It was brought to staff attention that Henrytheblah (account age 502 days, site membership 198 days) posted the article:, which contained multiple indicators of AI-generation.
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[[include :scp-wiki:component:anomaly-class-bar-source
|item-number= 8207
|clearance= 4
|container-class= keter
|secondary-class= none
|disruption-class= ekhi
|risk-class= caution
Special Containment Procedures:
SCP-8207 is to be contained in a high-security containment chamber at Site-██. The chamber is to be constructed from Type-VIII cognitohazard-resistant materials and monitored via a closed-loop surveillance system. Personnel assigned to SCP-8207 must undergo weekly psychological evaluations and wear cognitohazard-resistant gear at all times when within the containment area.
Under no circumstances are legal documents, financial records, or any official judgments to be brought within a 50-meter radius of SCP-8207's containment area. Individuals with histories of legal or moral transgressions (criminal records, unresolved lawsuits, corruption investigations, etc.) are strictly prohibited from entering SCP-8207’s containment area.
Due to the memetic nature of SCP-8207’s influence, direct observation of the object is only to be performed remotely using D-Class personnel. Access to SCP-8207 for research purposes must be approved by two Level-4 personnel.
In the event that SCP-8207 activates outside containment, all personnel are to evacuate the area immediately and initiate Protocol Black Verdict to neutralize SCP-8207's influence over the facility.
SCP-8207 is a bronze statue, approximately 2.3 meters in height, depicting a vaguely humanoid figure with distorted, abstract features. The statue holds a set of scales in its right hand and a sword in its left. SCP-8207 bears a striking resemblance to classical representations of Lady Justice, though with several notable differences: the figure’s blindfold appears to be missing, its face contorted into a permanent scowl, and the sword is inverted, pointing down toward its own base.
SCP-8207 exhibits an anomalous effect when within 10 meters of any individual who has committed, is accused of, or is believed to have committed a morally corrupt or illegal act. This effect intensifies in the presence of individuals involved in positions of power or authority, particularly those who have engaged in unethical behavior (bribery, manipulation, abuse of power). SCP-8207 appears to "judge" these individuals, manifesting its effect in three distinct phases:
Phase I - Awareness: Subjects report an intense feeling of guilt or scrutiny, as if being watched or judged by an unseen force. This phase is accompanied by auditory hallucinations—whispered voices, incomprehensible murmurs, or the sound of shuffling papers. These sensations occur within 5 to 10 minutes of exposure.
Phase II - Trial: Subjects begin experiencing vivid, hyper-realistic hallucinations in which they are placed on trial for their past transgressions. The hallucinations include an unseen court, where SCP-8207 serves as both judge and jury. During this phase, subjects will often reveal detailed confessions of past criminal or unethical behavior, sometimes including acts they have not previously admitted. This process is entirely mental, with no physical changes observable from outside the hallucination.
Phase III - Verdict: If SCP-8207 deems the subject "guilty" (criteria remain unknown), the subject will experience sudden and complete cardiovascular failure, often within seconds of the hallucination concluding. In some cases, the subject's death is accompanied by a visible manifestation of a glowing sigil that briefly appears on their chest, resembling the scales of justice. Autopsies reveal no physical cause of death other than heart failure.
Subjects deemed "innocent" by SCP-8207 experience extreme psychological distress but are allowed to leave SCP-8207’s range without physical harm. These subjects often retain vivid memories of their "trial" and may suffer long-term mental trauma, including paranoia, anxiety, and in some cases, suicide.
SCP-8207 was discovered in 19██, following reports of a series of unexplained deaths in a municipal courthouse in █████, Italy. A number of prominent legal officials, judges, and politicians died under mysterious circumstances, each appearing to suffer sudden heart failure. After local authorities failed to find any conclusive cause, Foundation agents embedded in the Italian government initiated an investigation, leading to the discovery of SCP-8207 hidden within a storage room in the courthouse basement.
Initial testing confirmed SCP-8207’s anomalous properties, and the object was transferred to Site-██ for further research and containment. Records indicate SCP-8207 was originally installed as part of a now-defunct legal reform project during the early 20th century, though its creator remains unknown.
Addendum 8207-A: Incident 8207-03
On ██/██/20██, during routine testing with D-9012 (a former corporate executive convicted of large-scale embezzlement), SCP-8207 entered Phase III prematurely. Instead of halting its effect after D-9012's death, SCP-8207 manifested a large-scale cognitohazardous event, affecting all personnel within a 50-meter radius. Multiple staff members—including those who were not previously exposed to SCP-8207—experienced hallucinations of being judged by the entity.
