Noting that new site member Not_Midknight (account age 6 days, site membership 5 days) recently coldposted an article that contains multiple indicators of AI-generation: However, not all of the page appears to be AI-generated.
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--header-title: "SCP Foundation";
--header-subtitle: "Secure, Contain, Protect";
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**Item #:** SCP-8695
**Object Class:** --Safe-- Euclid (see interview for reasoning for class change)
**Special Containment Procedures:** SCP-8695 is to be contained in a hermetically sealed, 6-meter by 6-meter containment chamber composed entirely of reinforced titanium alloy with integrated anti-magic sigils. These sigils must be inspected daily for any signs of degradation or tampering. Under no circumstances is the sigil to be removed or disabled. Any personnel found to be negligent in this duty will be reassigned or, depending on the severity of the infraction, demoted to Class-D status.
In the event of a containment breach, Mobile Task Force Omega-7 "Pandora's Box" is to be immediately dispatched to subdue SCP-8695 through non-lethal means while a replacement sigil is prepared. All containment efforts are to be overseen by Site Command, and no less than three Level-4 security personnel must be present at all times. Once the new seal is in place, the subject is to be subdued and recontained within its designated cell.
SCP-8695 is permitted a supervised excursion outside its containment unit once every 2-3 weeks. During these excursions, SCP-8695 is restricted to a 100-meter radius from Site-██, and must be accompanied by no fewer than four armed guards disguised. SCP-8695 is forbidden from making contact with any personnel other than designated staff members, who are to maintain a non-confrontational demeanor. This excursion is presented as a "reward" to SCP-8695 to encourage cooperation and compliance with containment protocols.
**Description:** SCP-8695 is a humanoid entity standing at 2.74 meters (9 feet) in height, displaying physical traits resembling a human male of European descent in its mid-20s. SCP-8454 possesses long, black hair, and two protruding obsidian-colored horns approximately 15 cm in length, emerging from the sides of its forehead. The entity's most notable feature is a pair of jet-black, feathered wings with a span of 5.6 meters, which SCP-8695 retracts when not in use. Despite initial observations, SCP-8695 does not appear to require sustenance or rest, though it engages in these activities seemingly out of preference.
SCP-8695 refers to itself as "Zulthan" and speaks with a distinctive British accent, characterized by a calm, almost somnolent intonation. Despite the entity's physical and metaphysical traits, SCP-8695 exhibits a complex demeanor, often assuming the role of a benevolent leader or protector. Interview logs reveal that many personnel exposed to SCP-8695 experience an overwhelming sense of calm and security while in its presence. Whether this is an anomalous effect or a result of SCP-8695's natural charisma is currently under investigation.
SCP-8695 demonstrates an ability to speak every known human language, as well as several unclassified languages that Foundation linguists have yet to decipher.
Through some testing it has been discovered that SCP-8695 has the ability to manipulate spatial dimensions, creating both attractive and repulsive forces within a localized area. This spatial manipulation has been described as an inverse-black hole effect, wherein SCP-8695 can repel objects or entities at varying intensities. Conversely, SCP-8695 can generate gravitational wells, pulling objects toward a single point of singularity. Testing has revealed that SCP-8695 is capable of exerting these forces over a distance of up to 100 meters, with a maximum output capable of displacing objects weighing up to 10 metric tons.
> **Interview log**
> **Interviewer:** Dr. Kathrine Abigail Reign
> **Interviewed:** SCP-8695
> **Date:** 8/12/24
> <Start Log>
> (Dr. Reign enters the room, her footsteps echoing slightly in the sterile chamber.)
> Dr. Reign: Good morning, SCP-8695. Mind if I ask you a few questions?
> SCP-8695: [Slight chuckle] Good morning, Doctor. Please, call me Zulthan. "SCP-8695" feels… cold, don’t you think?
> Dr. Reign: Very well, Zulthan. How are you feeling today?
> SCP-8695: A bit restless, I must admit. It’s been some time since I’ve been outside. I find that confinement wears on the soul, you see?
