Previous discussion and clarifications.
Proposal One: Rules Restructure & Clarification
1. Be respectful to others. This rule covers both your tone and behavior; being consistently rude, edgy, or disruptive is disrespectful. Sexism, homophobia, transphobia, racism, and other forms of bigotry also break this rule. Gossiping about or insulting other users and authors, as well as making fun of new members or coldposts is also breaking this rule. You must also actively avoid potential triggers and must stop a discussion when asked to by a moderator or when another user is uncomfortable. Respect people's pronouns. Joke pronouns or bigoted statements in bios are considered a rule 1 violation.
2. Consistently or maliciously derailing conversations, baiting other users, and other obviously disruptive or trolling behavior will quickly result in mutes or kicks, progressing to bans on repeated offenses.
3. The server age requirement is 16. Mods reserve the right to ban if we believe you to be lying about your age or your behavior is indistinguishable from an underage user. Do not post your age in the introductions channel.
4. Don't spam. That means no repetitive low-effort messages in rapid succession in any channel. Use the channels appropriately. Channel topics will state what that channel is for. Spamming users in channels or DMs with server invites, advertisements, or other unwelcome behavior can result in a kick or a ban.
5. No roleplaying and no impersonation of others (either real or fictional). Joining in-character as an animal, fictional character, etc is prohibited as are roleplay-like server nicknames such as "SCP-XXXX". The password is: I will follow the rules. Setting your server nickname to that of another user or moderator is also prohibited.
6. All NSFW or harmful content is strictly prohibited. Discussions of questionable or explicit topics must be spoilered and tagged (surround your text with two sets of ||, or encase links in triangle brackets like <this>, and explain what is behind the spoilers); they are allowed with discretion unless a mod orders the conversation to be stopped or other individuals are uncomfortable. Images that contain flashing lights or potentially triggering content must also be spoilered and tagged.
7. Server Moderators and Server Admins have the final say for warnings, kicks, and bans. All stop orders must be obeyed. If any users sees an issue or situation unfolding, use the /callmod command via Mnemosyne (rather than pinging individual moderators). If you have an issue with a moderator's decision or behavior, DM a server admin directly.
Proposal Two: Discord Moderation Staff will be restructured to follow a similar structure to other Site Staff Teams:
Captain: Discord will have one Captain. Captains must be Operating Staff or higher. They are charged with recruiting for the team, resolving moderation issues and questions, taking reports against moderators, and ensuring that documentation is completed in a timely manner.
Vice Captains: Discord will have three subteams, each headed by at least one Vice Captain:
- Moderation Subteam: Headed by 2-3 Vice Captains, all members of the Discord Staff will work as moderators to ensure that the server remains safe, stable, and supported as needed during the day. Members who remain exclusively focused on this subteam are expected to act as active moderators on a more consistent basis during the course of the day than those dedicated to Documentation and Automation, although the expectation will remain that any /modcall should be responded to by any active members who see it.
- Documentation Subteam: Headed by at least one Vice Captain, this Subteam will be tasked with ensuring daily porting of any Discord Actions (bans, appeals, etc.) to O5 to ensure an up to date record of all decisions made by the group. Documentation will also be responsible for ensuring staff recruitment needs are kept up to date and applications are processed.
- Bot and Automation Subteam: Headed by Yossi, this subteam will focus on maintaining and updating the various bots and automation tools used by the server.
Staff/Moderators: General staff working to see to the daily needs of the server as well as the expectations of the subteam to which they are assigned.
Junior Staff/Moderators: OS/JS-level staff members and new recruits who have applied to join the team and are learning the structure and moderator actions, and assist subteams as assigned.
- To avoid confusion with the staff site rank, the term 'admin' will be retired for 'captain', 'vice captain', etc.
- All current staff (including the active server admins) will be audited for continued interest and availability to act on the moderation staff team, outlining expectations moving forward.
- After restructure is complete, Captain and Vice Captains will work to establish a decision tree guideline for basic moderation decisions made in the server, although with the understanding that each decision is discussed in moderation chat as situations arise and that some issues are fluid. Any warning, kick, or ban will require at least two or more moderators signing off as approving, well as a clear listing of the rules which were violated with examples as relevant. While the ban information should be conveyed to the user via Mnemosyne.aic, a secondary record on O5 will be maintained by the Documentation staff for transparency.
- While any OS is welcome to apply to join the Moderation team, they will not automatically join at the rank of Moderator; they will serve an interim as a junior moderator and then be put up for a community vote prior to becoming a full Moderator (while remaining an OS in their other wiki staff roles).
- Recruitment will be continuously rolling rather than confined to recruitment windows as in the past.
Proposal Three: In order to determine the leadership of the newly restructured team, Captain and Vice Captains will be decided by either discussion & vote between wiki admins and the current moderation team members, a Discord moderation team discussion & vote, or a Site Admin discussion & vote. Any future change in leadership would be determined by standard processes.
Note: Proposal 3 is contingent on the passing of Proposal 2. This will be a ranked choice vote. Edited to clarify that this is a one-off vote for the restructure only.
Voting procedure:
Proposal 1: Vote "Yes" to support the implementation of the proposal as written. Vote "No" oppose it.
Proposal 2: Vote "Yes" to support the implementation of the proposal as written. Vote "No" oppose it.
Proposal 3: Rank your preference for each option using the numbers 1-3 - 1 being the most preferential and 3 being the least preferential.
||~ Vote ||~ YAY ||~ NAY ||
|| Proposal #1 (Rules Rework) || || ||
|| Proposal #2 (Staff Restructure) || || ||
||~ Vote ||~ Rank ||
|| Combined Admin & Discord Staff Vote || ||
|| Discord Staff Vote || ||
|| Site Admin Vote || ||
This vote will remain open for one week. Operational Staff and above are welcome to vote on these proposals.