O4: https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/forum/t-16711009/discussion-amending-rules-on-citations
This is a proposal for codifying how we cite works from other texts.
I'm not going to pretend like this isn't a long time coming, and we've never really figured out enforcing this behavior: however, recent events has shown that we need to be more strict in actually putting our money where our mouth is. The Creative Commons license requires us to properly cite sources. We may have been ardently focusing on applying this to images and to offsite works, but site text should not be left out.
Proposed changes
We need to standardize citations under a generally supported format. This may be building off an established convention like MLA/APA, or something entirely from scratch, but would require, at minimum, the following:
- Author
- Title of the piece taken
- Specification of what text has been used
- Any license it is under, if any. This is non-negotiable if it does exist.
Previously, there have been suggestions to place this in the licensebox module; however, this notably works poorly when it comes to block quotes and other large sections. My tentative proposal would be to implement footnote citations for these segments, and then a brief mention within the licensebox module that such citation exists. However, I am receptive to further suggestions.
The discussion will last for 14 days, after which the described items will be implemented unless serious concerns are raised. In the event of negative or split opinions on a proposed items, it will not be implemented.