Noting that 0pec (account age 425 days, site membership 424 days) recently submitted the following to the Ideas Critique forum:
When asked about using AI to generate the material, they replied:
Nope! But I do in fact use Google translate and Grammarly to get my desired words and correct punctuation. Other than that, the Narrative, Storyline, Idea is all me. As for the template, I’ve been using this for sometime with no problem. Did the template change?
Of note, their last forum activity was from April 2023: and their initial concept template post also bears hallmarks of AI-generation. It also doesn't match the typing style in their reply to a reviewer. Also, the author posted multiple threads that did not follow guidelines properly.
Compare (sentence structure, (lack of and/or placement of) punctuation, etc.):
Central Narrative: The article will focus on the containment of SCP-XXXX, its dangerous properties, and the consequences of its breach, including the deaths of personnel and civilians. It will also explore the mystery of the sculptures' origins and the potential motives of the thieves who stole SCP-XXXX-1 by interviewing one of the thieves that was captured. The article aims to evoke horror and curiosity from the readers through its vivid description of the sculptures' effects and the human toll of the containment breach.
The 3 instances of the SCP resembles the following sculptures: Venus de Milo,The thinker and The crouching boy. When viewed or contacted for 11 minutes 6 seconds The first sculpture will make you feel as if being burned alive while experiencing heart failure. The second sculpture will rush knowledge to the brain ,more then the brain can handle. causing the brain to malfunction. The third sculpture will destroy the main senses followed by all the bones in the body to break in half then finally the organs in the body will turn into mush of blood and tissue. The victims will be conscious until the last stage is finished
The user has no sandbox activity.