New site member CertifiedBruhMoment (account age 10 days, site membership 7 days) recently coldposted two pages: "SCP-8988 is an image of the titular character Mike Wazowski with the face of Sully photoshoped on top. Upon veiwing of the photo, humans will be accosted by the figure in their dreams. 100% of subjects gained PTSD and commited suicide after being exposed." "SCP-8987 is an anomally mostly effecting internet pictures of humans The images effected will cause the people inside the to look like they are part ogre. In other words, their faces turn green, and they get longer ears. SHREK IS LOVE SHREK IS LIFE."
Upon the pieces being downvoted and feedback being posted, they replied in the discussion thread: (reply to deletion vote)
Can I nominate a writer to do the rewrite? I would like the arthors of SCP 173 or 049 to rewrite this to make it good.
Sorry you didnt like it. Me and my buddies came up with it last weekend. Everyone said it was funny…
They did not help write it. They just helped brainstorm (on the Mike Wazowski page, which was less than 80 words long)
I worked hard on this bro. Took me 4 days
why so many downvotes
Really? Everyone in my class said it was funny….