Received the following appeal:
Dear Zyn:
It's written in the site rules that I can appeal by sending a PM to the disciplinary team, and I'm not used to using IRC, so I'm sending you this PM.
The record states that I'm transphobic, and I don't know why I've come to that conclusion, as I'm a Male-to-Female myself, so do you think the words "transgender" and "transphobic" can be used at the same time? Obviously not.
The quote that was recorded (Gosh, LGBT is not to be desecrated, people who discriminate against LGBT should be burned to death), I don't know what the problem is with it, why it's ironic, why it violates Don't be a dick. ,My English is not very good, and I rely a lot on machine-translation to speak at EN, including this PM. The point I was trying to make is that lgbt can't be insulted, but the tone is a bit stronger.
What raiding means I'm not sure. I don't consider myself trolling, and the comments I made were in response to the "去死吧" comment, and I wasn't directed at the author, or at LGBTQ people, because I felt offended by that comment, and my comments were just expressions of legitimate disagreement. I didn't take it personally after the author himself clarified it.
In summary, I don't think the punishment of a permanent ban is justified.
Disciplinary team, please weigh in.