Noting that new site member
Theralord (account age 92 days, site membership 90 days) recently coldposted which contains several hallmarks of AI/LLM generated text:
Special Containment Procedures: Containment of SCP-8037 is currently deemed unfeasible due to its elusive nature and unpredictable manifestations. Efforts are focused on investigating and documenting SCP-8037 instances to better understand its properties and behaviors. Mobile Task Force ψ-45 ("Iron Guardians") is tasked with locating and tracking SCP-8037 manifestations. Foundation agents are stationed at key locations around the north american continent equipped with advanced tracking equipment capable of detecting SCP-8037's unique metal signature. Upon identification of an SCP-8037 manifestation, Foundation personnel are to observe and document its activities from a safe distance. Researchers are authorized to conduct studies and experiments to gather data on SCP-8037's behavior, capabilities, and any potential patterns in its appearances. Access to SCP-8037 investigation sites is restricted to authorized Foundation personnel only. Any interaction with SCP-8037 or its manifestations must be conducted in accordance with approved research protocols and under the supervision of assigned researchers. Efforts to communicate with SCP-8037 and understand its motives and origins remain ongoing. Research into SCP-8037 is prioritized to develop effective strategies for tracking, monitoring, and mitigating its impact on Foundation operations and civilian populations.
Description: SCP-8037 is an anomalous entity resembling an unidentified steel dragon of varying size and appearance. Its physical characteristics include a metallic exoskeleton composed of an unknown alloy, which is stronger than any known material, including some known SCP objects. SCP-8037 exhibits the ability to alter its size, ranging from a few centimeters to approximately 200 meters in height in the largest recorded size.
In addition to its formidable physical form, SCP-8037 possesses an array of anomalous abilities, including the emission of compressed soundwaves. These soundwaves can be modulated at SCP-8037's discretion, with the multiple layers of its steel exoskeleton acting as amplifiers. The pressure generated by SCP-8037's soundwaves causes them to become visible to the naked eye, appearing as intense pulses of energy radiating from SCP-8037's body.
When preparing to emit these soundwaves, SCP-8037's mouth emits a neon yellow glow, and its appearance resembles that of a vacuum sucking in air. This visual cue signals SCP-8037's imminent attack.
Despite its formidable abilities, SCP-8037 exhibits behavior reminiscent of a cautious dog. It displays non-aggressive behavior and does not exhibit signs of hostility towards humans or other entities. SCP-8037 appears to be docile and curious, often observing its surroundings.
The author also posted the following comments:
bassically what the title says, also i would be grateful if anyone could recommend a containment class cause i cant decide, also if anyone knows how to fix glitches in the page please tell me (when addressed about the text seeming AI-generated)
yeah. does it look like im an ai or what but i mean i get why you say its a ai generated text, i just based all the typing i saw from other scps
Of note, the user does not have any sandbox history.
ETA: user self-deleted the page.