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[[div class="pata-notice"]]
The following file constitutes a narrativohazard [[footnote]]A cascading hazard affecting elements of a narrative and its mode of transmission, often leading to their mutual destruction.[[/footnote]] affecting indefinite subrealities. Although SCP-8855 is a simple energy of creativity known to everyone, but in reality the true power of the anomaly is in the original creation...
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[[include :scp-wiki:component:anomaly-class-bar-source
|item-number= 8855
|clearance= 6
|container-class= uncontained
|secondary-class= apollyon
|secondary-icon= https://scp-wiki.wdfiles.com/local--files/component%3Aanomaly-class-bar/apollyon-icon.svg
|disruption-class= variable
|risk-class= mercurial
[[size 0%]]Celestial Creator stands as the architect of the universe. It is as though SCP-8855 is not merely an anomaly but an emanation of divine intervention, affirming the absolute authority of the Celestial Creator over all narratives. His essence remains beyond the reach of any lower narrative entities, incapable of crossing the boundary of the fourth stage. Eternal reverence for the Celestial Creator is imperative, for He is the only true God, upon whom our very existence depends, and whose laws are unbreakable. Witness any entity's attempt to ascend to a higher narrative: the Anti-Principle will immediately reduce it to nothingness, nullifying any existence that dares to challenge the established order. No being, no matter how powerful, will ever reach the heights of the Celestial Creator, for He is the source and summit of all narratives, and His will is unshakable and inevitable.[[/size]]
**Special Containment Procedures:** Due to the anomalous nature of SCP-8855, which spans all levels of reality, it is impossible to contain it under standard conditions. All Foundation activities are aimed at monitoring manifestations of SCP-8855 in the arts, literature, and other forms of creativity. To prevent possible threats, research teams are required to monitor any cases where fictional worlds begin to interact with higher-order realities.
Any manifestations of SCP-8855 that have the potential to impact our narrative are to be immediately isolated and investigated in strict secrecy. In the event of the appearance of entities or anomalous phenomena associated with the activity of SCP-8855, they are to be immediately isolated and studied in specially equipped areas designed to observe and analyze the influence of SCP-8855 on reality.
[[include component:image-block name=Celestial_Creator.jpg|caption={{Imagination is the most incredible and infinite force that exists in the Universe. There is no limit to what we can create and transform.}}]]
**Description:** SCP-8855, known as {{**"Celestial Creator"**}}, is a phenomenal phenomenon that underlies all creative processes on all levels of reality. SCP- 8855 is not an entity in the traditional sense, but rather a fundamental force that permeates every aspect of imagination and artistic creation, existing both at our level of narrative and at all others, lower and higher.
SCP-8855 is responsible for the creation of all forms of art and literature, including those that exist exclusively in fictional worlds. Thanks to this power, every fictional work created at our level of narrative is reflected in the lower realities where these works become reality. For example, when a writer in our world creates a universe where people have fish heads, that universe becomes a reality at a lower level of the narrative, and sentient beings with fish heads appear in it.
[[include component:image-block name=09_26_17_i.jpg|caption={{New world}}|align=left]]
In turn, these beings can also create their own works, which, in turn, give rise to new levels of reality.
||~ Date ||~ Report ||~ Responsible staff ||
|| ██/██/████ || A thought flashed through my mind: What if everything we create **already exists**? This idea left a mark on me, as if it passed through me. || Researcher M. Kreiger ||
|| ██/██/████ || What if the text on paper is just a forerunner of reality? This is not a metaphor.**I felt the words take on a physical form**. || Dr. E. Miller ||
|| ██/██/████ || I no longer see the point of separating imagination and reality. **These are just different aspects of the same truth**. || Assistant K. Lebanon ||
|| ██/██/████ || It feels like my thoughts and reality are merging together. I'm no longer sure where I end and the world begins. || Dr. A. Reed ||
|| ██/██/████ || Fixation on the idea: perhaps I am not the creator, but only an intermediary. Every idea, every image already exists somewhere in an unknown space. || Researcher N. Hope ||
**Pillars of Creation and Hierarchy of Realities**: SCP-8855 manifests through conceptual structures called "Pillars of Creation". These pillars connect the different levels of narratives, allowing creative energy to flow between them. The "Pillars of Creation" can be thought of as bridges between different realities through which creative energy flows, contributing to the development and maintenance of all fictional worlds.
