Noting that it was brought to staff attention that achiver168 (account age 964 days, site membership 2 days) recently coldposted: titled "Monolith", which contains text taken/paraphrased from the tale Immemorial:
Decription: SCP-9429 is a single, unbroken, 91-by-91-by-147-meter vertical cuboid of ancient, weathered, dark basalt that leans 5 degrees to the north. it is cloaked by a weak antimemetic field, therefor making it visible only to people that have taken a minimum of Class-W mnestics as well as being able to be forgotten past other types mnestics, SCP-9429 is located .5 km east of Site-41 it is not known to have any further anomalous qualities.
The stone is a single, unbroken, 91-by-91-by-147-metre vertical cuboid of ancient, weathered, dark basalt. It sits at a very slight angle, leaning fractionally to the north. Its regular angles clearly mark it as a carved object, a human-made artifact. It rises out of the forest to the east of Site 41 and dominates, not to say obliterates, the views in that direction from the windows of the Site's main block. It is, by volume, massively bigger than the Site itself, even including its underground extents. It looms. It is absolutely unmissable. The idea that anyone could fail to notice it for any period of time is, Wheeler has to admit, more than a little unnerving.
The author in question did not acknowledge that any of the material in their coldpost was derived from existing mainsite work. Someone commented asking about it, but the author has not responded.