New site member
Yellow Cats (account age 6 days, site membership 5 days) recently coldposted the following three pages in about the same hour: page title "Draft 1"
Discriptoin: SCP-7849 is the term used to describe an underground society of vampires discovered by the foundation 100 years ago in Britain.
They are known to lure people into their caves by appearing as attractive members of the opposite sex, or same sex for homosexuals. Once a human enters the cave, the vampires will immediately try to bite the victims neck and drink their blood. Afterwards, they use the body to make life sized taxidermies.
If they smell human pheromones, they will consider the human irresistible and try to drink their blood.
During the initial investigation, over 20 MTFS died attempting to investigate scp-7849. So the O5 council quickly assigned doctor clef to the case. page title "Draft 2"
The Evil Robot
Special Containment Procedures: scp-7851 is to be kepT 25 miles underground in at site [DATA EXPUNGED] until further notice. The cage is to be 5 feet of stainless steel, and the robot should be incased inside 15 cubic feet of solid lead.
In the event of escape, the nuclear devices should be detonated, but will likely not be effective, leading to an XK class end of the world scenario.
Description: scp-7851 aka "the evil robot" is a metallic creature weighing in at over 5 tons and standing about 20 feet high. It is composed fully of army-grade titanium and is impervious to bullets, swords, and missiles. page title "SCP-001 Draft" (blank page)
Of note, when told that unfinished works should not be posted to the mainsite, they replied:
I will finish it in a day. Thanks though!
But if I finish it the people will upvote right? (double-posted)
Thanks for the advice though. I want a scp that starts with 7 and dont know how long they will be here for.
They also have two spammy comments:
I saw some slurs and curse words like the word fa**ot in this. Wow. Mods should delete this. WTF
Membership revoked, PM sent.