Ive seen support for this among many people but no discussions have happened, so Im starting the discussion. Thanks to Prismal and Psy for looking it over beforehand. I stole the policy format from critcord.
O4 Mirror: https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/forum/t-16776351/discussion-scp-genre-tags
The issue at hand: SCP readers currently have no way to search for SCPs by their genre outside of user curated lists.
Who does it affect? Readers, particularly those who enjoy some genres more than others.
Proposed Solution: Apply previously-established tale genre tags to SCPs and GOI formats.
Why the proposed solution is effective: By having genre tags, readers can use tag search to search for SCPs in genres they enjoy. Similarly, they can exclude genres they dislike.
Potential Issues
This might overload tag team. Its an additional 8000 articles that need to be tagged, plus any new articles will need more tags.