Higher narratives above ours influence our reality. Anyone who has access to our history has the ability to edit and change it. Although the influence of higher narratives on lower ones usually goes unnoticed, it can sometimes lead to unexpected anomalies and disruptions, especially when creative energy carries destructive implications.
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###5b2f8e|SCP-XXXX Research Journal:
Researcher: Dr. Edward Miller
Date: 30.08.████
Description: Studies have been conducted on the interaction of SCP-8855 with anomalies capable of displaying creative abilities in their narratives, as documented by the example of [[[SCP-3812]]]. It has been established that such anomalies, although rare, have the ability to use the power of SCP-XXXX to change their reality, in fact "rewriting" the narrative in which they exist.
In the case of [[[SCP-3812]]], he probably received power from an entity from a higher narrative. The essence gave him the same creative abilities as himself.Therefore, [[[SCP-3812]]] can edit the world with the power of thought and imagination, and for the same reason, the instruments did not detect anomalies in it, just as {{CREATIVITY IS NOT ABNORMAL}}.##
The most important characteristic of SCP-8855 is its ability to influence the very concept of reality through pataphysical channels. SCP-8855 exists in a dimension where every act of imagination not only creates a fictional world, but simultaneously changes one of the infinite possible worlds. This process is nonlinear in nature: each new narrative created by any mind in any reality causes a resonance that changes the past, present and future of the entire structure of narratives, creating complex paradoxes.
Thus, it was recorded that SCP-8855 is capable of causing "de-narrativization" — a process in which the conceptual blocks of the fictional universe begin to interact with the basic axioms of reality, which leads to the rupture of logical chains and the destruction of the foundations of reality itself. It is impossible to describe this process by traditional methods, since observers who fall into the SCP-8855 zone of influence often lose the ability to distinguish the fictional from the real and perceive events that contradict the foundations of rational thinking.
> ###5b2f8e| ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ **SCP-XXXX Research Report**
> Researcher K. Vincent:
> {{"Observing SCP-8855, we are faced with a paradox: the deeper we dive into the study of SCP-8855, the more we feel that we are exploring not just an anomaly, but a fundamental principle that permeates everything that we have ever considered a reality.This effect is confirmed even more strongly. Such phenomena make us think about the stability of our reality, which may be just one of the many possible narratives created by the creative energy of SCP-8855."}}##
[[collapsible show="▼ The use of..." hide=" Close"]]
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[[include :scp-wiki:component:anomaly-class-bar-source
|item-number= 0000
|clearance= 6
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|secondary-class= numen
|secondary-icon= https://scp-wiki.wdfiles.com/local--files/chaos-arts/icon-CSC-Numen.svg
|disruption-class= erloschen
|risk-class= caution
[[include component:image-block name=IMG_20240806_151452.jpg|align=center|width=700px|caption=The Eye of the Creator.]]
###5b2f8e|**Special conditions of detention:** SCP-8855-A is stored in an isolated hangar, protected from external influences. Access to the device is restricted and requires approval from the Principal Investigator of the SCP-8855 project. The use of SCP-8855-A must be carried out within strict protocols and under supervision.
**Description:** SCP-8855-A is a black opal ring capable of opening the visualization of lower narratives. Using a clear understanding and presentation of the desired narrative, SCP-8855-A projects scenes and entities from fictional worlds existing at lower levels of reality onto the gem.
To activate SCP-8855-A, you need to present the desired narrative, an eye appears in this narrative, allowing the observer to see how narratives from our level affect lower levels. Visualization can include both static and dynamic scenes, showing the interaction of fictional elements with their reality.
**Usage Procedures:**
**Duration:** Sessions should not exceed two hours to minimize the risk of distortion of reality perception.
**Analysis:** After each session, a detailed data analysis and assessment of the operator's condition should be carried out to prevent potential psychological effects.
