New site member
MrNorway (account age 24 days, site membership 1 day) recently spammed the following coldposts:
Scp 8850 is a hole 1.78 meters in diameter. The hole is a estimated REDACTED meters deep. If any living human being is to fall into the hole, they will be "teleported" between 200 and 600 years into the future. It seems to be possible to return to your past time by jumping back in the hole, tests are only to be executed by Mobile Task Force Orion-7 "Time Traveling Circus". Tests to fill the hole with dirt have worked, but have not negated the anomalous effects.
Zeta-9 Commander REDACTED refused to answer any questions after a member of his team was captured for interrogation. He told the head Researcher that we thought that they were captured by some sort of GUI. This was later confirmed to be the Foundation. It was later discovered that the hole was quite racist, always sending subject of african origin to a farm in the 1800.
Scp 8950 is a gold ring about size 12, it is made of seemingly normal gold and looks to have no appearent anomalys properties unless already known off.
SCP-8383 is a black bracelet about 8.5 centimeters in diameter. The bracelet itself seems to be nonanomalous in nature except for its seemingly being unable to be cut with any sort of sharp objects. The main anomalous property of SCP-8383 is its effect on the wearer. This main effect is that when weared by any human being regardless of age, gender and nationality it will allow its wearer to read minds and subconsciously controll part of their thoughts, the only limit to this it seems is to deal damage to self or others.
SCP-8218 is a 20x15x5cm book bound in human skin, with the cover exhibiting signs of aging and wear consistent with its organic origin. The pages within SCP-8218 are composed of a parchment-like substance, resembling paper but displaying anomalous durability and resistance to damage. The text within the book is written in English and appears to be handwritten, with symbols and glyphs reminiscent of archaic alphabets and occult symbolism.
Note that the most recent page contains common hallmarks of AI-generation, and does not match the typing style of the previous three pages.
After all of the pages receiving downvotes, the user posted some comments: (on the third page they posted)
This was my first SCP article, I would like to know, what was your thoughts on it? Also if you see any grammatical errors please commend as English is not my first language. (on the AI-generated-reading page)
This was probably the best thing i've ever done, any thouhts? (post title "Regarding The Racist Hole")
The racist hole was not me I swear to god, my friend edited that one