Fall Promotions 2023
See Promotions-Policy for how promotions are to be handled. And see the Candidate Discussions on the main-site thread and 05 thread for more information about candidates.
These are votes of confidence. If you are unfamiliar or on the fence about someone, vote NO or Abstain. Only vote yes if the candidate has your confidence and you genuinely feel that they are ready for promotion.
Please post even if you are abstaining from voting. Staff may abstain from voting on any individual votes.
This promotion vote will end in:
Operational Staff Candidates:
This is an open vote for operational staff and above.
Below is a group of suggestions regarding Junior Staff who Team Captains have nominated to be voted upwards to Operational Staff. Please read the commentary provided in order to help your judgement regarding these staff. If you feel they have displayed readiness, vote yes. If they are not ready, vote no; please explain your reasoning.
Junior Staff Member: | |
Captain/Team: | Discord ( |
Why: | Avocadomilk has been a consistently active member of the Discord team for a while (since June 2022), contributing to all aspects of the team - day to day moderation, records keeping, and contributing to policy discussions. They have previously failed a promotion due to maturity concerns and a tendency to overstep in crit moderation spaces, but have addressed these issues in recent months and showed definite improvement in both. |
Optional areas of improvement: | N/A |
Junior Staff Member: | |
Captain/Team: | MAST ( |
Why: | Cicada was originally recruited to Collaboration Pages because he was doing such a great job contributing to and cleaning up the Esoteric Class List, Comprehensive List of MTFs and K-Class Scenarios collab logs. His work is thorough, well documented, and consistently accurate. Since joining his contributions to these pages has remained at a high level of quality and quantity. He's worked with his Section Head to implement changes to some of the popular collaborative logs - such as marking K-Class Scenarios that have more than 100 uses, as well as participating productively in conversations regarding policies and procedures for Collaboration Pages. He's also been one of our most active members in assisting those in the MAST help desk, either by providing accurate information or pointing users in the correct direction. I believe that granting Cicada some more responsibility and higher level expectations will let him develop even further. |
Optional areas of improvement: | We've already talked about it, and I've already seen you improving, but try to participate more with the staff ecosystem and policy discussions outside of your bubble. |
Junior Staff Member: | |
Captain/Team: | CO - Art Committee( |
Why: | DianaBerry has been selecting works to be featured on the artist showcase for a while, as part of the Community Outreach Art Committee. Promoting her is part of an ongoing effort to expand the team and distribute responsibilities better. |
Optional areas of improvement: | N/A |
Junior Staff Member: | |
Captain/Team: | Discord ( |
Why: | Divinephobia has been a consistently active member of the moderation team since joining. They are far and away the most active member of the team when it comes to records-keeping — we would likely have failed to log a significant proportion of moderator actions without their contributions. Outside of that, they are consistently level-headed when making decisions and getting involved in policy discussions. |
Optional areas of improvement: | N/A |
Junior Staff Member: | |
Captain/Team: | Licensing ( |
Why: | Erminustay is a productive and diligent member of licensing. His typical licenseboxing work (http://scpdsandbox.wikidot.com/erminustay) has been nothing short of prolific, and his licenseboxing work with the image replacement team demonstrates great proactivity. |
Optional areas of improvement: | N/A |
Junior Staff Member: | |
Captain/Team: | Discord Crit ( |
Why: | Fly's passion for the critique spaces on the wiki is unmatched among the JS collective. Fly has taken on many roles as a JS on Discord Critique Team and helped keep things running smoothly whenever I haven't been able to be around. Fly's major skills as Discord Critique Staff include their willingness to challenge viewpoints and call out other staff when necessary for making the team's actions fair and just. Fly also has expressed goals for improving the accessibility of critique on the wiki through making critique resources more accessible to writers of all levels and keeping critique spaces safe and empathetic. As an OS, Fly will be able to expand their skills of improving accessibility and challenging dominant views across more levels of decision-making. These aspect's of fly's approach to staff would make them a fantastic OS promotion. |
Optional areas of improvement: | Fly is an extremely reflective person so, like I do with all my staff, I invited them to propose their own areas of growth: "’I've been known to bite down on things I feel strongly about and get ahead of myself, so my main challenge is taking a breather and “going with the flow” a bit more, both for myself and others. I need to safeguard not burning out and taking breaks/asking for help if needed. As for my communication: I’ve been working hard on making it more concise while filing off the rough edge that is partly my Dutch directness, and partly my personality. I am aware I still have more to go." I believe that these areas of growth go extremely well with being an OS as fly will be able to delegate responsibility more often and participate in deeper discussions that work well with fly's communication approach as fly's directness would go well with the difficult conversations OS are expected to engage in. |
