Noting that new site member Ash 2 (account age 3 days, site membership about 1 day) recently coldposted the following page that contains multiple common hallmarks of AI generation (and which appears to also be a self-insert or OC):
**Item #:** SCP-8483
**Object Class:** Keter
**Special Containment Procedures:**
SCP-8483 is to be contained in a modified humanoid containment chamber at Site-██, reinforced with soundproof and bite-resistant materials. The chamber must include a padded area for play, various toys, and supervised interaction sessions to reduce distress and potential aggression. Two Level-3 personnel, trained in child psychology and animal behavior, are to monitor SCP-8483 at all times via closed-circuit cameras. Any direct interaction with SCP-8483 requires at least two security personnel present, equipped with non-lethal deterrents and protective gear.
Feeding and hygiene routines are to be strictly followed, with dietary needs monitored and adjusted by an on-site pediatric nutritionist. Physical exams must be conducted weekly by veterinary and medical staff experienced with anomalous physiology.
SCP-8483, also known as "Ash," is a 5-year-old human female exhibiting lupine features, specifically wolf ears and a wolf tail. SCP-8483's anomalous characteristics also include heightened senses of smell and hearing, and an aggressive response when threatened or injured, often resulting in biting.
SCP-8483's cognitive and emotional development appears consistent with that of a human child of her age, though her behavioral responses can be unpredictable and are influenced by her lupine instincts. She displays a strong attachment to familiar personnel and objects, but becomes highly agitated in unfamiliar or threatening situations.
**Addendum 8483-A: Incident Report**
On ██/██/20██, SCP-8483 exhibited extreme distress during a routine medical examination. Despite standard calming protocols, SCP-8483 entered a highly agitated state and inflicted severe bite wounds on Dr. ███████, necessitating emergency medical intervention. Following this incident, containment procedures were revised to include enhanced psychological support and additional protective measures for all personnel interacting with SCP-8483.
**Addendum 8483-B: Psychological Profile**
Dr. █████, SCP-8483's assigned child psychologist, has noted significant progress in managing her behavior through consistent routines and positive reinforcement. However, it remains imperative that any changes to her environment or schedule are introduced gradually and with caution to avoid triggering her defensive instincts.
**Note from Site Director ███████:**
While SCP-8483 presents a unique containment challenge, understanding and accommodating her dual nature is crucial. All personnel are reminded that despite her potentially dangerous responses, SCP-8483 is fundamentally a child and should be treated with the care and compassion appropriate to her age and condition.
SCP-8483, also known as "Ash," is a 5-year-old human female exhibiting lupine features, specifically wolf ears and a wolf tail. SCP-8483's anomalous characteristics also include heightened senses of smell and hearing, and an aggressive response when threatened or injured, often resulting in biting.
Note from Site Director ███████:
While SCP-8483 presents a unique containment challenge, understanding and accommodating her dual nature is crucial. All personnel are reminded that despite her potentially dangerous responses, SCP-8483 is fundamentally a child and should be treated with the care and compassion appropriate to her age and condition.
compare with their initial edit/page creation comment:
*Ash also known as scp 8483 is immortal and can also regenerate slowly depending on the injury she has wolf ears and a wolf tail she has blonde hair and blue eyes*
and their sole comment on the mainsite:
Maybe I'm just not cut out for this.
User has no other edit or sandbox history. Membership revoked, PM sent.