Several individuals later reported blackouts, during which they confessed to minor ethical violations they had previously concealed. All affected personnel required extensive psychological intervention, and containment protocols have since been revised to prevent further activation.
Addendum 8207-B: Ethical Concerns
Due to the potential for SCP-8207 to reveal sensitive or classified information about Foundation personnel, the Ethics Committee has raised concerns regarding its use in internal investigations. Although SCP-8207 has proven useful in interrogating uncooperative D-Class personnel and uncovering hidden criminal activity, its effect on staff has prompted questions about the ethics of using such a cognitohazard in interrogation scenarios.
Until further notice, all direct testing on Foundation personnel is suspended. Research into SCP-8207's origins and purpose is ongoing, with particular focus on whether the entity's judgment is truly "objective" or if it operates under a more complex or malevolent agenda.
Notes: Article has 1 Revision with no apparent changes. No sandbox appears to exist for this draft. User also has 2 other articles on the site: and, though the latter has been improperly self-deleted. Both appear to contain hallmarks of AI generation.
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[[include component:image-block | name=| caption=The middle aged individual within the locket. | width=WIDTH-GOES-HERE]]
Item #: SCP-8198
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures:
SCP-8198 is to be contained within a standard storage locker at Site-XX. The locker is to remain locked when SCP-8198 is not being tested. Only personnel with Level 3 clearance or higher are permitted to access SCP-8198, and any testing must be approved by at least two (2) Level 4 personnel. Testing of SCP-8198 is to be conducted only under controlled conditions, with psychological support on standby.
Any personnel who interact with SCP-8198 must undergo psychological evaluation following testing and receive mandatory counseling if necessary. Extended exposure beyond thirty (30) minutes is not recommended.
SCP-8198 is a handcrafted, heart-shaped locket made of tarnished silver. The locket's outer surface is engraved with the words "I was loved." Upon opening the locket, a faded photograph of a woman approximately in her mid-30s is visible on the right side, while the left side is empty. There are no identifying features on the photograph that link the woman to any known individuals.
The anomalous properties of SCP-8198 manifest when an individual holds the locket and opens it while alone. Once the locket is opened, the subject will begin to experience vivid, emotional memories as if they were the recipient of profound and unconditional love. These memories range from childhood moments to deeply intimate exchanges, regardless of the subject's personal history or relationship status.
Subjects describe the memories as feeling "completely real," even though they acknowledge that the events did not occur. The memories always feature the woman in the photograph, whom subjects consistently identify as the one who "loved them," despite no prior recognition of her.
The emotional effect of SCP-8198 intensifies with prolonged exposure, typically peaking after thirty (30) minutes. Beyond this point, subjects may become fixated on the locket, unable to part with it voluntarily. If the locket is forcibly removed from their possession, subjects will express feelings of profound loss and grief, frequently describing the experience as losing someone irreplaceable.
Subjects who have interacted with SCP-8198 report an overwhelming sense of sadness upon closing the locket, often stating that they "no longer feel loved." This feeling lingers, and in some cases, subjects experience symptoms of depression for several days or weeks afterward.
Addendum 8198-A:
The following is an excerpt from a test log conducted with SCP-8198.
Test Log SCP-8198-01:
Subject: D-8762
Date: ██/██/20██
Duration of Exposure: 15 minutes
Procedure: Subject instructed to open SCP-8198 while alone in a controlled chamber.
Subject opened the locket and immediately appeared entranced. After 5 minutes, Subject began to describe memories of playing in a park with the woman from the photograph. Subject expressed confusion but noted how "real" it felt. By the 10-minute mark, Subject started to cry, stating that the woman "was always there" and that she "understood" him in a way no one else ever had.
Upon closing the locket at the 15-minute mark, Subject became visibly distressed and refused to relinquish the item. When SCP-8198 was forcibly removed, Subject screamed and had to be restrained. Subject displayed symptoms of depression in the following days and required extensive psychological support.
Addendum 8198-B:
Psychological analysis indicates that the emotional impact of SCP-8198 is linked to the subject's prior attachment history. Subjects who report feelings of isolation or neglect in their personal lives experience more profound and longer-lasting effects. Further research into the identity of the woman in the photograph has yielded no results. Analysis of the locket’s materials indicates that it is approximately 120 years old, though its origins remain unknown.
Note from Dr. B████:
SCP-8198 poses minimal physical threat but should not be underestimated. Its ability to instill a sense of profound loss in individuals, particularly those with pre-existing emotional vulnerabilities, makes it a potential psychological hazard. We must handle this object with caution, as the desire to feel loved can be overpowering.
