Noting that mrvwarv received a membership revoke due to vehement comments, some on pages in deletion. Recent examples: (Post titled "Never I've seen something worse than this on this website")
This is some bullshit. So we have writer's barely disguised tier-wank made to conquer the SCP verse wrapped in disguise of familiar character, which randomly kills a ton of people including O5's (which are incoherently incompetent in this tale), and I'm supposed to like this? Usually, people who say that "new SCP's are only made for powerscaling", are early teens which haven't even read 1 SCP they complain about, but this made me realize that there are actually people who actually do such SCP's. Have no idea how apparently 57 people upvoted this. -1.
idk what you're talking about. i hate the tale. idk who's the author even. Edit: so it's some shitty creepypasta made as response to some guy saying that people who don't identify with their biological sex are terrorists. idk how it's related to what i do except that character is non-binary. but Alex is pre-established character which still got changed to some absurdist idiocy due to "haha funny Scp powerscaling hyperbole"