04 mirror: https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/forum/t-16925125/discussion-art-tags-on-non-art-pages
Recently, we introduced the illustrated tag, which indicates that an SCP has original artwork made for that SCP. The Tech Team has been debating if illustrated works should also have the artwork tags (e.g. animated or logo). The Tech Team is unable to reach a consensus on if these articles should get the sub-tags, hence we are putting this up to 05/04.
It will be easier to find articles with specific types of art.
It will put more spotlight on the artistic contributions of the wiki.
It will make it mildly harder to find artwork with the sub-tags.
It will be more work for tagging who now have to learn how to identify art styles.
There will be more articles with incomplete tagging due to the tag limit (512 characters), as both tag limit works would have additional art tags.
Another question for consideration, if an article has art created specifically for it, it would get an art style tag (e.g. cel-shaded), but should it also get the art content tag (e.g. personnel-art)?
This discussion will go on for one week.