New site member SpookyPizza (account age 237 days, site membership 9 days) has been leaving some questionable comments on low-rated coldposts:
Don't tell me that you don't have any cars. Anyway careless is written like this.
There are more grammatical errors but I don't have time for that.
The idea of a book that makes you suicidal isn't really new but is quite interesting. Too bad that there a ton of books that almost greeted me with a noose and a chair. So the idea isn't very paranormal or supernatural, and is often common in our world.
Hey are you a part of the Escapist? Because there is zero punctuation!
I'm probably the only one who is going to get that joke…
But to be fair. The grammar is unforgivable and the writing is poor.
Letting your 8 year old son on this website is cute but is illegal for good reasons. The style of writing is very complex and can't often be reproduced by someone under the age of 18. The site contains disturbing content so someone under the age of 15 might be scarred for a few weeks after viewing some of the… Well… [DATA EXPUNGED]. Oh and the formatting guidelines exist for a reason.
And also some general cluelessness, like:
- not understanding to use the forums and not the announcement thread to ask for draft feedback
- One bad edit that was fixed by staff: they made some grammar fixes, but also changed the object class (Keter to Euclid). When called out, they responded "Apologies I just tried to improve the grammar. I'm sorry."
- creating a bunch of new sandbox pages after discarding old drafts
Keep an eye on. I'm guessing they're ESL? Escalate if people keep having to clean up the mess.