New site member trevorboyalt (account age 7 days, site membership 1 day) recently coldposted the following page, which has multiple common hallmarks of AI-generation:
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SCP-8072: The Whispering Walls
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-8072 is contained within a sealed, soundproof chamber. No personnel are to be allowed within 10 meters of SCP-8072 without Level 4 clearance and proper ear protection. Research into the origin and nature of the whispers is ongoing. No less than two (2) armed guards with proper ear protection is to be stationed outside of the SCP-8072’s containment entrance zone.
SCP-8072 must be monitored by at least two personnel at all times. Any unusual behavior or vital signs on the part of the subject or the appearance of any unusual species in the subject’s vicinity must immediately be reported to Level 4 personnel.
Description: SCP-8072 is a seemingly normal brick wall located in an abandoned asylum. However, when a person stands within a certain proximity to the wall, they begin to hear whispers in their mind. The whispers are always different, ranging from personal secrets to disturbing imagery and cryptic messages. The whispers become louder and more insistent the closer the person gets to the wall. Causing severe trauma or flashbacks on a very traumatic experience
Personalization: The whispers seem to be tailored to the individual, often referencing their past experiences, fears, and regrets.
Emotional Manipulation: The whispers can evoke a range of emotions in the listener, from fear and paranoia to sadness and despair.
Hallucinations: In some cases, the whispers have been known to induce auditory and visual hallucinations, further amplifying the sense of unease and dread.
Unintelligibility: While some whispers are coherent and understandable, others are fragmented, distorted, or entirely incomprehensible.
Physical Effects: Prolonged exposure to the whispers can lead to sleep deprivation, anxiety, and even psychosis.
Test Log 1: Subject: D-12345, male, 32 years old, no known psychological history. Procedure: Subject was instructed to approach SCP-8072 and report any auditory or visual phenomena experienced.
Results: Subject reported hearing faint whispers within 5 meters of SCP-8072. The whispers were initially incoherent and fragmented, but became clearer as the subject drew closer. The whispers referenced personal details about the subject's past, including a childhood incident involving a dog and a broken window. Subject reported feeling a growing sense of unease and anxiety as the whispers intensified.
Conclusion: SCP-8072 appears to be capable of accessing and manipulating personal memories, potentially using them to induce emotional distress.
Test Log 2: Subject: D-54321, female, 28 years old, history of anxiety and paranoia. Procedure: Subject was fitted with a noise-canceling headset and instructed to approach SCP-8072. Results: Subject reported feeling a strong sense of dread and pressure in her chest as she approached SCP-8072. Despite the noise-canceling headset, she claimed to hear whispers in her mind, even at a distance. The whispers were primarily negative and accusatory, focusing on the subject's past mistakes and perceived failures. Subject exhibited signs of increased anxiety and paranoia throughout the test.
Conclusion: SCP-8072 appears to be able to bypass physical barriers and directly influence the subject's mind. The whispers seem to exploit existing psychological vulnerabilities.
Test Log 3: Subject: Dr.██████, Level 3 researcher, no known psychological history. Procedure: Dr. ██████ was instructed to approach SCP-8072 while wearing a recording device and a noise-canceling headset.
Results: Dr. ██████ reported hearing whispers similar to those reported by previous subjects. The whispers were initially incoherent but became clearer as he drew closer to the wall. The whispers focused on his professional failures and doubts, questioning his competence and sanity. The recording device captured no audible sounds.
Conclusion: SCP-8072 seems to target individuals based on their psychological state and vulnerabilities. The whispers are likely a form of mental manipulation, potentially utilizing a form of telepathic communication.
Test Log 4: Subject: D-98765, male, 45 years old, diagnosed with schizophrenia. Procedure: Subject was instructed to approach SCP-8072 and report any auditory or visual phenomena experienced.
Results: Subject initially reported hearing whispers similar to those reported by previous subjects. However, as he drew closer to the wall, the whispers became more intense and disturbing. Subject began to experience visual hallucinations, seeing figures and faces emerging from the brickwork. He reported feeling a sense of overwhelming terror and begged to be removed from the chamber.
Conclusion: SCP-8072 appears to exacerbate pre-existing psychological conditions, potentially triggering or amplifying hallucinations and delusions.
Personalization: The whispers seem to be tailored to the individual, often referencing their past experiences, fears, and regrets.
Emotional Manipulation: The whispers can evoke a range of emotions in the listener, from fear and paranoia to sadness and despair.
Hallucinations: In some cases, the whispers have been known to induce auditory and visual hallucinations, further amplifying the sense of unease and dread.
Unintelligibility: While some whispers are coherent and understandable, others are fragmented, distorted, or entirely incomprehensible.
Physical Effects: Prolonged exposure to the whispers can lead to sleep deprivation, anxiety, and even psychosis.
Conclusion: SCP-8072 appears to be capable of accessing and manipulating personal memories, potentially using them to induce emotional distress.
Conclusion: SCP-8072 appears to be able to bypass physical barriers and directly influence the subject's mind. The whispers seem to exploit existing psychological vulnerabilities.
