This is a draft to formally put everything regarding Canons, as well as proposed change to the canonization process and the Canon Hub on the wiki into written words.
A canon is a defined set of elements/materials underlying involved articles, typically by sharing a setting, themes, events, etc.
A canon on the wiki has the following requisites:
- A sufficient body of work (at time of writing, a minimum of 10 works by at least 5 authors). This threshold may be changed by Staff-wide decisions.
- A tag definition on Tech Hub Tag List/Tag Manifest.
- A hub, in which:
- It lists all works related to the canon (either manually or by ListPages.)
- It contains a description of said setting, outlines how to write and contribute to it, and way to add entries to the hub, if done manually.
A series with a defined Series tag may request to become a Canon if it fulfills the abovementioned.
Once a canon is officialized, the following applies, in addition to the above:
- The canon is always open to new contribution.
- The canon's hub may not de-list or exclude articles tagged with the canon's tag (with exception of the hub itself). Canon creators may instate additional rules that dictate the hub's structure, and how/where articles can be moved or placed.
- The hub can opt not to list a collection of works if it already lists an intermediary (e.g. linking to a series hub)
- If the hub is not a collaboration page with a clear explanation of how to add works to it, it must contain a ListPages module that lists all pages tagged with the canon's tag for navigational accessibility, or have an alternate solution arranged with the Curation team.
- Canon status cannot be revoked and turned into a Series, barring exceptional circumstances.
- The hub must be parented to Canon Hub.
Canon custodians are to be the maintainer of the canon's hub, and should be considered the point of contact for queries related to the canon.
If applicable, the canon will be assigned a custodian, or multiple custodians, if such an arrangement is agreed upon among them and the Curation team. At the onset of canonization, the role defaults to the creator of the canon and its canon hub.
Creator may designate additional custodians to act alongside them, or in their absence.
If the creator is no longer a member of the Wiki, is inactive for at least a year with no response to a good faith attempt of contact, or otherwise unreachable, they will no longer be considered a canon custodian (per standard Curation procedures.) They may also willingly relinquish the role (but otherwise retain editorial rights of the hub.)
For canons without a custodian, one may submit a request to become one to the Curation team. In the case of returning canon creator, they may regain custodianship if so choose, in addition to pre-existing custodians. In such cases, creators can not remove extant custodians from their role.
Non-creator custodians can be removed from the role if they can not be contacted for custodial duties for prolonged periods of time (a year or more.); or by voluntarily resigning. Canon creators may make an appeal to the Curation team for removal of extant custodians, but the Curation team must make the final decision.
Hub editorial rights
Canon (hub) creator retains almost full autonomy of the hub. They (and any other custodians) may not violate the abovementioned requisites and restrictions, but the creator is otherwise free to modify the page.
Non-creator custodians are allowed to make minor edits as needed, and major edits to the hub within reasonable bounds and with Curation oversight (See Author Will Policy.) Canon hub creator can choose to override these edits.
Canon Hub
The Canon Hub delineates maintained and unmaintained canons - unmaintained canons are those whose hub has uncontactable or inactive creator, and no other assigned custodians. These will be moved to the Unmaintained section* at the bottom.
*Restoring unmaintained canons
If an unmaintained canon has received both new work and request for Staff to move it to the main section, it may be considered for return to regular placement — regardless of custodianship status — for a year, or until it no longer receives new works regularly, whichever comes later.
Proposed changes
- Hub visual is de-content-panelified, and made slightly more in line with modern styling
- Implemented activity markers, with parameters as follow:
- Active and very active canons are those that have at least 5 and 15 works in the last 24 months, respectively.
- Large canon are canons with at least 75 works
- Green markers are automatic, star needs to be manually added.
- Allow custom canon block styling
- Custodians may make cosmetic changes to their entry block on the Canon Hub by appending style="" to the canon-block div and adding small header image, within reason.
- No non-inline CSS may be added by custodians, by means of additional CSS module, or modifying extant CSS module(s).
- Tech reserves the right to alter or revert these changes if deemed too disruptive or in violation of CSS and Technical Content Policies.
- Custodians may make cosmetic changes to their entry block on the Canon Hub by appending style="" to the canon-block div and adding small header image, within reason.
The mockup displays separate section for unmaintained canon, as defined above1 (Current list of unmaintained canons is for demonstration purpose only - will be re-assessed.)
Easy-to-parse opinion poll:
||~ Change ||~ Yes ||~ No ||
|| Hub visual overhaul? || X || X ||
|| Implement canon activity markers? || X || X ||
|| Active=5, Very active=15 per 24 months? || X || X ||
|| Large=75? || X || X ||
|| Allow custom canon block styling? || X || X ||
- Current definition of active, very active, and large — Is it usable?
- Define situations in which canon status can, if ever, be revoked.
- Should definition and delineation of unmaintained canons be stricter? Looser?
The discussion will last for 7 days, after which the policy section will be put up for vote, and the hub overhaul will be implemented unless serious concerns are raised. In the event of negative or split opinions on a proposed items, it will not be implemented.
Mainsite Mirror: