject:* D-5697
> *Summary:* D-5697 was instructed to light SCP-8811, set up the wired transceiver, and enter SCP-8811-3. She carried an additional 100ml of synthetic SCP-8811-2 fuel to extend operational time if needed. Dr. Buck directed D-5697 to interact with SCP-8811-4 politely and make a specific request.
> *Log Begins:*
> **Dr. Buck:** D-5697, confirm that SCP-8811 is lit and the transceiver is operational.
> **D-5697:** Confirmed, Dr. Buck. Lamp is lit, and the transceiver is active. Signal looks clear.
> **Dr. Buck:** Good. Proceed into SCP-8811-3 and continue reporting observations.
> *D-5697 steps into SCP-8811-3, taking in the familiar cobbled streets and Victorian storefronts. The AV feed displays the same environment as in previous tests, with signs in an unrecognizable script.*
> **D-5697:** I’m in. Looks just like the reports—old-timey, Victorian streets. No one around. It’s... unsettlingly quiet.
> *D-5697 advances for 10 minutes and encounters SCP-8811-4.*
> **D-5697:** I see him now. Pale, older man, dressed in red robes with gold designs. Long fingers, eyes look reddish.
> **Dr. Buck:** Understood. Approach SCP-8811-4 and engage politely. Wait for its question.
> *SCP-8811-4 shifts its attention to D-5697 as she approaches.*
> **SCP-8811-4:** What information do you seek?
> **D-5697:** (voice steady) I need to know the winning lottery numbers for this coming Saturday.
> *SCP-8811-4 maintains eye contact, expression inscrutable.*
> **SCP-8811-4:** You will be given what you seek.
> *Dr. Buck records the response and notes the time. SCP-8811-4 remains motionless as D-5697 thanks it and begins her retreat.*
> **D-5697:** Thank you for the information.
> *SCP-8811-4 nods once, and D-5697 walks back through SCP-8811-3, pausing briefly to top up SCP-8811 with the synthetic fuel without issue. She exits SCP-8811-3, and the AV feed confirms her re-entry into the main street, where streetlights flicker back on.*
> **Dr. Buck:** Well done, D-5697. How do you feel? Do you have anything further to report?
> **D-5697:** I feel a bit off... like a pressure in my head. But I’m okay for now.
> *Within 15 minutes of returning, D-5697 begins to display significant symptoms: severe headache, vertigo, and disorientation. Foundation medical staff are summoned immediately. D-5697 reports difficulty focusing, trembling, and a heightened sense of paranoia. Moments later, she suffers a seizure lasting approximately 90 seconds. Emergency medical treatment stabilizes her condition, but she remains unresponsive for several minutes post-seizure.*
> **Further Testing and Long-Term Effects:**
> Follow-up cognitive assessments at 1 week, 6 weeks, and 6 months post-test reveal a permanent global reduction in intelligence by an average of 18 IQ points. D-5697’s cognitive functions exhibit mild deficits in memory retention and problem-solving abilities. Despite ongoing medical support and psychological evaluation, no further cognitive improvement is observed beyond the initial post-event stabilization.
> **Observations:**
> This test reinforced SCP-8811-4’s capability to provide consequential information and demonstrated the substantial and potentially permanent repercussions for high-value requests. The severe physical response, including a seizure and persistent cognitive decline, indicates that the "price" exacted for significant knowledge is not only immediate but can also have lasting effects. The delayed onset and variable intensity of these symptoms suggest that consequences are proportionate to the nature and perceived importance of the knowledge sought.
> The documented reduction in intelligence points to potential permanent neurological damage. This outcome highlights the extreme risks involved when querying SCP-8811-4 for impactful or complex information. Future tests must implement stricter guidelines and extended post-interaction monitoring protocols, as well as reassessment intervals to identify long-term or delayed adverse effects.
> **Addendum 004-A**
> Dr Gustav Jones reprimanded for purchasing lottery ticket with matching numbers. Was told by Dr Buck in no uncertain terms that cashing that ticket would be the last thing he ever did.
> **Test 005**
> *Date/Time:* [REDACTED]
> *Conducted by:* Dr. Amelia Buck, Dr. Gustav Jones
> *Subject:* D-7823
> *Summary:* D-7823 was instructed to light SCP-8811, enter SCP-8811-3, and conduct an extended exploration of the area using additional fuel reserves. Dr. Buck provided strict instructions for D-7823 to avoid interaction with SCP-8811-4 and focus solely on mapping and documenting the surroundings. A Foundation investigation later revealed that D-7823 had prior knowledge of SCP-8811-3 and SCP-8811-4 due to unauthorized information shared by D-4531. D-4531 was subsequently terminated for contaminating the test environment.
> *Log Begins:*
> **Dr. Buck:** D-7823, confirm SCP-8811 is lit and operational.
> **D-7823:** Confirmed, Dr. Buck. Lamp is lit, and the transceiver is active.
> **Dr. Buck:** Proceed into SCP-8811-3 and follow exploration protocol. Maintain contact and report all findings.
> *D-7823 enters SCP-8811-3, describing the surroundings as he progresses. After 15 minutes, he encounters SCP-8811-4.*
> **Dr. Buck:** D-7823, do not engage SCP-8811-4. Continue as instructed.
> **D-7823:** (ignores command) I need answers.
> *SCP-8811-4 shifts its attention to D-7823.*
> **SCP-8811-4:** What information do you seek?
> **D-7823:** (proceeds to ask 12 significant questions about past decisions, escape methods, winning lottery numbers, and other life insights) … Last question: What will my future be?
> *SCP-8811-4’s expression remains unchanged.*
> **SCP-8811-4:** You will die in 14 minutes and 37 seconds.
> **D-7823:** (pauses, eyes wide with panic) No... that can't be right.
> *D-7823 turns and runs from SCP-8811-4, retracing his steps out of SCP-8811-3. His exit takes approximately 8 minutes. Upon reaching the main street and reporting the prediction, D-7823 begins to flee further away from the containment site. Six minutes and 37 seconds after exiting SCP-8811-3, D-7823 collapses and dies.*
> *Medical reports confirm that D-7823 suffered a simultaneous heart attack and a haemorrhagic stroke, both occurring instantaneously.*
> **Observations:**
> This test provided further evidence of SCP-8811-4’s capability to foresee precise and consequential events, with fatal results. D-7823’s unauthorized interaction and the asking of 12 highly significant questions resulted in severe repercussions, culminating in a precise and predicted death. The investigation revealed that D-7823’s actions were influenced by prior knowledge obtained from D-4531, who disclosed details of SCP-8811-3 against Foundation protocols. D-4531 was terminated to prevent further test contamination.
> The catastrophic outcome of this test underscores the immense potential and peril associated with using SCP-8811-4 to acquire critical, high-stakes knowledge. Plans have been drafted to seek permission from the Ethics Board and O5 Command to allocate a weekly quota of sacrificial D-class personnel for controlled interactions with SCP-8811-4. The aim would be to harness this anomaly to obtain strategic information that could further the Foundation’s mission.
> **Addendum 005-A:**
> The request for a weekly sacrificial D-class quota is currently under review due to similarities with Protocol EP 37-Sparafucile. Ethics Board and O5 Command deliberations are ongoing to determine the moral and strategic implications of this proposal.
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Excerpts of note:
The catastrophic outcome of this test underscores the immense potential and peril associated with using SCP-8811-4 to acquire critical, high-stakes knowledge. Plans have been drafted to seek permission from the Ethics Board and O5 Command to allocate a weekly quota of sacrificial D-class personnel for controlled interactions with SCP-8811-4. The aim would be to harness this anomaly to obtain strategic information that could further the Foundation’s mission.
The documented reduction in intelligence points to potential permanent neurological damage. This outcome highlights the extreme risks involved when querying SCP-8811-4 for impactful or complex information. Future tests must implement stricter guidelines and extended post-interaction monitoring protocols, as well as reassessment intervals to identify long-term or delayed adverse effects.
D-4531’s report of a mild headache post-test and its subsequent resolution imply a potential, albeit minor, cognitive or physical cost even for seemingly trivial information requests. Future studies should monitor subjects for longer durations post-interaction to identify any delayed effects.
Of note, an old sandbox revision also had the following line, which was later trimmed out:
Further tests to explore SCP-8811-4’s interactions and the effects of accumulated questions are advised.
User has no forum comments, and their only page edits on the mainsite were for formatting or attempts to rename the page.
Membership revoked, PM sent. Zoobeeny and Kufat agreeing about AI-generation.