Noting that tbheda (account age 2 days) recently spammed multiple low-effort coldposts, all currently in deletion, three of which seem to be the same content:
- "Description: Due to its constantly changing nature of this SCP-7279, its real form is not known. It changes at random intervals. The time gap between changes is usually 3-4 hours. This SCP possesses the skill to change into any random item."
- "Description: SCP-7346 is a humanoid figure with a feminine appearance carrying a kid in her arms every time and able to predict every or any next movement of other entities. It has a hard coat of skin so you can't easily cut through it. Even if any other SCPs manage to cut through the skin of SCP-7346, it can run away from the scene."
- "Description: SCP-7165 is a box, contained in Site-19. Its dimensions are 70cm x 30cm x 20 cm. It is resistant to any form of attack. Even if it loses a piece, it grows the piece back in one day It was seemingly sent from an online marketing company."
- "Description: SCP-7165 is a box, contained in Site-19. Its dimensions are 70cm x 30cm x 20 cm. It is resistant to any form of attack. Even if it loses a piece, it grows the piece back in one day It was seemingly sent from an online marketing company."
- "Description: SCP-7165 is a box, contained in Site-19. Its dimensions are 70cm x 30cm x 20 cm. It is resistant to any form of attack. Even if it loses a piece, it grows the piece back in one day It was seemingly sent from an online marketing company."
They also spammed the Ideas Critique forum with full drafts:
As such, their membership was revoked. As of now, they have re-applied and rejoined the site.