New site member TheHorseshoeCrab (account age 76 days, site membership 75 days) recently coldposted three pages in the past three hours:
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-8980 should kept in an empty room with a one-way mirror, both instances of SCP-8980 are to be examined at all times by Dr. ██████.
It is not advisable to separate both instances from each other
Description: SCP-8980 is a pair of two humanoid spirits. SCP-8980-1 is male with a mainly black body and white, glowing eyes, he claims that his name is Will. SCP-8980-2 is female who is primarily white with solid black eyes, she prefers to be called Bethany. SCP-8980 seems to have a relationship similar to a married couple.
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-8711 is to be kept in a cell sealed on all sides except the ceiling, where there is a trapdoor. In order to avoid a breach, always respect the object's "rules" and address it as "Lord Goop" when speaking to it.
Description: SCP-8711 is a sentient pile of an unidentified, viscous, purple substance with the ability to regenerate. It grows exponentially and darkens in color when angered, it's body also seems to have enough nutrients to sustain a human's wellbeing. It has grown extremely attached to a Class D who it calls "Emily". SCP-8711 violently kills anybody who does not address the Class D as Emily.
Yes! I did it! Hello reader, I am… SCP-8978, I don't enjoy that name but it's the name i have
they're here, aren't they?
yeah, now that i think about it, they are he is.
I can see you, you aren't slick!
they wont find me they cant find me they wont find me they cant find me they wont find me they cant find me they wont find me they cant find me they wont find me they cant find me they wont find me they cant find me they wont find me they cant find me they wont find me they cant find me they wont find me
i see how it is, you're scared to accept me, well in that case, why dont i just do a bit about you
Item #: SCP-JERK
Object Class: Jerk
Special Containment Procedures: dont talk to these people, they're scared of being nice to newer webpages
Description: jerk alert jerk alert jerk alert jerk alert jerk alert jerk alert jerk alert jerk alert jerk alert jerk alert jerk alert jerk alert jerk alert jerk alert jerk alert jerk alert jerk alert jerk alert jerk alert jerk alert jerk alert jerk alert jerk alert jerk alert jerk alert jerk alert jerk alert jerk alert jerk alert jerk alert jerk alert jerk alert jerk alert jerk alert jerk alert jerk alert jerk alert jerk alert
all comments aside, pretty cool, right? i can just do that whenever! if i wanted i could copy and paste a whole wikipedia article over here
i know what youre doing… youre not even reading this page! youre just automatically disliking pages just because they're new and written by less experienced authors, you make me sick
Membership revoked, PM sent.