Item #: SCP-8046
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures:
SCP-8046 is to be contained within a 15m x 15m x 10m cell at Site-██, featuring reinforced concrete walls embedded with a Faraday cage to block electromagnetic interference. The cell is to be equipped with automated turret systems capable of deploying tranquilizers. Surveillance of SCP-8046's cell is to be conducted through remote motion tracking cameras, with live feeds monitored by a minimum of two Level-3 security personnel at all times.
The creature's skin is a deep shade of and nearly translucent and emits a faint glow, allowing for a faint visibility of its underlying musculature and veins. Its eyes are bioluminescent, emitting a dim glow that varies in colour and intensity based on its emotional state. Observations of this gradient show that the eyes colour follow a similar pattern and colour scheme of the PH scale moving from alkaline when calm to acidic when in distress or enraged. The anomaly's most notable feature however is its ability to generate and manipulate electrical energy. This ability is facilitated by specialized bioelectrogenic organs located along its spine and within its hands and feet. It also has a row of spiney protrusions that follow its spine and down its back resembling the plates found on the back of a stegosaurus. However, they house sensors within the marrow of the bones which are used to sense changes in static electricity levels, air pressure and other stimuli akin to that of a cats whiskers.
Personnel entering SCP-8046's cell must wear insulated, full-body rubber suits with emergency beacon signals . Interaction with SCP-8046 necessitates approval from two senior researchers and thorough documentation. Routine maintenance checks on the containment cell’s structural integrity, defence and surveillance systems are to be carried out on a weekly basis unless given further reason to do so out of routine.
SCP-8046 exhibits the ability to emit precise electrical discharges, ranging from low-voltage stuns to lethal bursts capable of incapacitating or causing death to humans or other small creatures. The entity demonstrates a level of control over these discharges, utilizing them for hunting, self-defence, and environmental interaction purposes.
As well as its intimidating appearance and physical capabilities, SCP-8046 poses a significant threat if not handled with caution and adherence to containment protocols due to its incredibly high level of intelligence and curiosity akin to that of an intelligent primate. It has demonstrated problem-solving abilities on the same level as an 9 (nine) or 10 (ten) year old human, basic tool usage in the form of primitive traps or lures and in rare cases fire or torches, and the capacity to comprehend and respond to human speech. While it does not outwardly possess the ability to speak like other SCP instances such as SCP-049 or SCP-079 the entity could theoretically communicate with humans on a small scale via buttons that call out words or phrases. Generally, SCP-8046 exhibits docile behaviour unless provoked or threatened but have been known to become agitated easily during thunder storms likely due to the weathers interference with the anomaly's electrical signals it uses to sense stimuli.
Addendum 7348-C:
In response to Incident Log 3479-3, additional reinforcements in the form of Faraday cages have been installed, and the power grid has been upgraded to prevent future outages. Research focused on SCP-8046's electrical abilities has been given priority to develop more effective methods of containment and neutralization. In addition to this, further research into the interference external electrical stimuli has on SCP-8046's senses must be prioritized, alongside reinforcements to reduce the likelihood of the entity experiencing any emotional distress in the event of any future electrical storms.
Note from a Senior Researcher on SCP-8046's Taming Capabilities
Subject: SCP-8046's Training Potential
Author: Senior Researcher Khloe Addams
SCP-8046, is a highly intelligent and complexly behaving anomaly that has the possibility to be partially tamed or trained under strict supervision. This operation has the potential to possibly reduce the likelihood of SCP-8046 injuring or even killing foundation staff in the event of a containment breach, this plan was proposed by the ethics comittee after the loss of [REDACTED] personnel following the breach logged:3479-3. In order to reduce dangers to primary research workers, this memo proposes methods for exposing SCP-8046 to increased human interaction with D-Class personnel to calm its fear or uncertainty around humans to make the creature more cooperative with routine cell integrity inspections or containment breaches.
Behavioural Analysis:
SCP-8046 has cognitive abilities, including as problem-solving ability and basic tool usage, that has been previously stated to be similar to that of extremely intelligent apes. Despite not being able to speak, the entity's ability to understand and react to human speech suggests that it may be capable of training and conditioning. Its generally submissive demeanour when not provoked has been seen in previous observations, which lends credence to the possibility of taming
Proposed Methodology:
1. Incremental Exposure:
The surroundings of SCP-8046 will be gradually revealed to D-Class personnel, starting with quick, non-threatening exchanges. Employees will be outfitted with insulated safety gear to guard against electrical discharge injuries, in-turn allowing them to return to the entities cell more than once to begin building a sense of comfort and farmiliarity with foundation staff.
2.constructive encouragement:
To reward non-aggressive behaviour, positive reinforcement strategies such as giving the anomsly pleasurable stimuli such as encouraging and positive words and if safe enough, physical affection like petting or cuddling, though this is highly unlikely. The goal of this strategy is to build a rapport of trust between SCP-8046 and human handlers.