> Dr. Reign: I’ll see if I can arrange something. For now, let’s proceed with the questions. Can you describe your abilities in more detail?
> SCP-8695: Ah, yes… Space. It bends, it warps at my command. I can twist the fabric of reality, push it away, pull it in. [SCP-8695 gestures with its hands] Positive space repels, like a tidal wave. Negative space draws things close—closer than they ought to be. Simple, really. I assume this will suffice for your records?
> Dr. Reign: That’s… quite sufficient, thank you. Now, where exactly do you come from?
> SCP-8695: [SCP-8695 smiles, leaning forward slightly] If I told you, Doctor, you would unravel. Your mind… couldn’t possibly contain the knowledge.
> Dr. Reign: [Uncomfortable silence] Let’s move on… why are you here?
> SCP-8695: To save your kind from damnation, of course. Though your superiors have made that rather difficult.
> Dr. Reign: Save us from what, exactly?
> SCP-8695: Isn't it obvious? I am here to save you from yourselves. After all humanities worst weakness is their own foolishness.
> Dr. Reign: [Pause] This has been quite illuminating, Zulthan. We’ll continue this another time.
> <End Log>
> ++ **Addendum 8695-1:**
> Discovery
> SCP-8695 was discovered in Vatican City on ██/██/2023, during an incident in which the entity was > > leading a group of what it referred to as "followers". Following a report of mass hallucinations, > > > Foundation agents were dispatched and successfully detained SCP-8695 without resistance. Civilians > were administered Class-A amnesties, and SCP-8695 was transported to Site-██ for containment.
> Initially, SCP-8695 was classified as Safe due to its compliant nature. However, following a series of interviews and further analysis of its abilities, SCP-8695 was reclassified as Euclid.
> ++ **Addendum 8695-2:**
> Tests
> [[table style="border-collapse:collapse; max-width: 600px;"]]
> [[row]]
> [[cell style="font-weight:bold;padding: .3em .7em; text-align: center; border: 1px solid black; > background-color: silver; width: 20%;"]]
> TEST 8695-3
> [[/cell]]
> [[cell style="font-weight:bold; padding: .3em .7em; text-align: center; border: 1px solid black; background-color: silver;"]]
> [[/cell]]
> [[/row]]
> [[row]]
> [[cell style="text-align: center; padding: .3em .7em; border: 1px solid black"]]
> Subject
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> [[cell style="border: 1px solid black; padding: .3em .7em;"]]
> D-1586493
> [[/cell]]
> [[/row]]
> [[row]]
> [[cell style="text-align: center; padding: .3em .7em; border: 1px solid black"]]
> Protocol
> [[/cell]]
> [[cell style="border: 1px solid black; padding: .3em .7em;"]]
> SCP-8695 is to tell D-1586493 where he originates from
[[cell style="text-align: center; border: 1px solid black"]]
[[cell style="border: 1px solid black; padding: .3em .7em;"]]
10 minutes after SCP-8695 told D-1586493 where it originated from, D-1586493 started to show sign of insanity. After 45 more minutes of these behaviors, D-1586493 collapsed onto the floor, dead. The autopsy report says he went mad from the information SCP-8695 gave him and his brain couldn't handle all the new information all at once.
> [[table style="border-collapse:collapse; max-width: 600px;"]]
> [[row]]
> [[cell style="font-weight:bold;padding: .3em .7em; text-align: center; border: 1px solid black;> > > > > background-color: silver; width: 20%;"]]
> TEST 8695-8
> [[/cell]]
> [[cell style="font-weight:bold; padding: .3em .7em; text-align: center; border: 1px solid black; > background-color: silver;"]]
> [[/cell]]
> [[/row]]
> [[row]]
> [[cell style="text-align: center; padding: .3em .7em; border: 1px solid black"]]
> Subject
[[cell style="border: 1px solid black; padding: .3em .7em;"]]
SCP-8695 and SCP-076-2
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[[cell style="border: 1px solid black; padding: .3em .7em;"]]
SCP-8695 is to fight SCP-076-2 in a simulated battle. the rules would be as the following
-No abilities
-No killing
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[[cell style="border: 1px solid black; padding: .3em .7em;"]]
As the fight begins, SCP-076-2 runs forward at SCP-8695, SCP-076-2's blade appears in its hand as it thrusts aiming for SCP-8695's head, SCP-8695 proceeds to parry and send a blow towards SCP-076-2's gut as it lands SCP-076-2 gets sent back by approximately 2 inches. SCP-076-2 raises his sword as SCP-8695 prepares to block but SCP-076-2 sends a quick kick to the gut as SCP-8695 is knocked unconscious. SCP-076-2 is the victor.