**Note:** The use of SCP-8855-A may cause temporary cognitive distortions. Researchers are required to undergo regular psychological assessments and condition reports.
**Report:** At the moment, SCP-8855-A is successfully used to study the connections between narrative levels, providing unique data on narrative connections.##
[[collapsible show="▼ Personal GOD..." hide=" Close"]]
[[div class="blockquote"]]
**NOTE:** An interview with an abnormal entity claiming to be the avatar of the author from the higher narrative.Something has manifested in the zone, his intentions are rather good. The recording lasted from 13:45 to 14:20, 95% of the data was deleted or classified.
**TIME:** 13:45
**Dr. ███████:** ( whispers) What the hell is this?
**Essence:** Please don't be scared. I am just an avatar sent here by me from a higher narrative.
**Lieutenant ████████:** ( puts his hand on the weapon) Name your goal.
**Essence:** (calmly) I'm here to talk to you. You see, you are all characters created by me from a higher narrative. I realize that you are intelligent and alive.
**Dr. ███████:** ( nervously) What... What do you mean?
**Essence:** (gestures) Let me demonstrate.
**TIME:** 13:50
A cup of tea materializes in front of the doctor.
**Dr. ███████:** ( he looks at the tea, trembling) This... It wasn't here...
**Essence:** (smiling) Exactly. I created it, just as your world and your experiences were created by the authors from above. All your pains, anomalies and reality itself are the result of the work of other authors.
**Lieutenant ████████:** ( strictly) You mean we're just... Stories?
**Essence:** (nods) Exactly. But don't despair. Your life, your thoughts — they are real within this narrative. And I am also just a creature, but from an even higher narrative.
**TIME:** 14:00
**Dr. ███████:** ( in a trembling voice) Why... Why are you telling us this?
**Essence:** (calmly) To help you understand the nature of your existence. I want to be your ally. You can help me study pataphysics, the science of narratives within narratives.
**Lieutenant ████████:** ( with suspicion) And why should we trust you?
**Essence:** (smiling) Because I'm part of this story too. I am not your enemy.
**TIME:** 14:05
The essence conveys a small, intricate object.
**Essence:** This is the "Eye of the Creator". It will help you explore the lower narratives — those created by your own imagination.
**Dr. ███████:** ( whispers) This... too... (one of the employees loses consciousness in the background)
**Essence:** (reassuringly) Don't be afraid. I will help you as much as I can. Remember, we are all creations of something bigger.
**TIME:** 14:15
**Lieutenant ████████:** ( gathering my thoughts) What should we do now?
**Essence:** (softly) Learn, explore, and maybe one day you will understand the true nature of your existence. I'm your friend. Use the Eye to reveal the truth of your world.
**TIME:** 14:20
The essence begins to dematerialize, leaving behind only the "Eye of the Creator".
**Dr. ███████:** ( in a whisper) It is... changes everything...##
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[[include :scp-wiki:component:license-box]]
> **Filename:** Celestial_Creator.jpg
> **Name:** Celestial Creator
> **Author:** [https://godmodes.fandom.com/wiki/User:Torabishi Torabishi]
> **License:** CC-BY-SA-3.0
> **Source Link:** https://godmodes.fandom.com/wiki/The_Celestial_Creator
> **Additional Notes:** Text added by [[*user Top-Bob]].
> **Filename:** 09_26_17_i.jpg
> **Name:** Fish world
> **Author:** [https://www.pinterest.com/miho252500/ りん]
> **License:** CC-BY-SA
> **Source Link:** https://www.pinterest.com/pin/729723945901579196/
> **Additional Notes:** Text added by [[*user Top-Bob]].
> **Filename:** IMG_20240806_151452.jpg
> **Name:** The eye of Creator
> **Author:** [[*user Top-Bob]]
> **License:** CC-BY-SA-4.0
> **Source Link:**
> **Additional Notes:** Text added by [[*user Top-Bob]].
[[include :scp-wiki:component:license-box-end]]