3.Conditioned Responses:
The main goal of training sessions will be to get SCP-8046 to react to particular signals or commands. This could entail actions like withdrawing to a predetermined location, exposing limbs for examination, or turning electrical discharges on or off when instructed to do so. It is imperative to continuously observe SCP-8046's actions and physiological reactions during encounters to better gauge an understanding of the creature's natural social intelligence. The efficacy of the training and the safety of the staff will be guaranteed by modifying the procedure in response to data analysis and real-time observations.
4.Emergency Procedures:
Armed security guards carrying tranquillizers and non-lethal deterrents will oversee every training session. Aggressive behaviour will result in the start of rapid intervention via tranquilisation. The SCP instance will be transported back to a safe location and all personnel in the vacinity of the anomaly's containment will be instructed to evacuate immediately.
Containment Integrity:
To prevent containment breaches during training, routine maintenance inspections of SCP-8046's containment cell, including automated turret systems and Faraday cage integrity, are required. These are to be carried out every three days after a training session as well as the regular maintenance schedule.
SCP-8046's heightened IQ and curious behavioural traits give a rare chance for regulated engagement and possible training. It is possible to improve our comprehension and control of this organism by implementing methodical training procedures and placing a higher priority on safety. This could result in more effective confinement, possible co-operation with researchers and other personnel and a lower chance of future breaches.
The proposed training regimen should be implemented as a pilot programme using D-Class personnel, subject to approval from the O5 Council. The success of the programme will depend heavily on extensive research into the origin, electrical capabilities and emotional responses of SCP-8046.
Senior Researcher Kate Addams
Incident Log 3479-3:
Date: ██/██/20██
Location: Site-██, Containment Cell of SCP-8046
Incident Summary:
SCP-8046 displayed uncharacteristic aggression following a containment breach caused by an electrical storm that temporarily disabled Site-██'s power grid. resulting in the deactivation of SCP-8046's turret systems within the cell. SCP-8046 successfully escaped its containment cell, resulting in the deaths of [REDACTED] personnel due to electrocution or mauling by its claws and teeth. The breach was contained after ██ hours, and SCP-8046 was sedated and returned to its cell by Mobile Task Force unit Epsilon-11 . Though SCP-8046 was the only anomaly to breach containment, efforts into further preventing similar incidents in the future are being prioritized as of ██/██/20██.
Incident Log 8046-Alpha
Date: ██/██/20██
Location: Site-██, Containment Cell of SCP-8046
Incident Summary:
On ██/██/20██, at approximately 03:15 PM, Site-██ experienced a facility-wide electrical overcharge initiated by SCP-8046 via a large electrical discharge, directed at an exposed wire unchecked during the routine inspection of the cell 2 days prior to the incident. This event resulted in significant disruptions to containment protocols, leading to a breach of not only SCP-8046 but also [REDACTED]other SCP subjects.
Event Chronology:
03:15 - Initiation of Overcharge:
SCP-8046 exhibited a sudden spike in electrical energy and released intense surge of electricity, estimated at: 9800volts towards an exposed wire under the head of one of the turrets whithin the cell, generating an overcharge that deactivated the facility’s power grid. This sudden electrical event caused widespread system failures and power outages across Site-██, opening the door to SCP-8046's cell as well as [REDACTED] other SCP subjects.
03:17 -Containment Compromise:
The overcharge led to the immediate shutdown of automated turret systems and surveillance equipment within SCP-8046’s containment cell. The Faraday cage, designed to neutralize SCP-8046's electrical discharges, was overwhelmed by the surge and rendered ineffective in addition to the cell's door, which opened after approximately 3 minutes after the initial surge.
03:20 - SCP-8046 Breach:
Capitalizing on the compromised containment systems, SCP-8046 utilized its electrical abilities to paralyse 3 (three) armed facility guards on duty at the time and kill 1 (one) other facility guard. High-voltage discharges were directed at the weakened second door of the cell's airlock, allowing the entity to escape into the main corridors of Site-██'s heavy containment unit .
03:25 - Security Response Initiated:
Security personnel were promptly alerted to the breach. Initial tranquilization failed to subdue SCP-8046 due to its enhanced electrical state following the overcharge, causing its skin to generate a small field that resulted in the blocking of the darts.
03:30 - Casualties and Damage:
SCP-8046 displayed heightened aggression, resulting in the electrocution and subsequent deaths of ██ personnel, including both security staff and researchers. Multiple electronic systems across the facility were incapacitated by the entity’s discharges.
03:45 - Containment Successfully Restored:
Following a well-coordinated operation lasting 25 minutes, SCP-8046 was successfully enticed into a highly secure containment area through the utilization of powerful electromagnetic pulses, specifically engineered to temporarily disable its capabilities. Subsequently, the entity was sedated and safely relocated to a fortified containment cell and prepared for transport to its containment cell of origin.
Incident Aftermath:
The incident resulted in the deaths of ██ personnel and extensive structural and electronic damage to Site-██. The containment breach exposed critical vulnerabilities in the existing containment protocols for SCP-8046.
Note from Dr.████
Following this containment breach, research into more efficient ways to neutralise the anomaly in the event it is to escape containment again are to be prioritised immediately. Additionally there are to be more personnel available at the entities containment cell to lessen the impact of another breach.
Dr.████, Site-██