Noting that new site member Liam Deans (account age 2 days) recently coldposted the following two low-quality pages: (posted second)
[Item] scp-8168
[Special Containment Procedure]
A comic book where the pages are infinite Superman but the story never ends this is a joke scp
The story is of the first Superman comic but the story never ends after the end Superman goes home and has a life and does Superman things
Screw addendums
item SCP-8165
object class euclid
Special Containment Procedure
Wear plated or thick armor so SCP-8165 doesn’t hurt you or others carefully place it in a cage like a racoon cage or a cat carrier as the scp is not that big then take it back to its cell and uncage the SCP in the cell
the SCP loves to kill and hang people on walls with there webbing they often rip there stomachs open and put items inside like trophy displays they also like to make holes in the ceiling and pull guards from above into the holes and they will get eaten. the scp also has taken over the fourth floor once they were soon stopped we also put expanding foam above her cell so she doesn’t make a nest out of the foundation
Black scales and 5 eyes on its head pincers and mandibles 8 legs and she also makes a black web substance that is very strong we are looking into possible uses for this substance
The user spammed the following comments in the first page's discussion thread:
16 Aug 2024, 03:45 post title "This is cool right?"
I always feel like people are gonna hate my art my voice my music my YouTube my style my jokes I just want the vent gossamer to be the one thing I can make that people really love hop all the readers enjoyed and rated
16 Aug 2024, 05:30 post title "I didn’t know I sucked this much"
I am ashamed by this it has -4 downvotes and it is just like every other spider scp probably I think I’m just gonna disassociate with this but if there’s any things you guys would like to have me change I guess tell me in the comments
16 Aug 2024, 05:36 post title "-5"
I feel as though no one’s actually reading the post cause I don’t fucking see the reason FIVE downvotes would come from it’s a spider humanoid is there possibly any humanoid spiders I may have copied I don’t know
16 Aug 2024, 05:43 post title "Well it’s official I shouldn’t be alive"
Thank all of you for HATING my work I always knew I should kill myself never had the determination to go though with it by the time of the end of the day I except eh let’s say 10k downvotes not a challenge I just know this will be what happens if six people downvoted this there’s definitely gonna be 10k this is why alcohol was invented
16 Aug 2024, 06:11 (in response to reader feedback)
First day in this community and I QUIT
This place was better without me like all things
They also attempted to use the Foundation Universe Hub page to advertise their first coldpost. Staffposted here:
One-year maturity ban was enacted. Afto, Zoobeeny, Ari, Kufat agreeing with ban. Kufat sent the PM.