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Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures:
SCP-8398 is to be stored in a hermetically sealed, vacuum-secured containment vault located at Site-██. The vault must be housed within a Faraday cage to prevent transmission of anomalous signals. No personnel are permitted to physically handle SCP-8398 under any circumstances. Access to the chamber is restricted to Level 4 personnel and requires written authorization from the Site Director.
All interaction with SCP-8398 is to be performed via automated drones, with live feed transmitted to remote stations. Testing on SCP-8398 has been indefinitely suspended following Incident 8398-3.
Personnel experiencing auditory hallucinations or intrusive thoughts related to SCP-8398must report to on-site psychological assessment immediately. Infected individuals are to be placed on temporary administrative leave until cleared by the psychological team.
SCP-8398 is a spherical object measuring approximately 35 cm in diameter, composed of a metallic substance similar to polished silver. The surface is covered in intricate engravings depicting unfamiliar symbols and geometric patterns. The sphere remains cool to the touch regardless of ambient temperature.
SCP-8398 emits a faint, rhythmic humming sound that increases in volume when within 5 meters of a living subject. Individuals exposed to the sound for extended periods (typically 10 minutes or longer) report a compulsion to touch or make direct contact with SCP-8398. Once physical contact is made, the affected individual becomes cognitively linked to SCP-8398, displaying sudden shifts in behavior, including muttering in unknown languages, obsessive writing of the engraved symbols, and attempts to dismantle containment.
The cognitive effects of SCP-8398 worsen over time. Subjects influenced by SCP-8398 begin experiencing intense auditory hallucinations described as "whispering voices," urging them to seek out and destroy "barriers" that keep the artifact contained. Advanced cases involve complete mental degradation, with subjects losing all sense of personal identity, referring to themselves as “the Bearers of the Circle.”
MRI scans of individuals exposed to SCP-8398show rapid, abnormal synaptic activity, particularly in the frontal lobe, which appears to facilitate foreign language comprehension and heightened pattern recognition. However, these changes lead to irreversible psychological damage.
Addendum 8398-A:
SCP-8398 was recovered in 19██ from a ███████ archeological dig site in Northern Iraq. The artifact was found buried beneath what appeared to be an ancient temple structure predating known Sumerian civilization. The excavation team uncovered SCP-8398 sealed within a stone sarcophagus, inscribed with warnings in a mixture of Akkadian and an unknown proto-language.
Initial recovery efforts were compromised when three members of the archeological team made contact with SCP-8398 and subsequently began displaying erratic behavior. Foundation agents embedded within the site were able to secure SCP-8398 after neutralizing the affected individuals, who had become violently obsessed with removing the object from the site.
Addendum 7421-B:
Incident Report 8398-3:
On ██/██/20██, Dr. ██████ initiated unauthorized testing on SCP-7421, in direct violation of containment protocols. The test involved prolonged exposure to SCP-8398’s auditory emissions using low-frequency amplification. Within minutes, several researchers present in the lab began exhibiting symptoms of the SCP’s cognitive influence.
Security footage captured Dr. ██████ attempting to physically handle SCP-8398, at which point the object emitted a high-frequency pulse, disabling all electronics in the containment area. During this event, affected personnel became hostile, leading to a containment breach. SCP-8398 was successfully re-contained after ██ casualties, but not before several site members experienced auditory hallucinations.
Addendum 7421-C:
Analysis of Engravings:
Linguistic analysis of the symbols etched into SCP-8398has revealed correlations with several ancient, esoteric languages, including proto-Sumerian, Old Babylonian, and Ugaritic. The symbols appear to form complex mathematical formulas as well as recurring references to a “circle of transcendence.” Some researchers hypothesize that the symbols may represent instructions for activating or controlling SCP-8398, though attempts to decipher their full meaning have thus far proven unsuccessful.
Note from Dr. K███:
"The more we study it, the more I believe it [8398] wasn’t meant to be found. It’s not just an artifact; it's a trap. Something wants us to let it out. We need to stop thinking of this as a puzzle to solve and start treating it like the weapon it is."
Addendum 7421-D:
Termination Proposal (Denied):
A proposal to terminate SCP-8398 by incineration or explosive disposal was denied by the O5 Council after several researchers raised concerns about potential consequences. Theories suggest that SCP-8398's destruction may trigger a catastrophic release of energy or awaken whatever entity or force is linked to it. Further containment is deemed the safest course of action until more is understood.
Disc Team, please weigh in.