Noting that NosBemo (account age 1785 days, site membership 1783 days) recently posted the following forum thread: which contains numerous common indicators of AI-generation
Elevator Pitch: A series of crystals that upon broken emit a bright light and teleport all matter in close proximity to a random location in a big radius. An independent actor stumbles with these crystals, experiments with them and attempts to exploit them for profit but is stopped by the Foundation.
Central Narrative: The article intends to do three things:
- First, describe the properties of the crystals and the experiments performed by the Foundation to study the limits of their teleportation capabilities.
- Second, explain the events that happened in the mine where the crystals were initially discovered: how the mine was opened despite warnings of the locals, why was it closed and how this independent actor stumbled with the mine and the crystals.
- Finally, how this actor managed to experiment and control the teleportation effects of the crystals but is ultimately discovered by the foundation, his investigation stopped, and the crystals recovered before he is able to get his work out into the world.
Hook/Attention-Grabber: I would like for the Foundation’s experiments around the crystal’s capabilities to go in depth and be interesting. The page would also include the research notes that the Foundation recovers from the independent actor who, not bound by their strict safety rulings, conducts dangerous experiments and ends up having a breakthrough before he is discovered and stopped.
Note the complete failure to properly respond to all three section prompts properly. Additionally, aside from the new thread, this user has not posted to the forums since August 2021.