A recent Reddit post prompted me to consider the question of what we do after the SCP-002 through SCP-9999 range has been filled, and what we plan to do after that is filled. A brief discussion of this in SOSS directed me to make an 05 post about it and get some preliminary thoughts out regarding this (we're still likely two years or so out from this mattering, but it is good to have this procedure discussed well in advance).
What do we want to do after the first 9,998 slots are filled up. Some of the ideas floated in staffchat included:
- Opening the SCP-10000 through SCP-10999 range (and continuing to open new series of 1,000 indefinitely thereafter).
- End it right there with SCP-10000.
- Reset and move to a new site entirely (i.e. Wikijump), leaving the first 10,000 in place in the old location and starting anew somewhere else.
- Switch to hexadecimal after finishing the 9000s.
- A series block with a slightly different acronym, i.e. SCP-A-001 to SCP-A-1000 (and continuing to open new series in blocks of 1,000 and four digit numbers thereafter).
This is just a topic for general discussion to assess our feelings right now, rather than to actually settle policy just yet.
can I get some nice "no signatures on my forum"
sigma-9 css machine broke
understandable have a nice day