As well as:
SCP-8067: limb lottery
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: Special Containment Procedures: SCP-8072 is to be contained within a reinforced steel vault at Site-██. The vault is to be equipped with multiple security cameras and motion sensors. Access to SCP-8067 is restricted to Level 3 personnel and requires authorization from the Site Director. Any personnel attempting to use SCP-8072 without authorization will be immediately apprehended and subjected to psychological evaluation. Due to the nature of SCP-8067's effects, all personnel interacting with SCP-8072 are to wear full-body protective suits and undergo regular medical examinations.
Description: SCP-8067 is a large, ornate machine resembling a traditional slot machine, but with a single pull handle. The machine is composed of an unknown alloy, seemingly impervious to damage and corrosion. The front of the machine displays a holographic screen, displaying a series of symbols representing different human limbs: arms, legs, hands, feet, and eyes. This machine is believed to be one of the first prototypes for slot machines, predating modern designs by several decades. SCP-8067 exhibits anomalous properties when activated. Upon pulling the handle, the user experiences a compelling urge to continue playing, described as an "addictive feeling" that overrides rational thought. This compulsion persists until the user is physically unable to continue, potentially leading to death.
The holographic screen displays a random combination of three symbols. The following table details the potential outcomes:
Symbol Combination
Three of the same limb symbol
The corresponding limb of the user becomes functionally immortal, impervious to damage or disease.
Any other combination
The corresponding limb of one of the displayed symbols is severed at the joint, disappearing shortly after separation.
SCP-8067 Test Logs
Test Log 1
Procedure: D-1234, a male subject with no known medical conditions, was instructed to pull the lever of SCP-8067 once. Results: Subject pulled the lever, displaying the symbols "left leg", "right leg", and "left hand". Subject experienced a moderate tingling sensation in their left leg and right leg. Subject expressed a desire to play again, stating "I feel like I could win big if I just try again."
Conclusion: Subject exhibited no signs of unusual compulsion or addiction after a single play. The tingling sensation is likely a side effect of the machine's anomalous properties.
Test Log 2
Procedure: D-1235, a female subject with a history of gambling addiction, was instructed to pull the lever of SCP-8067 five times. Results: Play 1: Symbols "right leg", "left hand", "right hand". Subject experienced a tingling sensation in their right hand. Play 2: Symbols "left foot", "right foot", "left foot". Subject experienced a tingling sensation in their left foot. Play 3: Symbols "left eye", "right eye", "left eye". Subject experienced a tingling sensation in their left eye. Play 4: Symbols "right arm", "left leg", "right arm". Subject's right arm was severed at the shoulder, disappearing shortly after. Subject immediately pulled the lever again, exhibiting signs of euphoria and a strong desire to continue playing. Play 5: Symbols "left leg", "right leg", "left leg". Subject's left leg was severed at the hip, disappearing shortly after. Subject continued to pull the lever despite the missing limb, exhibiting signs of increasing agitation and distress.
Conclusion: Subject displayed a significant increase in compulsion and addiction after losing their first limb. The euphoric sensation associated with limb loss appears to be a powerful motivator for continued play.
Test Log 3
Procedure: D-1236, a male subject with no known medical conditions, was instructed to pull the lever of SCP-8067 until they were physically unable to continue. Results: Subject pulled the lever continuously for 12 hours, losing their right arm, left leg, and both hands in succession. Despite the severe pain and physical limitations, subject continued to pull the lever until collapsing from exhaustion. Subject was subsequently euthanized due to the severity of their injuries.
Conclusion: The subject's actions demonstrate the overwhelming nature of SCP-8067's compulsion. The euphoric sensation associated with limb loss appears to be highly addictive and capable of overriding basic survival instincts.
Test Log 4
Procedure: D-1237, a female subject with no known medical conditions, was instructed to pull the lever of SCP-8067 once, then immediately cease interaction with the machine. Results: Subject pulled the lever once, displaying the symbols "right eye", "right eye", "right eye". Subject's right eye became impervious to damage and disease. Subject expressed a sense of relief and a lack of desire to play again.
Conclusion: The subject's experience suggests that the "immortal limb" effect is not inherently addictive. The compulsion to continue playing appears to be tied to the euphoric sensation associated with limb loss.
Test Log 5
Procedure: D-1238, a male subject with no known medical conditions, was instructed to pull the lever of SCP-8067 once, then immediately cease interaction with the machine. Results: Subject pulled the lever once, displaying the symbols "left leg", "left leg", "left leg". Subject's left leg became impervious to damage and disease. Subject immediately pulled the lever again, exhibiting signs of euphoria and a strong desire to continue playing.
Conclusion: This test suggests that the "immortal limb" effect may not be entirely immune to the addictive properties of SCP-8067. Further investigation is required to determine the exact nature of this interaction.
Conclusion: This test suggests that the "immortal limb" effect may not be entirely immune to the addictive properties of SCP-8067. Further investigation is required to determine the exact nature of this interaction.
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