It was brought to staff attention that Therealmacklemore (account age 2904 days, site membership 2900 days) posted the article:, which contained multiple indicators of AI-generation.
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Item #: SCP-7827
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures:
SCP-7827 is to be contained within a 150m x 150m x 150m spherical containment area, referred to as the Antipodean Null-Sphere (ANS), located in Subterranean Site-15, 300 meters beneath the Pacific Ocean seabed. The ANS is coated with a layer of Beryllium-Bronze alloy, and lined internally with a dual-phased Alcubierre anti-tachyon field generator, which must remain active at all times.
Entry to SCP-7827's containment area is strictly prohibited. Interaction with SCP-7827 is limited to Class-D personnel semi-annually, for the purpose of behavior documentation and psychological evaluation. Any individual experiencing compulsions to interact with SCP-7827 must undergo immediate memetic decontamination and psychological evaluation.
A rotating team of no fewer than 8 Level-4 Psychonautics specialists is to monitor fluctuations in SCP-7827's emitted temporal anomalies. If SCP-7827 exhibits changes, all adjacent researchers must immediately evacuate to a temporal isolation chamber. In the event of a containment breach, Protocol Veridicus-Null shall be enacted, which involves the activation of the Reality Anchor Network (RAN) nodes embedded around Subterranean Site-15 to revert the localized fabric of space-time.
SCP-7827 appears as a floating asymmetrical crystal lattice structure measuring 15.4 meters at its widest point. Composed of an unknown iridescent material, SCP-7827 emanates a low-frequency hum resembling a multi-tonal subharmonic chorus, perceptible only to individuals within 50 meters.
The primary anomalous property of SCP-7827 is its capacity to manipulate and alter temporal states within a radius of roughly 70 meters. These manipulations include temporal dilation, compression, stasis, and sporadic time reversals. The effect is erratic, sometimes creating localized time distortions that span several seconds to multiple centuries from the observer's perspective. These distortions do not adhere to conventional spacetime constraints and are undetectable through external observation.
Subjects entering the ANS report profound spiritual and existential epiphanies, often experiencing acute psychogenic non-epileptic seizures (PNES) attributed to sensory overload. Detailed psychological assessments reveal that all subjects share intricate and nearly identical visions of non-Euclidean geometries and dialogues with entities referred to as "The Seraphim."
The Seraphim, henceforth designated as SCP-7827-A, are outer dimensional entities that can only be perceived by humans under the perception of SCP-7827. Their appearance evidently varies based on the theistic values of the human subject viewing them. The naming convention of the SCP-7827-A stems from the religion they are mimicking at the moment, but due to the prevalence of Christianity as the largest religion in the world, the most prevalent moniker they introduce themselves with is "the Seraphim".
Despite the fact that SCP-7827-A take the appearance of religious entities, all interactions with them have been of a mocking nature, in which SCP-7827-A deride the beliefs of the human observer. While not an anomalous effect, some human test subjects that have previously interacted with SCP-7827-A note feeling "lost" and "aimless in life" after experiencing ridicule from SCP-7827-A.
Physical interaction with SCP-7827 is exceedingly unadvised. Subjects who come into direct contact with SCP-7827 have vanished without tangible trace, only to reappear in undocumented historical epochs or alternate realities. These individuals return with vast, unexplainable knowledge of past and future events, which poses an existential risk to temporal sovereignty and continuity.
SCP-7827 was recovered by Mobile Task Force Zeta-9 ("Mole Rats") following reports of mass disappearances in the North Pacific in 2023. Initial investigation revealed a small island with an ancient ziggurat structure, from which SCP-7827 was extracted. Archaeological examination suggested that the ziggurat was the origin of SCP-7827 and dated back approximately 15,000 years, featuring inscriptions in an as of yet undeciphered proto-language.
Addendum 7827-A: Research by the Linguistics Department confirms that the inhabitants of the island where SCP-7827 was recovered worshipped it and used it for a primitive form of scrying.
Addendum 7827-B:
On ██/██/2024, during routine observation, SCP-7827 generated an anomalous time dilation event, triggering an immediate temporal flux. Researcher Dr. Sylvia Nguyen (Level-4 Psychonautics specialist), subsequently reported perceiving a non-linear chronological 'event wave,' which detailed the outcome of SCP-7827's potential future interactions. Dr. Nguyen's logs indicated significant potential hazards if SCP-7827 remains active. Recommended remediation involves further reinforcement of the temporal buffer field and exploration into advanced predictive chronostatics.
Approval for experimental analysis under containment suspension is currently pending O5-Command review.
Note: Continued study of SCP-7827 is critical. Understanding its temporal properties may unveil novel insights into the fundamental nature of spacetime, though the existential risks are profound. Extreme caution and adherence to containment protocols is paramount.
Notes: Only 1 Revision exists which adds the Rating Module. No sandbox draft for this article exists.
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