Hey everyone! I am posting this as a discussion for a policy to possibly arise from based on a discussion that has happened a few times now and has, once again, come up as the result of a kcon. The big question up for discussion is about commissioned work during contests but also just in general on the wiki and how people are compensated.
To start, I want to give an example. The issue, as it was presented to me and has been argued in the past is like this:
I want to write a big mind-blowing article
I want this article to be quite image-heavy
I pay someone to do all the art for me
The end product is extremely dependant upon the art, maybe even more than the writing
I post the article
Who gets attribution?
In general, this is a question about attribution and contribution. We currently already have a policy towards paying for coauthors (you can't) and it is agreed upon that you cannot pay a ghostwriter or post an article that you yourself did not write. However, art is currently in a weird spot where some would say you can absolutely pay an artist to make something and then also still attribute them on the article and others would argue that that is just as much an issue as paying for someone to coauthor your article with you. This is especially an issue when it comes to contests where an artist might make art for many articles but may only be given attribution on one, per contest rules of one page per person.
So the question becomes what do we do about commissioned art and giving attribution credit (meaning in the metadata since attribution would either way still be necessary in the licensebox) to artists?