Noting that Donut777 (account age 350 days) recently coldposted a low-quality page, with the edit comment "HI MODS DON'T REMOVE DIS PLEASE I BEG". Upon the page receiving downvotes, they posted multiple comments in the discussion section requesting that the page not be deleted even though it was low-rated, as it was their first page on the site and they would be upset if it were to be removed.
After the page was deleted, they then reposted it twice without edits:
Item #: SCP-7927
The Interdimensional Chess Board.
Object class: Euclid/Keter1Addendum: The interdimensional chess board is like a Regular chess board execpt it
It also seems to use very old chess pieces we also used it to just play chess,
also has Relations toward the infinite hole.. also has more pieces than a Regular chess board, we can also alter the limits of the infinite chess board.
once a game has started, The two class-D wont be able to leave once they start, a set of instructions then appear before the two class-D2CHESS PIECES:the knight, pawn, rook, king, bishop, queen3 sun, Ω and Pluto4
INFO:the sun piece is like the queen but the queen can only move up to 15 squares. while the sun can move in infinite squares.
Ω : this piece can move like pL7%($5 only it can orbit other pieces along with all the solar system pieces.
PLUTO: the recluse of the chess pieces, though most don't use it, it's the strongest piece..
PL*%!(@:there is no information about this piece.. only once you go across the boundaries of the infinite chess board, will you find this piece
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