It was brought to staff attention that jec79 (account age 54 days, site membership 12 hours) posted the article:, which contained some indicators of AI-generation.
Due to the shortness of the article, there's no definitive evidence of AI in this article, however, upon investigation, the user has multiple unique sandbox drafts, each one with more hallmarks of AI-generation.
Item #: SCP-6517
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6517 is to be contained in a specially designated containment cell for SCP-6517, 35 meters below ground level at Site-17. Personnel with Level 4 access can enter SCP-6517's cell and get a psychological evaluation every 30 days.
Description: SCP-6517 is a arachnid, 4.2 meters tall. SCP-6517s face has no eyelids and a wider mouth then most other humans. SCP-6517 has 4 legs, instead of the 8 legs normal arachnids have. SCP-6517's skin color is a color of dark gray, with its legs being a little more darker. SCP-6517's teeth are stained with blood, and impossible to wipe out.
If a photograph, or video is taken of SCP-6517, the photo or video will be severely distorted and glitched. There are no exceptions to the distortion or glitch in the photos or videos. It doesn't do anything if directly seen.
SCP-6517 is extremely hostile, sapient, intelligent, and can communicate. SCP-6517 is also capable of mimicking human writing, with approximately 94% accuracy. It can also produce silk at will, climb walls, can make webs, and can wrap any individual.
Addendum 6517-A: SCP-6517 can speak in English, Spanish, French, Arabic, Mandarin, German, Portuguese, Japanese, fluently. How SCP-6517 does this mechanism is by [REDACTED].
Item #: SCP-8221
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-8221 is to be contained in a standard humanoid containment cell at Site ██. The cell must be equipped with soundproofing materials to minimize the transmission of SCP-8221's vocalizations. Access to SCP-8221's cell is restricted to Level 4 personnel and above. Any communication or interaction with SCP-8221 must be conducted via written messages or through audio-visual recording equipment.
Description: SCP-8221, also known as "The Basement Guy," is a humanoid entity measuring approximately 2.03 meters (6 feet 8 inches) in height. It appears to be entirely black in coloration, lacking any discernible facial features, limbs, or extremities such as arms or feet. Despite its lack of physical features, SCP-8221 has demonstrated the ability to vocalize and communicate fluently in Spanish, despite having no visible mouth or vocal cords.
SCP-8221 was discovered residing in the basement of an abandoned house in [REDACTED], Spain, following reports of anomalous activity in the area. The entity exhibits no aggressive behavior towards personnel but appears to prefer isolation and confinement within enclosed spaces. Attempts to relocate SCP-8221 from its current containment cell have resulted in resistance from the entity, prompting the implementation of stricter containment procedures.
Interview Log SCP-8221-1:
Interviewer: Dr. ███████
Interviewee: SCP-8221
[Begin Log]
Dr. ███████: Good afternoon, SCP-8221. Can you understand me?
SCP-8221: [Nods]
Dr. ███████: We would like to ask you a few questions, if that's alright. How did you come to reside in the basement of the abandoned house?
SCP-8221: [Writes on a notepad provided by Dr. ███████] Came… from… darkness. Basement… safe.
Dr. ███████: Interesting. Can you elaborate on what you mean by "came from darkness"?
SCP-8221: Darkness… my home. Basement… feels like home. Safe… from others.
Dr. ███████: I see. And why do you prefer isolation?
SCP-8221: Others… fear… me. Alone… safe.
Dr. ███████: Thank you for your cooperation, SCP-8221. That will be all for now.
[End Log]
Closing Statement: SCP-8221 appears to harbor a preference for confinement and isolation, potentially stemming from a desire to avoid confrontation or fear from others. Further research is ongoing to understand the nature and origins of SCP-8221.
Item #: SCP-573
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-573 is to be contained within a reinforced steel containment chamber measuring 5 meters by 5 meters at Site-██. Access to SCP-573's containment chamber is restricted to Level 3 personnel or higher, and any interaction with SCP-573 must be approved by at least two Level 4 personnel. SCP-573's containment chamber is to be equipped with motion sensors and security cameras to monitor its movements at all times. Personnel entering SCP-573's containment chamber must wear protective gear at all times.
Description: SCP-573 is a humanoid entity approximately 2 meters in height. It lacks any visible hair and possesses elongated limbs, capable of stretching to lengths of up to 10 meters. SCP-573 exhibits predatory behavior, using its elongated limbs to ensnare and capture prey. Despite its monstrous appearance, SCP-573 retains limited cognitive abilities and is capable of basic communication, although its speech is often disjointed and difficult to understand.
SCP-573 was formerly known as Cameron Robinson, a 25-year-old male who disappeared under mysterious circumstances in [REDACTED], Ohio. Investigation into Robinson's disappearance led Foundation agents to discover SCP-573 inhabiting the city's sewer system. It is believed that SCP-573 was once human but became infected with an unknown pathogen while exploring the sewer tunnels. The infection caused drastic mutations in Robinson's physiology, resulting in the creation of SCP-573.
SCP-573 is highly aggressive towards any living beings that enter its territory, and caution should be exercised when interacting with it. Attempts to communicate with SCP-573 have been met with limited success, as it often becomes agitated and hostile when approached. Research is ongoing to better understand SCP-573's origins and behavior.
Addendum 573-1: Incident Report:
On ██/██/20██, SCP-573 breached containment during a routine inspection, resulting in the injury of two security personnel. SCP-573 was successfully recaptured after a ██-hour containment breach, but this incident highlights the need for increased security measures when dealing with SCP-573. Further evaluation of containment procedures is ongoing.
[[include :scp-wiki:component:anomaly-class-bar-source
|item-number= 1177
|clearance= 3
|container-class= euclid
|secondary-class= keter
|disruption-class= keneq
|risk-class= warning
[[module Rate]]
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1177 is to be contained within a standard humanoid containment chamber at Site-██. The chamber must be equipped with reinforced walls and a remotely operated door mechanism to prevent unauthorized entry. Access to SCP-1177's chamber requires Level 3 clearance and must be approved by at least two personnel.
Description: SCP-1177 is a humanoid entity measuring approximately 1.8 meters in height. It lacks lower limbs, with the absence appearing to be the result of traumatic amputation, consistent with a severe animal bite. SCP-1177 possesses an abnormally elongated neck, estimated to be 1 meter in length.
SCP-1177 refers to itself as "Charles Hansen" and exhibits a hostile reaction if addressed differently. If SCP-1177 is referred to by any name other than "Charles Hansen," it demonstrates an anomalous ability to stretch its neck and limbs up to 3 meters to attack the individual responsible. This stretching ability appears to defy conventional anatomical limits and is highly dangerous.
SCP-1177 is capable of speech but is unable to pronounce its own surname correctly. Attempts to say "Hansen" result in it saying "handson" instead. SCP-1177 displays awareness of its containment status and frequently warns personnel with the phrase "bye to your life" if provoked or addressed incorrectly.
History: SCP-1177 was originally identified as Charles Hansen, a civilian who reportedly encountered a anomalous wolf-like creature in [REDACTED], resulting in the loss of its legs due to severe bites. Following this incident, SCP-1177 began exhibiting its anomalous properties and was subsequently contained by the Foundation.
Addendum 1177-A: Reclassification from Keter to Euclid was approved following successful containment procedures and behavioral studies indicating a predictable response pattern to containment protocols. Ongoing research aims to understand SCP-1177's anomalous abilities further and assess any potential containment breaches.