Non-Disc Record - Axolotl58743
Placing this as a non-disc for now.
Noting that it was brought to my attention that new site member Axolotl58743 (account age 45 days, site membership 43 days) recently coldposted the following page: which contains three images, all of which look to be AI-generated.
- first image of a pagoda-style building has a roof to the far bottom left that seems to be disconnected with the rest of the building; kanji-like text to the top right doesn't look like real calligraphy
- second image of aquatic monster has inconsistent lighting, neck doesn't quite match up with body
- third image of "katanas" has trees in background with trunks with strange protrusions that look like table legs or chess pieces (also, blades are too short to be katana)
I've sent the user a PM asking them to either provide proof that the images were not AI-generated, or remove the images.