Junior Staff Member: | |
Captain/Team: | CO - Art Committee( |
Why: | Lovemarginal has been a great help as part of the Community Outreach Art Committee, selecting works to be featured on the artist showcase and making sure they get posted on time at the start of each month. Promoting her would recognise this work and allow her to take on more responsibilities in future. |
Optional areas of improvement: | N/A |
Junior Staff Member: | |
Captain/Team: | IRC Crit ( |
Why: | They've been very active in policy discussions and management of IRC crit issues for a long time, and give solid feedback as a reviewer. They're very dedicated to improving the channel and helping new users. Mew is a very valuable member of the crit team and definitely should be kept as staff. |
Optional areas of improvement: | I think they could be more active in the wider staff spaces and participate more in policy outside our team. |
Junior Staff Member: | |
Captain/Team: | CO - Site News ( |
Why: | Potatoes has been single-handedly managing the Site News ever since they were added as Junior Staff. This includes writing the editorials, managing the automator, and maintaining the workbench, all in a super timely fashion. The news hasn't been out this fast in years, and it's all because of their hard work. And on top of that, they have recently begun a new writing prompt project on the News as well. Aside from their Community Outreach duties, Potatoes also frequently participates in policy discussions and helps out in #help-desk in 19cord. All in all, Potatoes has been a good addition to Staff in their brief time with us. |
Optional areas of improvement: | I would like to see Potatoes be more confident in themselves, but that will come as they grow more accustomed to the Staff structure. |
Junior Staff Member: | |
Captain/Team: | MAST ( |
Why: | Potatoes is on MAST's Tagging subteam, and in the last two months they've tagged more than 120 new pages while catching pages that have been incorrectly tagged. They're consistent, productive, and accurate. I frequently see Potatoes participating in policy discussions and helping users in the help-desk and other 19cord channels. They're a powerhouse of work and conscientious in their actions, and I believe that we will be rewarded by giving them further responsibility. |
Optional areas of improvement: | N/A |
Junior Staff Member: | |
Captain/Team: | Discord Crit ( |
Why: | Scalykitty is a fantastic member of Discord Critique Team. While their activity has wavered due to irl commitments, they have been involved long-term with many discord critique initiatives that are aiming to improve the space from a larger viewpoint. This desire to improve things at a policy or grand level is what I believe makes scalykitty a fantastic candidate for OS promotion. By giving scalykitty the opportunity to vote on policy, I believe that they will blossom and thrive into policy discussions far beyond just our team. As well, they have been active in the critique flight system which speaks to their desire for increasing engagement with the community and recognizing the role of staff as stewards of the community's needs. |
Optional areas of improvement: | As part of this process, I asked Scalykitty to propose their own areas of growth: "I'd like to work on managing burnout. i havent crit anything on discord in a while because of class, and im working on finding a way to juggle everything sustainably. id also like to get more comfortable commenting on things on O5 and staffcord" while these may be issues for engagement at a team level, scaly has often approached staffing from a more long-term viewpoint anyway so I do not believe these would limit their ability as OS. In fact, their ability to recognize when they need to decrease availability and reorient themselves to avoid burning out makes them exactly the kind of person we should want voting on policy and thinking far beyond immediate issues. Overall, I believe scalykitty is a fantastic candidate for OS promotion |
Junior Staff Member: | |
Captain/Team: | Ambassadors ( |
Why: | Tetsusquared has been a member of the ambassador team for a while now, and has been a great help to the team for communications with the Chinese and Japanese branches. Most of us are American or European, so it's useful to have someone who speaks the langage and understands the cultural context better. Tetsusquared has also helped out with maintenance of the INT Wiki, particularly replacing outdated translations with new ones. |
Optional areas of improvement: | N/A |
Administrator Candidates:
No Admin candidates have been put forward by the Administrator Team for this cycle.
Vote YES or NO. Someone who you are ambivalent to should not receive your vote of confidence for staff, thus abstain or no. If you don't know who someone is, then I invite you to educate yourself and get to know their work before voting.