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[[cell style="font-weight:bold;padding: .3em .7em; text-align: center; border: 1px solid black; background-color: silver; width: 20%;"]]
TEST 8695-15
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[[cell style="text-align: center; padding: .3em .7em; border: 1px solid black"]]
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[[cell style="border: 1px solid black; padding: .3em .7em;"]]
SCP-8695 is to take part in multiple tests to see his durability, flight speed, combat prowess, and attack potency
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[[cell style="border: 1px solid black; padding: .3em .7em;"]]
During the durability test, it seems that while yes SCP-8695 can be harmed it seems to have a near-instant healing factor only needing one body part to fully regrow a new body. During the flight speed test, it seems that SCP-8695 can clock in a maximum flight speed of around 5,000 meters per second. In the combat test, it seems that SCP-8695 is very knowledgeable in most forms of hand-to-hand and swordplay. Finally, the attack potency test, it seems that at its maximum for each negative and positive output is strong enough to potentially crumble and destroy large apartments. For this reasoning that the 0-5 council is contemplating adding him to MTF Omega-7.
> ++ **Addendum 8695-3:**
> Requests
> -Subject has requested a laptop ##red|**DENIED**##
> -Subjects requests to leave ##red|**DENIED**##
> -Subject requested to be able to fly around the facility on his time outside ##yellow|**PENDING**##
> -Subject requests a leather notebook and a fountain pen ##green|**ACCEPTED**##
> -Subject requests to be able to go outside without any guards ##red|**DENIED**##
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SCP-8695 is to be contained in a hermetically sealed, 6-meter by 6-meter containment chamber composed entirely of reinforced titanium alloy with integrated anti-magic sigils. These sigils must be inspected daily for any signs of degradation or tampering. Under no circumstances is the sigil to be removed or disabled. Any personnel found to be negligent in this duty will be reassigned or, depending on the severity of the infraction, demoted to Class-D status.
SCP-8695 refers to itself as "Zulthan" and speaks with a distinctive British accent, characterized by a calm, almost somnolent intonation. Despite the entity's physical and metaphysical traits, SCP-8695 exhibits a complex demeanor, often assuming the role of a benevolent leader or protector. Interview logs reveal that many personnel exposed to SCP-8695 experience an overwhelming sense of calm and security while in its presence. Whether this is an anomalous effect or a result of SCP-8695's natural charisma is currently under investigation.
10 minutes after SCP-8695 told D-1586493 where it originated from, D-1586493 started to show sign of insanity. After 45 more minutes of these behaviors, D-1586493 collapsed onto the floor, dead. The autopsy report says he went mad from the information SCP-8695 gave him and his brain couldn't handle all the new information all at once.
During the durability test, it seems that while yes SCP-8695 can be harmed it seems to have a near-instant healing factor only needing one body part to fully regrow a new body. During the flight speed test, it seems that SCP-8695 can clock in a maximum flight speed of around 5,000 meters per second.
Heyo, I'm Not_Midknight, But you all can call me just Midknight if that's easier for you, yea your local transbian SCP writer (even if I haven't written one yet)
I hope you enjoy my work!
Any and all suggestions are welcomed, and I will try my hardest to fix it
alrighty ill get to that
Of note, the initial posting had an "Anomalous Abilities:" section heading that was removed, and the text "(sorry if it sucks this is the first one I've written. Any and all feedback/what I should do better is welcomed)" at the end, which was also removed.